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Nah, you will lose confidence in that shop anyway and will more than likely not go back there. I would tell them to take it back and just give you a REFUND.... Then you go to D&H and get one and a nice ride home- Or you get them to give you comps on service etc if you like the place besides the little accident. Besides you will no doubt drop it at some point.... maybe go for the valve adjustment service time for free..... or get the yes warranty....

since it fell on the right side and not the left side it really should be okay.....

I can tell you, it is not a matter of IF the bike will get dropped, it is a matter of WHEN.

Am I the only one who sees somthing wrong with this statement?? :blink: I've been riding for a little over 30 years now and have never, ever dropped a bike! My last bike was an intruder 1400 VS, I had it for 15 years and guess what, I sold it when I bought the Fej and the lucky SOB that got it bought himself a 1992 intruder that had never been dropped. If the dealer dropped my fej Id being really upset too. On the other hand, a long as it was fixxed I wouldnt see it as the end of the world. I guess when you have the attitude that its just a matter of WHEN, then its easier to accept it if it happens. For me, Id be pretty upset.

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A tip over at standstill is not the same as a crash. You're not going to bend the frame. You're not going to twist the forks. You're not going to affect the structural integrity of the bike. The damages are, most likely, just cosmetic. Let them fix it and forget about it. It sucks, I know, but, at the end of the day, it's a consumable. You didn't buy it to put it on a pedestal and admire. When it's fixed, only you and the dealer will know. When you go to sell it, if the buyer asks if it was ever down, tell him 'i'm the original owner and i never dropped it'.
I hate to say this, but I firmly believe that every time that FJR hits the ground, even from a standstill, the front subframe gets tweaked, even if only slightly.

Unless something is obviously wrong, they most likely won't replace this. Check stuff out very carefully after they say it's repaired.
I don't disagree. Maybe it's just symmantics, but, I don't consider the front subframe as part of the structural integrity of the bike. It's not going to cause uneven tire wear, affect the handling, or cause your newborn children to be born with an arm growing out of their forehead. It is essentially a series of brackets for mounting bodywork, guages, and everything else in the front/upper part of the bike. If it's tweaked, wouldn't there be alignment issues somewhere?

Perhaps hearing a list of the (noticeable) damaged items will help ascertain what may have been damaged, but, not overly obvious.
Jeezus god. It fell over. It won't be the last time. Get over it.
Who get over what?
Whoever is gonna complain about all the quotes. To come.
Oh goody! MORE quotes!

Be thankful the dealer was honest enough to tell you they dropped your brand new FJR. They could have been a little bit shady and just tried to buff out any scratches and failing that replace the scuffed parts. Next time you detailed the bike, you might have found some tiny amount of damage and been kicking yourself trying to figure out how it happened. At least now you know.

As for my own experience, I bought my Bandit 4 years ago with less then 6K on the clock. I had already dropped it at a coming to a stop at a traffic light trying to avoid a riding buddy on his brand new Triumph Sprint that turned right in front of me. One day at work, I went to go to lunch, I jumped on the bike and immediately noticed the front brake lever and associated controls were tweaked. I thought I might have a loose screw in that housing so I just rotated it back into position. Fired up the bike and started out of the parking lot. Before I got too far in the lot, I gently applied the brakes and found out pretty quick I had NO FRONT BRAKES! I got stopped, shut it down and got off for a quick inspection. Thats when I found that apparently someone had knocked my bike off the center stand and a sign post in the parking lot had jammed between the fairing and the front brake master cylinder. This had the effect of snapping the front brake line at the banjo fitting on the master cylinder. The numb nuts that did the dastardly deed had the balls to put the bike back up on the center stand and drive off. I called the local LEO's and reported it as a hit and run. The cop that showed up asked me if I saw who did it. I told the cop if I had, he'd have me in cuffs in the back seat. Luckily for me, the only damage done in that incident was the broken brake line. The fairing on that side had already been damaged in the eariler drop. I replaced the brake line with a braided stainless steel one and I eventually replaced the fairing tupperware on that side. I still have the battle scar on the engine cover on the right side and a 1/4 inch scratch in the tach housing. I also now have engine case guards. If I could find frame sliders, I'd get them too.

I believe they do make frame sliders for the FJR, that might be something you want to invest in.


Well I wouldn't call if Dropped. I mean maybe Tipped. You live in Cali so your lucky the guy didn't hurt himself and sue the hell out of you. I mean what the hell are you thinking taking your bike someplace where someone can get hurt! They would fix it or I wouldn't have left with it.

As for not if but when? I have never been in a accident while driving/riding any vehicle. Don't plan on it. I ahve been close a few times but if your really paying attention then you can avoid it.

Hey, look at it this way. My wife wasn't a virgin when I met her....
I just had to say that I like Virgins and Wives!

