SE Ohio / W Virginia RAMBLE 4/30-5/03 '15

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Bob, didn't get to take Lisa over Howards Lick, huh? Too bad... that's a good one. BTW... did you see any cows this year?

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Got home ~ 6:30 last night, slabbing it home in record time....had a great time riding. Thanks to Wheatie and Oface for doing a great job leading the flock. 2660 miles for the trip.
Damn Petey...what time did you leave the hotel?
Ha, left the hotel 4:00am central time......14.5 hrs to get home.

Thank you KJ and anybody else that helped put this thing together.

4 days of riding, eating, sleeping, repeating, with a little socializing thrown in.

Good stuff.

I was out in SEO on Saturday, rode 800, 26, 260, 800, 255. Saw a few Harleys but no FJRs, everyone must of went south for hot dogs.
A few of us rode SEO on Friday...rode WV on Saturday. Had great fun on both days.

My tire plugging kit worked again! I love how that happens...takes a plugging, keeps on trucking!

Left the hotel at 8:30am with wnyfjr (Mike), Madmudder (Tim) and Huey Lewis (Charlie) and got across the border and home about 9:30pm. 2,720 km or 1,690 miles over 4 awesome days. A bit of GPS confusion made the day home a bit longer than anticipated but what a great day and weekend it was! Thanks again KJ for all the work you did to get this shindig together and showing me some great roads. Next time we'll get the parking lot skill competition started pre happy hour! Great to see everyone again.

Left the hotel at 8:30am with wnyfjr (Mike), Madmudder (Tim) and Huey Lewis (Charlie) and got across the border and home about 9:30pm. 2,720 km or 1,690 miles over 4 awesome days. A bit of GPS confusion made the day home a bit longer than anticipated but what a great day and weekend it was! Thanks again KJ for all the work you did to get this shindig together and showing me some great roads. Next time we'll get the parking lot skill competition started pre happy hour! Great to see everyone again.
Oh-oh, you guys had GPS Corn-fusion? Wondering what route you made for your home-back?

and, Is Huey Lewis (Hip 2B Square!) on the Forum now?
hope he's faster at this than his FJR!... getting over-taken by a Harley! ewwww!~

...I may make a community thread for everyone's event images. I'll give 'em a day or so to digest the home-life (aka; Daily Grind).

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Left the hotel at 8:30am with wnyfjr (Mike), Madmudder (Tim) and Huey Lewis (Charlie) and got across the border and home about 9:30pm. 2,720 km or 1,690 miles over 4 awesome days. A bit of GPS confusion made the day home a bit longer than anticipated but what a great day and weekend it was! Thanks again KJ for all the work you did to get this shindig together and showing me some great roads. Next time we'll get the parking lot skill competition started pre happy hour! Great to see everyone again.
Oh-oh, you guys had GPS Corn-fusion? Wondering what route you made for your home-back?

and, Is Huey Lewis (Hip 2B Square!) on the Forum now?
hope he's faster at this than his FJR!... getting over-taken by a Harley! ewwww!~

...I may make a community thread for everyone's event images. I'll give 'em a day or so to digest the home-life (aka; Daily Grind).
In Huey's defence he told me he liked the sound of loud pipes over ours, so he decided to ride behind the Harley. When I asked him why he just gave me a strange look, I don't think he could hear me over the ringing in his ears :)

Bob, didn't get to take Lisa over Howards Lick, huh? Too bad... that's a good one. BTW... did you see any cows this year?
Her tire was worse than yours was coming back from that camping trip. Besides, it was getting later in the afternoon and she had much further to go than I. Howard's Lick isn't, exactly, a speedy run.

Got home at about 7:30 after 1,400 miles of pure fun. Slept until noon the next day.

Getting old sure sucks, but being retirement is the best.

Thanks to KJ for all of his hard work. And a special thank you to Denny for leading us around the ; flattest, straightest, and most boring roads of SEO. I can honestly say that it was 400 miles of the best roads, weather, and friends, that I have ever experienced.

The new PR4GT's were great.

Best story:

We are riding about a 10 mile stretch of road that is loaded with tar snakes. Ray pulls over and says " I think that my front tire is going flat". I said it's just the tar snakes. Off we go. About a minute later he pulls over again and says " I really think that my front tire is going flat. The front end is wobbling all over the place." It's the tar snakes, we'll be out of them in a minute. Off we go, again. About a minute later he pulls over again and says " Maybe I picked up a stone on my front tire." "Ray, Get your fat ass on the bike, we will out of the snakes in no time." Ray gets on the bike, off we go. About a half an hour later we stop for gas. I ask Ray "How's the front tire." Ray says " It's fine, I must have thrown the stone out."

