I like some tunes when I get stuck on slab... plus I can check in with my sweetie on slab or at gas stops without bothering to take off my helmet. If I'm in a slow group then tunes are also nice....only reason I have it.and here... haven't done bike to bike on it yet though.Sena here...
Then why no EOM here? Because it's too technical??? Really?Cumberland Falls, KY is 200 miles WEST of Marietta, give or take. So "East" is relative...
Hey, it's east of the Sierra foothills. It must be east.I thought that reasoning for not having an EOM here is because it isn't in the east. Look @ the area that you're reading from Steve... Midwest.
I wouldn't say that...but you might have a hard time getting the larger facilities you need for an EOM. Plus, these Rambles are smaller get togethers...just like I like 'em.Then why no EOM here? Because it's too technical??? Really?Cumberland Falls, KY is 200 miles WEST of Marietta, give or take. So "East" is relative...
Hey, it's east of the Sierra foothills. It must be east.I thought that reasoning for not having an EOM here is because it isn't in the east. Look @ the area that you're reading from Steve... Midwest.
I'm ready... Thanks Mark. Bob was warning me about just this same thing. Figuring I'll be doing a good slow down & look when hill cresting if there are no hints as to which way road is going (ie... gap in trees, power poles, etc)You will likely have atleast one or two turns at the top of a rise...so be ready.
That is just the thing too. Most of them have no reference points at all. And the ones that do have trees or power lines, well, don't trust them either. I remeber one that went sharp left after the crest, but there was a farm road straight ahead. If you over shot the turn at all you were in gravel. Woo hoo!I'm ready... Thanks Mark. Bob was warning me about just this same thing. Figuring I'll be doing a good slow down & look when hill cresting if there are no hints as to which way road is going (ie... gap in trees, power poles, etc)You will likely have atleast one or two turns at the top of a rise...so be ready.
Traffic is not usually an issue in SE Ohio, although 555 can have parades of cruisers that make it tough to pass sometimes. But for the most part, most a the roads we'll be on will have no traffic at all.Watched the Hwy 555 Video. Glad I'm bringin' the shortest wheelbase I've got! Still might not be enough.I'm use to hitting predictable sweepers at speed. We have nothing as tight and unpredictable down here. Can't say that I've experienced a road like that in Ark. GA. etc, etc. And not the best of pavement in places. N. C. might have some curves to match but as stated, the elevation changes can really mess you up. Come in too hot on a quick descent and ......uh-aw! Hope traffic is at a minimum. That's always an X-factor.
I'll throw this out there for a future EOM discussion (but I like it where it is for now)...... Perhaps should investigate Burr Oak State Park in Ohio. I've been on a couple of riding events held there, and it might work with a little forethought and planning. Lots of camping and cabins, each with one double, two singles and a couch, kitchenette, A/C, and relatively cheap @ $90/night. Central Lodge has a better than average restaurant facilities to host weddings, etc., and some motel type rental units attached for more money than cabins. No internet unless you pay at the Lodge. I forget if there was cell service. Anyway, a central headquarters somewhere in a block of cabins might work...... however, for "non-banquet" meals, we'd have to cook our own or go elsewhere, if the restaurant turned out to be too much........ enjoyed my times there albeit the group was 30-40 bikes, organizer's family did most of the cooking and baking (not advocating that much work for anybody). Anyway, something to chew on, maybe a different park (Lake Hope was cabins and camping only, no services).EOM can potentially be anywhere an organizer wants. File this for discussion in November, when someone needs to be finding a location.
SE Ohio has many pluses; We know two solid rides (or areas) for routing on the east and west side of I-77 in Ohio. To the south / southeast is WV, which could support a ride or two, maybe. Marietta might not be the place to plant the flag pole - maybe slide south some but keep these Marietta based rides within range. Venue / hotel is always a challenge.
The Ramble is definitely a different animal from EOM. 12 bikes vs 100+; although the ramble is picking up steam, for sure this year. But it needs to stay with Mark's definition as a 'show up and ride' meet. No shirts, no organized dinners, etc. Just riding and relaxing...
About 15 miles North of Athens,about 7 miles from Ringgold, the intersection of 555 and 78.Burr Oak is a nice place, in a great area...right on Rt 78 (great high speed sweepers), just a little south of Athens.
Ooops...I meant a little northBurr Oak is a nice place, in a great area...right on Rt 78 (great high speed sweepers), just a littlesouthof Athens.
Can't be...this is Ohio where the roads are straight, flat, and BORING.Do I hear the next EOM whipping post person rearing their head?
good catch...lots of other good roads to ride in that area.News Flash - SR-26 Closed North of Wilson, Oh due to land slide.
Just happened - good thing Marty was checking things out and caught it on the map files. This is good scoop for anyone venturing out in that area.
good catch...lots of other good roads to ride in that area.Just happened - good thing Marty was checking things out and caught it on the map files. This is good scoop for anyone venturing out in that area.
Can't be...this is Ohio where the roads are straight, flat, and BORING.Do I hear the next EOM whipping post person rearing their head?