Seriously Injured fellow FJR'er

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Thanks for the update.

Encouraging- any progress is great progress as long as the word progress follows.

Will continue to pray for Dennis and Family.

Thanks for the update Scout and Roamer. Sounds like Dennis is making steady progress, this is great news!


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I like many have reading the forum posts daily, and am now finally able to express my feelings.......

To all of you who have showered the forum post with your prayers, helpful thoughts and utmost sincerest sympathies, THANK YOU! Just being able to see how friends, families, and strangers can pull for one person is reassuring that there is still good people in the world.

I just wanted to give my heartfelt thanks to Roamer & Scout. My family & I thank you! There are no words that I can find to express my gratitude towards the two of you for helping my father, a fellow rider in need. For myself, this has been very hard to swallow. I can’t even imagine how hard this has been on the two of you. Please remember what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.

There is that saying, “Wrong place at the wrong time.” In all actuality, you were in the right place at the right time when he needed you the most. Things always happen for a reason, but it is what you take & learn from it when the lesson is truly achieved. Life is too short, live it to its fullest!

My father used to tell me, “If you are going to do something do it right, don’t do it half a$$ed.” Boy did he take his own advise on this one, there isn’t anything half a$$ed about this situation.

To know Dennis, is to love him. From his warm personality, his great sense of humor, and always giving a helping hand when needed. I have prided myself on trying to be more like my father, my hero.

Again, thanks to the two of you for being there. Each day that I see him, and see the improvements are a blessing. That day the two of you were his guardian angels. Remember, no good deed goes unnoticed.


Dennis’ eldest daughter

Diana Creighton

Dianna, thank you for touching base with us with your heartfelt comments.

It is our privilege to pray and root for Dennis during this difficult time.

It is our joy to see the miracle bestowed on Dennis as he improves more and more.

May God Bless You and Dennis in a mighty way,

Mike in Nawlins'

:yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo:

Dianna, thank you for touching base with us with your heartfelt comments.
It is our privilege to pray and root for Dennis during this difficult time.

It is our joy to see the miracle bestowed on Dennis as he improves more and more.

May God Bless You and Dennis in a mighty way,

Mike in Nawlins'

:yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo:

Again, thanks to the two of you for being there. Each day that I see him, and see the improvements are a blessing. That day the two of you were his guardian angels. Remember, no good deed goes unnoticed.

Dennis’ eldest daughter

Diana Creighton

Diana, thank you so much for your kind words. I know how you love your dad and how difficult it has been for you to see him injured like this. I’ve struggled to know how to respond to your post because (and I think I speak for Roamer as well) we sure don’t think of ourselves as heroes. We just went back to look for a fellow rider who dropped off our radar and that’s something I know every rider on this forum would do.

The real heroes were the Park Rangers and emergency crews plus the trained medical folks who stopped and helped get Dennis to Harborview as quickly as possible. In the case of a brain injury, the first few hours are critical and doctors can do much to stop further damage if the patient gets to advanced treatment quickly. So I’m glad the folks at the scene acted quickly to get Dennis airlifted to Harborview.

I stopped by to see Dennis on Wednesday and he was sitting in a wheelchair and the two of us talked for a while. I’m not sure how much progress he’s been able to make with walking and so forth, but it sure is good to sit and talk with him. Again, everyone please continue to remember Dennis in your prayers as his recovery has a long way to go.


Thanks for keeping us posted, what is the address and rm# to send cards, also let us know when Dennis is up for visitors.


Scout and Roamer: Heroes are ordinary people that do what is right, no matter what, in extraordinary circumstances. That applies the most when people don't consider it anything out of the ordinary. They tell themselves "I would do it for any rider." The truth is you would probably do it for anyone in need.

Scout and Roamer,

You not only did what you would do for any rider, you have continued to support the family during this time. Considering you had not met Dennis previously, it shows you both possess immense character and big hearts.


Your dad is a special person who has touched many lives in such a positive way. I think of him daily and send wishes for strength for your entire family during Dennis' recovery.

To members of the FJR forum,

I continue to be awed by your community and the support you offer each other. Dennis made a good choice when he joined and hooked up with fellow FJR riders.

I will continue to lurk and check the forum daily. Waiting for the day when Dennis can read all these posts.


I just thought I would let those of you keeping tabs on Dennis know a current update. The hubby & I went and saw him Thursday morning. He was quite alert, we joked around, and watched a little TV.