The moral of the story; You can lead Ray to water, but you can't make him think.

See everybody at EOM. I think that I'll go take a nap.

Got home at about 7:30 after 1,400 miles of pure fun. Slept until noon the next day.
Getting old sure sucks, but being retirement is the best.

Thanks to KJ for all of his hard work. And a special thank you to Denny for leading us around the ; flattest, straightest, and most boring roads of SEO. I can honestly say that it was 400 miles of the best roads, weather, and friends, that I have ever experienced.

The new PR4GT's were great.

Best story:

We are riding about a 10 mile stretch of road that is loaded with tar snakes. Ray pulls over and says " I think that my front tire is going flat". I said it's just the tar snakes. Off we go. About a minute later he pulls over again and says " I really think that my front tire is going flat. The front end is wobbling all over the place." It's the tar snakes, we'll be out of them in a minute. Off we go, again. About a minute later he pulls over again and says " Maybe I picked up a stone on my front tire." "Ray, Get your fat ass on the bike, we will out of the snakes in no time." Ray gets on the bike, off we go. About a half an hour later we stop for gas. I ask Ray "How's the front tire." Ray says " It's fine, I must have thrown the stone out."

The moral of the story; You can lead Ray to water, but you can't make him think.

See everybody at EOM. I think that I'll go take a nap.
You two make rocks look smart.


Stopped at the first Timmy's I saw (Gonawanda just south of Buffalo) for a coffee break. About another three hours to home including a stop at the Duty Free for more Forty Creek.

After leaving Mineral Wells Saturday evening I made it home in 15 minutes. Almost 50 miles total for the weekend.

It was good to put some faces with the screen names.

Next year try to set a date earlier for those of us who have to bid for vacation days.

After leaving Mineral Wells Saturday evening I made it home in 15 minutes. Almost 50 miles total for the weekend.It was good to put some faces with the screen names.

Next year try to set a date earlier for those of us who have to bid for vacation days.
You can usually count on the first or second week of May. It was nice to meet you on Saturday.

Trevor and I headed up 26N on Sunday morning and had a great ride home. Special thanks to KJ for all his hard work organizing this year's Ramble. We'll see you in Wellsboro. Trevor and I had a blast. Thanks to Joe for leading us on a great ride down on Friday. Denny lead us on another great ride on Saturday. Thanks again Denny. Also our riding buddies: Ray, Dave, and Ray. Trevor enjoyed talking to Bill (yamafitter) about videos and Isle of Man. See you all soon.

I think that was probably my seventh or eighth Ramble and one of the most fun.Thanks KJ...good call on the Mineral Wells Microtel,it gave us a chance to hit some of the good stuff in extreme southern Ohio that has been out of reach in past rambles.Of course,the perfect weather didn't hurt either.

Also a big thanks to Dave,Jeff and Trevor for helping me find my key Saturday morning...that could have put an end to all of the fun before it ever started!


Rolled out of the hotel at 6am on the dot and in the homestead at 6:30pm that included stopping for breakfast after the first tank was gone and lunch on the Canadian side. It was 47F and dewey when I left, got up to about 82F at one point. Crossed the border and the temp dropped instantly on the other side of the lake. It started raining just north of Toronto and got progressively harder, and colder (down to about 50F) for about 100 miles. Then warmed up a bunch and the rain stopped. Only to get rained on one more time coming into Sudbury.

Who cares. Had a blast riding and seeing everybody again. When do we do it again?

Rolled out of the hotel at 6am on the dot and in the homestead at 6:30pm that included stopping for breakfast after the first tank was gone and lunch on the Canadian side. It was 47F and dewey when I left, got up to about 82F at one point. Crossed the border and the temp dropped instantly on the other side of the lake. It started raining just north of Toronto and got progressively harder, and colder (down to about 50F) for about 100 miles. Then warmed up a bunch and the rain stopped. Only to get rained on one more time coming into Sudbury.

Who cares. Had a blast riding and seeing everybody again. When do we do it again?
Your weather really sucks! Glad to have met you and eat a cheap dinner with you Friday night, even if Bob did not pick up our check. Hopefully we will see you before next year's ramble!
