S.E. Ohio Ramble - anybody gonna organize one?

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I may also be interested in this ride. I'd need to stay overnight, for sure. Would love to ride some new territory. I'll be keeping eyes open on this one.


Are you welcoming people from out of country on this ride? :huh: (Huron 52 being the exception.....of course)
Only beer drinking, hockey loving Canadians, eh?

Er...shoot that would include Huron. And Bug R. Can't keep the riff-raff out, can we? :D

I believe some one is trying to pick on me :p

ahhhh thanks for thinking about me.... that's so sweet ;)

Are you welcoming people from out of country on this ride? :huh: (Huron 52 being the exception.....of course)

You just ever know where I might show up...

A bad penny comes to mind :blush:

You guys take it easy on Tom. :D As you can see his feelings are hurt :)

I say if the border guards let him in...who are we to argue? :lol:

(snip)Geeezer/Wheaton-I'll have to insist you guys stay at my place if this comes to fruition. No need to shell out dough for a motel. Just bring beer and your toothbrush!
Thank you for the offer. I may take you up on that.

If only they knew :derisive: ....right Tom :lol: ..... :blink: .....
No worries, several of us have met Tom. Us 'mercins done be kraazy, too! :guitar:

BugR is who you really want to worry about. Well at least if you bet money to race him! Or outdrink him!

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Too late yamaholic....BugR & I rode from WFO in Reno this past summer through a bunch of National parks to San Francisco had dinner & kept rolling (we were both 2 up)....no problems here....maybe it's a Canadian thing :lol: ....

I've been on one of these rides, about two years ago, and it is a lot of no frills, great riding. If this years (2007) event is in May or later, count me in. Next April is busy for me and March is too early. I think I can bring another rider too. I'll be looking forward to it.

I know yamaholic is done organizing & leading the Ramble through S.E. Ohio. Anybody else gonna organize one for the spring? I would come if organized and the weather worked out...

...Please? :blink:
Havn't mangaed an FJR owners ride yet, sounds fun...

If it's still snowing up in frostbie Falls Ohio, I

ll throw the bike onn a tralier and drag it kicking and screaming down for the ride...

Hmm... ok, that means new tires and a new battery and a bunch of farkling to do before then...

first thing...How do I take all the dang plastic off.... I know, RTFM..... right.....


[bugR is who you really want to worry about. Well at least if you bet money to race him! Or outdrink him!
Hey I could resent\resemble that last remark

All in good fun, my friend! But seriously, I had a real good time with you guys (Wheaton, Huron, BugR, Geezer, Geezerette, Zorkler, Powerman, Mike from Long Island, Luv2ride, Julie, geez who else am I forgetting at this late hour??) down in West By God. My tires are just now cooling off.

Let's do that again, shall we?

So who is going to step up to the plate and organize something for Ohio, or preferably West Virginia?

Plan it and they will come. Another thought is a ride in Ontario. Heck it's practically the next "state" away for several of us.

Hey Renegade or Tstaff or ??,

Are you guys up for setting up a S.E. Ohio Ramble? I'm checking my trip plans for this year and would love a spring ride in this area?

Oy, I offered to help out and have been watching the thread but to the best of my knowledge, I'm not in charge of anything :)


Hey Renegade or Tstaff or ??,
Are you guys up for setting up a S.E. Ohio Ramble? I'm checking my trip plans for this year and would love a spring ride in this area?

Pick a weekend you would like to visit & we can start making plans.

I've got some plans the last couple of weekends in April, other than that I'm wide open.

I'm in NE Ohio & my SE Ohio rides are normally a 350/450 mile loop returning home the same day.

Let me know what you have in mind?


Pick a weekend you would like to visit & we can start making plans.I've got some plans the last couple of weekends in April, other than that I'm wide open.

I'm in NE Ohio & my SE Ohio rides are normally a 350/450 mile loop returning home the same day.

Let me know what you have in mind?

Well, it seems like there is interest from Wheaton, IL to Ontario to Virginia, so I think that some (like me) would be spending a day to get here, staying overnight, doing an all-day Ramble, staying overnight, then travelling home.

I presume that 250 to 350 miles for a Ramble has occurred in the past and may be appropriate here...but that is really up to whoever organizes it.

I would just let people know of a meetup place and starting time, let them know of nearby hotels so they can make their own arrangements and have some lunch stop in mind...

I can't organize it or lead it...but I sure have had fun in SE Ohio so this is definitely on my list for the year.

I'm not sure if SE Ohio has a typical rainy season - but drier is better than wetter. I will be going to Smitty's MO ride in early May, so mid April or later in May is better for me...But whoever organizes this should be familiar enough with the weather to make that decision.

Hope it happens! :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping:

Still watching this thread. Hoping to be able to make it out to ride with you guys. It'd be great to see a part of the world I haven't seen on my bike.


If nobody has stepped up by mid-February or beginning of March...

I am just going to plan on doing a trip out to SE OH on the weekend of April 20, 21, 22. I'm not leading any rides or organizing anything...I'm just gonna be there to ride. Not sure where "there" will be in SE OH - but somewhere. I just love that area and will find some place to stay while riding some GREAT roads...
