S.E. Ohio Ramble - anybody gonna organize one?

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Jun 14, 2005
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I know yamaholic is done organizing & leading the Ramble through S.E. Ohio. Anybody else gonna organize one for the spring? I would come if organized and the weather worked out...

...Please? :blink:

I know yamaholic is done organizing & leading the Ramble through S.E. Ohio. Anybody else gonna organize one for the spring? I would come if organized and the weather worked out...

...Please? :blink:
Sounds like it could be fun. I don't have time to organize it, but I'd like to ride in it if it gets set up. ;)

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I know yamaholic is done organizing & leading the Ramble through S.E. Ohio. Anybody else gonna organize one for the spring? I would come if organized and the weather worked out...
...Please? :blink:
Hrm... I might be oh, convinced to co-organize such a thing with someone... What are we looking for zactly and when?

Like a long weekend with some roads stretching into WV too and maybe even KY? Boohyeah.

Obviously you can make it what you want, but in past years Saturday was Ramble day, For me Friday was ride from Wheaton day & Sunday was ride back home day.

Since yamaholic is from Columbus area, the Sat. morning meeting place was at a gas station off the interstate east of Columbus near Buckeye Lake. We would head south & east of there usually. Come on, some of you other OH riders from past rambles help me out...

Obviously, you can meet where you want and go where you want...however SE Ohio was definitely great...

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Some place to stay overnight would be necessary for me. It would be nice if we could get a group rate at a hotel to use as home base.

Some place to stay overnight would be necessary for me. It would be nice if we could get a group rate at a hotel to use as home base.
That's always nice(however, I use room-splitting when I can to cut down on hotel costs). However, the deal with the Ohio Rambles has always been simple, everybody gets their own room, nothing fancy, just alot of good riding...

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I don't have much time to organize but would be willing to help out with ride planning, lets go. :D


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These are only suggestions and I don't know where I got them... but here are a couple of maps with routes on them.



Those look like all good roads to me ;)

We talking late March early April? Soon as the snow melts? :D How warm do yall want it to be?

I'm on the left side of the state, and would be fine with an over-nighter... Head out after work on Friday, crash somewhere, get breakfast, ride, hook-up for dinner, lie a lot, sleep, repeat, then head home and prolly blow off half a monday or something.


Those look like all good roads to me ;)
We talking late March early April? Soon as the snow melts? :D How warm do yall want it to be?

I'm on the left side of the state, and would be fine with an over-nighter... Head out after work on Friday, crash somewhere, get breakfast, ride, hook-up for dinner, lie a lot, sleep, repeat, then head home and prolly blow off half a monday or something.

I'm not from that area so I don't know what the early spring rains do to the roads with regard to gravel & sand. I seem to recall that mid-April for temperature based on past years spring Rambles. Around Chicago area, if you plan for anything earlier, you might be riding on a frosty day. It's up to you guys though. I'm just an out-of-towner...

Hopefully get to the spring ride this year........ didn't make either ride last year. :(

Later April will be alittle better for weather and road debris no doubt.


I'll come if someone organizes it as well. I will go to WV, SE OH, KY...does not matter.

To plan something like this...use the below as a guide. Remember these types of riders there is no lodge, t-shirts, door prizes, etc...so it's a bit more straightforward than a regional event.

-Set date and time of the ride

-Set Meeting place that is easy to find and close to gas for those unfamiliar with the area.

-Get suggestions on pace, type of roads, how long the ride should be, good places to eat.

These should done several months in advance.

-Plan route, maybe two of them.

-Spread the word on other boards.

-Print out route sheets for riders.

-Answer PM's and emails about the ride, motels in the area , pace, who's coming, etc.

-Confirm pace, headcount, meeting place, time of the ride, end point. Be clear as to how many miles, what the pace will be, etc.

-Don't be afraid to deny a rider. For example "My friend has a '68 Roadking chopper with drag tires and an Turbo Busa engine...can he come too?" Also don't be afraid to welcome other bikes as people have friends that may want to come. If it's FJR only, you will discourage some from coming altogether.

-Show up, go over ride rules (probably redundant and obvious with FJR types...nearly every one I've met knows how to ride in a group). Tell people where gas will be and appx where you will stop. Share cell phone #'s.

-Lead the ride and try not to make people crash due to a fast pace. This is harder than you think.

Geeezer/Wheaton-I'll have to insist you guys stay at my place if this comes to fruition. No need to shell out dough for a motel. Just bring beer and your toothbrush!

Are you welcoming people from out of country on this ride? :huh: (Huron 52 being the exception.....of course)

Are you welcoming people from out of country on this ride? :huh: (Huron 52 being the exception.....of course)
Only beer drinking, hockey loving Canadians, eh?

Er...shoot that would include Huron. And Bug R. Can't keep the riff-raff out, can we? :D
