Seriously Injured fellow FJR'er

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Awesome news, thanks for the update Roamer and Scout! Being well enough and able to go home to familiar surroundings has got to be an improvement over a facility anytime. Lets all pray that Dennis continues to make those steps toward a complete and full recovery.


Happy Thanksgiving Dennis..., and to all your family

...and may this extend well beyond the Holidays!!!

Still prayin' for you, friend...



I've been away for a while, for some reason my computer at home wont alow me access, must be a cookie issue. Seldom can I access this site at work either, so therefore it's been a while since I've been on the board. Time is short, and I cant stay long, but I wanted to say I'm touched at Dennis' recovery and all the good thoughts and prayers..........his situation hits very close to home for close for comfort.

Hang in there Dennis!! :yahoo:



Hi everyone - this is Leslie, Dennis's wife. Dennis wanted me to thank everyone for the kind words and encouragement. Dennis is recovering very nicely. Physically his only issue is his broken wrist and he gets therapy 5 days a week so he can get full use back. He still has a ways to go on his brain injury but that is getting better all the time too. He talks about his FJR and hopes he can ride again some day soon. Its been a long road but Dennis has come a very long way and we know he will get there. He helped me log in to the forum and helped me post a new message. We really appreciate the support of everyone in the forum. Take care.

Hi everyone - this is Leslie, Dennis's wife. Dennis wanted me to thank everyone for the kind words and encouragement. Dennis is recovering very nicely. Physically his only issue is his broken wrist and he gets therapy 5 days a week so he can get full use back. He still has a ways to go on his brain injury but that is getting better all the time too. He talks about his FJR and hopes he can ride again some day soon. Its been a long road but Dennis has come a very long way and we know he will get there. He helped me log in to the forum and helped me post a new message. We really appreciate the support of everyone in the forum. Take care.
This will be a very good Christmas present for all us! And Dennis, you rock dude! Keep after it, 'cause sometimes to to get to the getting you got to get to the gettin'..

Jes sayin'..

Congrats you two!

Keep up the good work, and keep us posted?

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Quite Awesome indeed....Continued prayer for full recovery.....all must be coming into alignment when one starts speaking of the bike.....TGBTG!

Keep Going Dennis! Very good news.... The best IS yet to come. We're out here pulling for all of you. :drinks:

Awesome news!!

Wishing you and your family a fabulous holiday season and a continued fantastic recovery.