Then the therapist came for Dennis' PT (Physical Therapy) session. She told me that on Wednesday they had made wonderful gains in therapy. He was tracking people with his eyes and was able to get himself out of the wheelchair with the use of the parellel bars. She got Dad to sit himself up on his bed and then move himself into the wheelchair. She had asked if we (hubby & I) wanted to go with them to his PT session in their gym room. Sure, yeah, you betcha!

It was funny, on our long walk downstairs to the rehab gym room, the kind PT asked if she could ask a question. Anyone who knows Dennis, knows this to be true. She asked, "Is Dennis sarcastic, kind of a joker, you know a funny guy." I laughed & almost tripped. My reply, "You know him so well", and she smiled. Then she said, "Ok, that's where you got it."

There happened to be a handful of staff down there standing in the hallway. It was funny, pretty much most of them knew him. As we were headed down the hall everyone passing would say, "Hi Dennis", he would say "Hello" back. It was great to see him interacting.

So we finally entered the rehab room. They got him to get up out of the wheelchair using the bars, he then tried to walk, shuffling his feet a bit. But the bars seemed to be in his way. So for the first time they took him into the hallway. One PT holding his right hand, one PT walking along the left side (with the broken wrist), then my husband behind Dad with the wheelchair (in case he needed to sit down). They had me stand about 10 ft. in front of him & then they asked me call to him. He was able to walk towards me by himself at a decent pace (one step after another). IT WAS GREAT!!!!!!

Everyone standing in the hallway was so supportive & congratulative towards Dad that it put a big smile on his face.

I truly couldn't believe he was progressing so fast. I should have know with the will & determination that man has. I too am the same way, wonder where I got it?

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: Go Dad go!

Diana Creighton

Dennis' daughter

I just thought I would let those of you keeping tabs on Dennis know a current update. The hubby & I went and saw him Thursday morning. He was quite alert, we joked around, and watched a little TV.
Then the therapist came for Dennis' PT (Physical Therapy) session. She told me that on Wednesday they had made wonderful gains in therapy. He was tracking people with his eyes and was able to get himself out of the wheelchair with the use of the parellel bars. She got Dad to sit himself up on his bed and then move himself into the wheelchair. She had asked if we (hubby & I) wanted to go with them to his PT session in their gym room. Sure, yeah, you betcha!

It was funny, on our long walk downstairs to the rehab gym room, the kind PT asked if she could ask a question. Anyone who knows Dennis, knows this to be true. She asked, "Is Dennis sarcastic, kind of a joker, you know a funny guy." I laughed & almost tripped. My reply, "You know him so well", and she smiled. Then she said, "Ok, that's where you got it."

There happened to be a handful of staff down there standing in the hallway. It was funny, pretty much most of them knew him. As we were headed down the hall everyone passing would say, "Hi Dennis", he would say "Hello" back. It was great to see him interacting.

So we finally entered the rehab room. They got him to get up out of the wheelchair using the bars, he then tried to walk, shuffling his feet a bit. But the bars seemed to be in his way. So for the first time they took him into the hallway. One PT holding his right hand, one PT walking along the left side (with the broken wrist), then my husband behind Dad with the wheelchair (in case he needed to sit down). They had me stand about 10 ft. in front of him & then they asked me call to him. He was able to walk towards me by himself at a decent pace (one step after another). IT WAS GREAT!!!!!!

Everyone standing in the hallway was so supportive & congratulative towards Dad that it put a big smile on his face.

I truly couldn't believe he was progressing so fast. I should have know with the will & determination that man has. I too am the same way, wonder where I got it?

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: Go Dad go!

Diana Creighton

Dennis' daughter
That's really cool. You got to watch him take his first steps again! :clapping: :clapping: Go Dennis! :yahoo: :yahoo:

Wow, again, warmed my heart and made my day to hear of Dennis's progress, strength, determination, and spirit

Prayers continued, and I'm forced to offer many, many thanks for lotsa prayers being answered, well, like we hoped they would be answered

yep, no doubt about it:


:yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo:


Outstanding news! :yahoo:

The Road is Long; but apparantly very willing to be traveled.....Keep The Strong Will Going - Dennis.

Thanks for the update Diana, awesome progress and news. Please tell Dennis we're all thinking about him and can't wait to see him when the time is right.


Thanks for the update Diana. Rehab is a pain, but these moments give such wonderful new hope. You must have felt on top of the world watching Dennis walk. More prayers for further progress sent. :clapping:
