Sad Day Today

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Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Santa Barbara, Ca
Today I took my new FJR to get its 600mile service. All was going well and then, ......the service writer came to me and said we've got trouble.......My thoughts started racing, heart started to pound thinking what in the hell is he going to say and......... WE DROPPED YOUR BIKE...Thinking quick, I asked if he was joking is this April Fools day...He said no, do you want to take a look at it. NO SHIT I want to see it, I thought to myself. As we walked to the service area he said that the tech tripped over a hose and it fell on its right side. Exactly 2 weeks I owned this bike and complete dismay.

The owner was there and talking to the service writer and did not even come to me and say anything...That is the most disconcerting thing of the whole thing. I quite honestly don't want the bike anymore, call me a cry baby or what ever, but now due to dealership negligence, I have a brand spankin new bike that has been dropped. If I were to try and sell it, what's the first question anyone asks,...has it been down.....Now I can't say no.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Couple other things happened to really make me wonder if YAMAHA is a quality company. Have been bleeding blue ever since I had my M1 endorsement, maybe its time to go red. Will wait and see how this shakes out, but it doesn't give me the warm fuzzies right now.

Sounds like you were looking for an out anyway? If they replace everything that got scratched then you still have a brand new bike.


Uhm.... you're kidding right?

If the dealer is going to make right on the repairs, then I'll be first to call you a crybaby. Give the bike to me, as you need to be riding a pretty dolled up strip cruising chrome laden monstrosity.

*deep breath*

I mean...

Have the dealer replace the damaged parts with new. Check everything over very carefully. It will be OK, you don't need to get rid of the bike.

What are these couple other things? Maybe you should be changing dealers, as each dealer is independently owned an operated.

That sucks. But they'll replace every part that has as much as a minor scratch and you won't know the difference afterwards. Yamaha has nothing to do with it, dealers are all independently owned AFAIK. Time to find a new one (after this one makes it right). Also wouldn't hurt to drop Yamaha HQ a note about this.

I feel for you. You did not say, but I assume that dealer is going to pay to repair it to like new condition. I can tell you, it is not a matter of IF the bike will get dropped, it is a matter of WHEN. At least this way, it should get fixed free.

After 44 yrs ridin' I'm still hoping to ride a bike that's never been dropped while I owned it. Seems I've dropped or thrown down every bike I've had . . . .

Uhm.... you're kidding right?
If the dealer is going to make right on the repairs, then I'll be first to call you a crybaby. Give the bike to me, as you need to be riding a pretty dolled up strip cruising chrome laden monstrosity.

*deep breath*

I mean...

Have the dealer replace the damaged parts with new. Check everything over very carefully. It will be OK, you don't need to get rid of the bike.

What are these couple other things? Maybe you should be changing dealers, as each dealer is independently owned an operated.

After 44 yrs ridin' I'm still hoping to ride a bike that's never been dropped while I owned it. Seems I've dropped or thrown down every bike I've had . . . .
EXACTLY!!** And every time I drop one of my bikes at a stand still due to gravel underfoot or some other dumb ass move of my own, I tell myself that it's a small karmic balancing price to pay for not doing get offs while moving. (Won't type out year of last get off, though -- due to superstition.)

** and it's 43 years for me -- I think I've dropped everything I've ever owned, most more than once.

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sounds like a pretty honest dealer to me-the local guy I use to deal with would not say anything and when I caught it he would want to debate whether it was like that when I brought it in. That type of drop is an easy (although costly) repair with no lasting damage to bike.

You're wondering if Yamaha is a "quality company" because a guy trips and your bike does the sidestroke for a few minutes?

You've lost all confidence because of this... and call it dealer negligence?

gosh, I sure hope you can put all this horribleness behind you.

I don't know. I think I can absolutely appreciate how sprtdiver is feelin. Brand new bike, the gleam in your eye, the "newness", the stigma of your new FJR.... then POW! Smashed in the nose with the fryin pan by a person you paid to work on your bike. That really flippin sucks.

On the other side..... What can you reasonably expect the dealer to do. Their insurance company is not going to spring for another 13k bike when it will cost em' on the south side of a G note to fix (most likely). If your bike is fixed properly then you have no worries.... BUUUTTT... your still gonna have the sour taste in your mouth on your new mount for the duration of ownership. Coulda happened on a Honda too. My worst dealer experience ever came from a Suzuki shop. Does not mean Suzuki sucks... just means that dealer sucked.

I'm sorry this happened to ya. Best of luck.

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Did you buy it to ride it, or to sell it? Personally, I got mine to put as many miles as possible, and I could care less what the resale value is.


i to feel your pain,it would be differant if you dropped it. keep us informed on what the dealer does,he should fix it and comp you the 600 mile service at the least for your troubles.i got 501 on mine,maybe i shouldnt ride it......yea right,sliders,power commander and new windshield going to the dealer when it gets serviced.

1) Looking for a way out. NO, I love that thing, each and every ride I like, no love it more and if I was looking for a freebie I wouldn't have left until it was done.

2) Dolled up chrome laden monstrosity, no, had one and dont want another. I like the less is more.

3) The other couple of things, when I was talking about the "soft brakes" to him, and I was asking about it here too, the writer, gave a perplexed look and the mechanic said something to the effect of " the salesman didn't tell you about it" I said what?!?!? and asked if he could explain and quickly walked away. When everyone here said get that beast to the dealer, I did, didn't even ride until today to take it to the shop. I know the owner and thats the reason I buy from him, have bought from him and sent business to him. Wouldn't even acknowledge me. Secondly, as they were walking away, they were mocking what had happened and laughing about it, doesn't quite seem right. If it were me that dropped it my ass would be puckered for months.

4) FJRobert, there's a difference between YOU dropping it and THEM dropping it, especially if they were negligent with a garden hose out in the middle of the yard and don't move it to safely move around.

5) exskibum, you said it best, it wasn't a dumbass move of my own, if that happened, it would have been titled as such and I know the saying ....not if but when you drop it.

Changing dealers, the next stand alone Yamaha dealer that I would take it to that doesn't have snot nosed kids turning wrenches is close to 70 miles away. Not a big deal until you ask someone to follow you out there and take you back twice.

Finally, the dealer has the bike and the reason, I don't have warm fuzzies is because they made NO mention of fixing it. Wasn't clear on that earlier.

Not looking for sympathy or condolences by any means, just sharing an experience when I was going to spend the next couple of days in the mountains riding the pig tails. More depressed than anything.

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Seems to me like much hand wringing and hair splitting for a group of men. Why does it matter who dropped it or how or why if it gets fixed???? Isn't this really only about perspective at this point?

Don't know about anyone else, but I've finally accepted that I can't change the past. And complaining doesn't ever seem to do me much good (even if I still do it). But it happened -- the bike got dropped. You can feel anyway you want about it, but it's YOUR decision about how shitty you want to feel and you're free to decide on any reasons to justify that decision. Or you can choose to see it another way. That was my simple point. I won't argue against your position that it's more bitch worthy because the shop dropped yours than when *I* drop mine. Fact is that if you think so, then it is so; that makes you right.

I'm sorry your bike was dropped and damaged. If you choose to feel worse about the dealership having done it than you, again: your choice. Another perspective might be that at least this way IT'S GONNA GET FIXED. And if you'd done it, the fixin' would be on your dime. NOW -- if they won't fix it (something a dealer would surely regret attempting with me), then it's another story. If they are insensitive to having damaged a customer's bike -- also fucked up, but there are a$$holes in the world, and if the manager or owner won't deal with that attitude, I'd walk with my business.

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I can appreciate how you feel.

So, tell you what? I'll do you a favor. I'll take the bike off your hands for $2,000 with a clear title. After all, it's been dropped - even if I can't tell, because the scratched parts have been replaced.

OK, so it's been down. It was a drop - very different from being accidented.

There are two classes of heavy sport-touring bikes. Those that have been down and those that will be down. Better that the dealer did it so you will get a new mirror and other bits at his expense.

It was an honest mistake and at least the dealer didn't try to deny he did it (which he could have) and you could have done nothing - no way to prove it. I'd continue to use this dealer if his service is a straight-up as his honesty.

Unless, of course you'll accept my $2K offer.

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O.K. you sound like a "glass half-empty" kind of guy. Like I have a tendency to be.

How bout you try this "glass half-full" exercise.

Look at the bright side of things.

1) It'll be fixed back to NEW condition.

2)'ll probably get the 600mi service done for FREE.

3) and...from now on they'll probably treat you and the bike pretty special.

Accidents happen. It doesn't necessarily mean they are incompetent or careless.

I hope it works out well without any great frustration.

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