Seriously Injured fellow FJR'er

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I did not discover this thread until this morning. I have not been on the forum much lately. I was first saddened by the report of Dennis' get off and the early prognosis. Then as I read on I saw a fantastic spirit demonstrated by the family, roamer and scout and everyone on this forum. After reading all 12 pages of entries and getting to Diane's posted update yesterday tears came to my eyes as I read about Dennis' efforts at walking and his progress in general. I do not cry easily but I was definitely touched.

I will put Dennis, his family and scout and roamer in my prayers. Prayers do work as has been demonstrated here. What a community it is here.

Here's hoping that Dennis is continuing to make progress in his recovery. :D

Here's wishing for some sort of update. :huh:

Go Dennis!


...wasn't able to post this 'till just now.
A serious accident occurred yesterday on our return home fro the Mt. St. Helens gathering. Dan (Scout) Dennis (DABayliner) and myself, met in Black Diamond for bkfst. and rode down as a threesome. I'll cross post this on gen. discussion board to the FJR family at large - "Rider Down, Prayers Requested". We chose to wait until Dennis' wife was notified and granted permission. She said Dennis would do the same for another and would like it. None of us are significant posters but have years of riding experience, on and off road. We rode in a 'civil" manner and kept things reasonable: no peg scraping, no elimination of chicken strips, no hard charging, brake mashing throttle yanking thru the corners....

On our return, we chose to run up to Chinook Pass and take some pictures. Dennis was riding 3rd (last bike) and we were a little ahead of him. Very shortly, Dan noticed Dennis wasn't in his mirrors and we slowed for a brief moment, turned around and couldn't find Dennis. ????? I went to the bottom of climb to see if Dennis had turned around for whatever reason. On a turn around and slow sweep back up through the last 180* l.h. corner, Dan noticed Dennis' bike, barely visible down at the bottom., over the edge. I came back up from below to see Dan waving his arms. It wasn't good!! in a nutshell; bike off over edge (no guard rail), 2 foot sand shoulder. Went airborne 15' +/_ and struck a stout sub alpine fir maybe 8 feet up or so. Bike was at base of tree to one side, Dennis on his back at other side and the bizzarre and disturbing; helmet another 20' beyond, buckle still attached (he was wearing at the time), flip front helmet. What could have ripped, yanked, forced it off his head??? We only knew that he was still alive.

Over an hour later, he was extracted up out of the ravine, and shuttled down to Cayuse Pass where he was helicoptered to Harborview. 24 hours later, he is still not lucid but is alive, breathing and can wiggle toes. Dan would be better qualified to give a med. report as he was able to get into Harborview this afternoon and see the family. Harborview (Seattle) is, by the way, a world reknowned critical care ctr. He can be in no better place!!!!!

Dan and I have replayed this over and over and over and spent time at the site trying to figure things out and give reports to responding NPS Officers. Nobody witnessed it.., nobody, period! No skid marks (ABS model '05) just a slight arcing curve off the edge of roadway. We don't know if some downhill traffic was over the ctr. line or if he was hugging it and veered right, or just a momentary lapse of attn.. We just don't know so please dignify Dennis and his family by not trying to offer your analysis or make unknowing or assumptive comments. One thing we did conclude, the pace was not 'hot shoeing' it.

All prayers, thoughts and expressions of consideration will go to Dennis' wife, kids and extended family and we're hoping Dennis himself will soon be able to chime back in and share with us.

I'm still a bit dazed, upset, concerned and trying to sort things out. This should not have happened!!!

If anything sounds out of line or whatever.., it's still too fresh in my mind. Please understand it as such,

thanks, Fjroamer
We'll offer up prayer, very sorry to hear.

Update :yahoo:

Dad is doing great! Speech is much improved, still at a loss for the exact word/wording sometimes. He continues to excel in PT and walking. He is drinking & feeding himself, besides able to brush his teeth (the simple, yet necessary things in life). He has his good days & bad days. But who wouldn't after TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). He still has a long road ahead of him, but with his family & friends, besides this FJR community by his side...... he will thrive & continue to do so.

Again thanks for the prayers & well wishes! :bike:

Roamer here, (back from some roaming on east coast)

Stopped in to see Dennis this morning and he was out in the hall in his wheelchair, teasingly assaulting all the staff and nurses with his witty barbs as they passed by. He's attentive to all who pass by and chats with anyone who will stop long enough to let him do so. I also had the pleasure of seeing his mother in law and had an enjoyable chat..., what a wonderful lady she is!

Diana's report pretty much udates all and I guess next week Dennis will move on tha a P.T. facility in Puyallup. I last saw him two weeks ago and he was pretty tired, somewhat conversive and still attached to a feeding tube. He's now off the tube, very alert and "sassy" but then responds courteously to his antics if you raise your eyebrows or say "Hey! that's not nice..." in a teasing manner. He's a good hearted and sensitive character. Coherence in conversation is slowly increasing and he's the first one to extend his hand in friendship whether coming or going. I underatand that he's even capable of reading a little bit at this point..., Wow..., what a difference from six weeks ago!!! There is still memory loss issues but his health is good and he's progressing along daily.

As Diana stated, there's still a long way to go but every little bit of one's support through prayer and encouragement has helped the process along for all involved. There has really been a keen sense of brother-sisterhood developed here and is a heart warming thing. Because of his shuffling around, I am not in a position to suggest visitations. Perhaps Diana and/or Leslie can speak to that issue. Any interaction is really just friendly small talk at this time so be patient!

Let the prayers, encouragement and forum support continue on strongly,


Diana and Roamer - Thanks for the updates! I really appreciate your taking time to update the forum.

It tickles me that Dennis' sassiness and sarcasm (along with basic good nature) seemed to be unscathed by TBI.

Continued wishes for a rapid recovery.


...just received an e.mail from Dan (Scout) and he heard from Leslie (Dennis' wife).

"Dennis is doing good and continues to improve. It will be a long improvement process. He is coming home on Wednesday and will continue rehab on an outpatient basis. He is not going back to the nursing home.

He is still confused but it is getting better."

That's great news to know that he is at a point of functioning where he can be at home now!! Continued prayers can 'enhance' the healing process.

Dan and I will try to arrange to see Dennis in the not too distant future and give you a more thorough update...

Roamer & Scout

Awesome news, thanks for the update Roamer and Scout! Being well enough and able to go home to familiar surroundings has got to be an improvement over a facility anytime. Lets all pray that Dennis continues to make those steps toward a complete and full recovery.


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Going home is a very significant milestone for you, your family and your friends Dennis. You all must be very encouraged by this progress. We’re out here pulling for you to continue on, knowing full well that if your year to date progress is any example, you’ll be back soon. We’ll see you at the top.

Keep Going! The best is yet to come…. :clapping:

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


Tomorrow the 12th marks the 2 month milestone of the accident. For the past few days he has been packing his bags everyday in anticipation of going home. My last visit with him (Monday night) was the best yet! He was in a great mood. He had a lot of stories to tell. We weren't sure who or what they were about, but that is just a moot point. The fact that he can tell stories is a miracle in itself. Way to go!

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Tomorrow the 12th marks the 2 month milestone of the accident. For the past few days he has been packing his bags everyday in anticipation of going home. My last visit with him (Monday night) was the best yet! He was in a great mood. He had a lot of stories to tell. We weren't sure who or what they were about, but that is just a moot point. The fact that he can tell stories is a miracle in itself. Way to go!

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
heartwarming that's all I can say!!!

keep up the good work Dennis. One day you'll be back on scooter... :clapping:

Recovery will speed up in your own 4 walls...home sweet home is always the best environment