In college I worked part time at an Olds dealership. Kid detailing a brand new one left it in gear (or it "slipped out of park") and it ran across the lot and smashed into another brand new Oldsmobile. Owner's asshat son-in-law called that poor kid "Crash" for weeks. Did that until he himself was pulling another brand new one out of the showroom and scraped the full length of the side along the doorframe. Oh, how we laughed at him. Don't worry. Any making fun of somebody that was going on was at the expense of the poor boob who dropped your bike, not you. And unlike Rondo up above there, you'll drop it again, and there won't be anybody else around to eat the cost. This is just a little preview. Don't sweat it.

I can tell you, it is not a matter of IF the bike will get dropped, it is a matter of WHEN.

Am I the only one who sees somthing wrong with this statement??

I have owned a metric buttload of bikes over the years. Well actually only a few dozen, but I just like using that phrase. I have dropped one (not counting dirt bikes). It was one of the old style Concours and it was only because the PO had lowered the suspension for his vertically challenged legs, so the side stand was precariously too-long. I parked the bike along the shoulder of the road, stepped off and watched as it toppled to the right. I actually was able to grab it and let it down easy to minimize the carnage.

I am sure that I will someday set another one down. Maybe not so gracefully. But the point is, you don't have to drop all of your bikes. I presently have 3 undropped bikes in my garage and the '05 FJR is the newest of the 3.

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I am sure that I will someday set another one down. Maybe not so gracefully. But the point is, you don't have to drop all of your bikes. I presently have 3 undropped bikes in my garage and the '05 FJR is the newest of the 3.
Even you and your buttfull of bikes acknowledges that eventually you may get tagged again, because even a gentle laydown is a laydown.

I said it on the first page; there are 2 classes of heavy bikes (I meant bike owners); Those that Have been down and those that Will be down.

My offer of $2K for the seriously damaged machine stands . . .

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I am sure that I will someday set another one down. Maybe not so gracefully. But the point is, you don't have to drop all of your bikes. I presently have 3 undropped bikes in my garage and the '05 FJR is the newest of the 3.
Even you and your buttfull of bikes acknowledges that eventually you may get tagged again, because even a gentle laydown is a laydown.

I said it on the first page; there are 2 classes of heavy bikes (I meant bike owners); Those that Have been down and those that Will be down.
I agree. My point was that you don't have to drop every one of your bikes to feel good. Just drop one or two of them and get along with your life... ;)

PS - It's metric butt load... Butt full sounds painful. :huh:

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It sucks because it's a new bike. Call me a pessimist but it ain't the only time it'll be on its side.

I dropped my Nighthawk several times (back when I was a noob).

Dropped my FJ1200 once, and boy was that a bitch to get back upright.

Never dropped my Virago, mainly because I hated that bike and never rode it.

I dropped my Harley about 2 weeks after I got it, and boy oh boy was I pissed at myself, but at least I got it overwith early. 9 years later I haven't dropped it again, but have come close a few times.

Haven't dropped the FJR. Yet.

Care to take a guess who got to foot the bill for that little lapse in judgement?
You did, of course. :blink:

I've dropped every bike I ever owned, except for the FJR. My wife (not a virgin either) did that for me, a week after I bought it. No point in getting angry with her, she beat herself up over it.

$350 to fix .. but eh .. can't see the scratches under the dirt anyway, and when it's clean, it's wintertime, and under a tarp, in the back of the garage.

Oh well. Normal wear and tear.

Maybe it has to do with size or strength or coordination or something?

Are you bike droppers little fellas? Do you trip over the crack in the sidewalk alot?

I have never dropped my FJR (or my Blackbird, either, but dropped the old 1100F two or three times). But my riding buddy dropped my Feej. We swapped bikes; he attempted to pull out of a parking space with steering to the locks, wasn't used to the clutch take-up, killed the engine and...down she went...slowly, softly, but enough for the front left signal and stalk (remember these on the '03s?) to crack the fairing about one inch, chip the left bag and chipped and scraped the stator cover. He was just incredibly bummed and and morose for about two or three hours. We had several days of the tour to go so I finally said, "Look, if I can't stand the risk of someone else dropping my bike, I shouldn't have offered to swap, so from that perspective, it's my fault. The damage is only minor and only cosmetic. It can be fixed, no big deal. Now do you want to go through the rest of the trip moping and feeling rotten and have a lousy time? Or do you want to get over it, get on with it and have a great time? The choice is yours." He perked right up and we had several more great days out on the highways of the SW U.S. (but we never swapped again!).

As it turned out, the FJR was later stolen and cosmetically trashed. I had it completely restored at insurance company expense.

It's like a having a little ding in your bumper: wait until the whole thing is caved in (deer) before you replace it (and hopefully let the insurance company pay), or replace it when you go to sell it, provided it will add enough value. In the meantime, use it and chalk it up to "wear and tear." Any PERFECT bike has never left the garage. Mine is full of little nicks and scratches and cosmetic flaws (six years old, 46,000 miles). Big deal. It gets used hard and often and it shows, even though it is well taken care of.

Big Sky

And with that, hopefully this thread will finally die a natural death . . . . . what a bunch of babies!!! Sheesh.

OK, I'll cave . . $2500 and not a penny more. The damned thing's been dropped, for god's sake.

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