Seriously Injured fellow FJR'er

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I for one, check this thread for updates, because I want to bare witness to God's miracle healing through prayers of strangers and kinsmen.

Through this much can be learned and appreciated, and less taken for granted.

We shall continue to pray for the encouragement of the family and the healing of our fellow rider/man.

I am encouraged by the participation and the updates and the belief through prayer.

Keep em going, The Maker has much work to show us yet.

I had the intense joy of seeing Leslie standing off to his side and firmly saying "Dennis!" He immediately turned his head sideways towards her with eyes wide open. She then said "squeeze my hand" which he did and she had to tell him "not so hard!" and he released a bit.
Awesome news. That one paragraph says so much to me, as a nurse. Most patients can squeeze a hand when they feel another hand in theirs, much as an infant does. To be able to release on command is a higher level brain function. You go Dennis!!!!!!

I shall keep the prayers coming from my end.


Thank you Roamer and Melanie for the updates. I was so pleased to read about the chuckle - He's Back!
I have been following this topic (many times daily) since the beginning, as have a couple hundred of Dennis' other friends and co-workers.

Roamer and Scout - thank God you were with him. My heart goes out to both of you as you recover from this ordeal.

To Dennis, Leslie, and family - we will be here when you need us.

this news and progress warms my heart and made my day :clapping:

woooooooo hoooooooooooo :yahoo:


I for one, check this thread for updates, because I want to bare witness to God's miracle healing through prayers of strangers and kinsmen. Through this much can be learned and appreciated, and less taken for granted.

We shall continue to pray for the encouragement of the family and the healing of our fellow rider/man.

I am encouraged by the participation and the updates and the belief through prayer.

Keep em going, The Maker has much work to show us yet.
+101...well said

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Last night's late news from Dennis' sister Barb and her husband Ken:

Read from the forum and was nice to see encouragment for us all, to share with Dennis and family. Went to see him today and (brother) Dave showed up at same time. The nurse said Dennis had been sitting out in hall for a while. ... B.

From me:

It's not clear if Dennis got out into the hallway under his own power and sat in a chair by himself, or if he had help... Roamer, Scout, do you know anything more about this? Still, I'm glad to hear he is ready and able to get out of bed! :clapping:

Hugs to all who are pulling and praying for him! :fans:


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It's not clear if Dennis got out into the hallway under his own power and sat in a chair by himself, or if he had help... Roamer, Scout, do you know anything more about this?Still, I'm glad to hear he is ready and able to get out of bed! :clapping:

Hugs to all who are pulling and praying for him! :fans:


Hi Melanie,

I stopped by yesterday afternoon but Dennis was out of the room. The nurse at reception said she thought he was having some pictures taken, so I missed him. It sure is encouraging to read the posts on his steady improvement! Keep going Dennis! We're all praying for you!!!

It's not clear if Dennis got out into the hallway under his own power and sat in a chair by himself, or if he had help... Roamer, Scout, do you know anything more about this?Still, I'm glad to hear he is ready and able to get out of bed! :clapping:

Hugs to all who are pulling and praying for him! :fans:


Hi Melanie,

I stopped by yesterday afternoon but Dennis was out of the room. The nurse at reception said she thought he was having some pictures taken, so I missed him. It sure is encouraging to read the posts on his steady improvement! Keep going Dennis! We're all praying for you!!!
GUNNY...more good news...GO DENNIS GO

Thanks again for keeping Dennis in your prayers! :)

Surely Dennis is alive and on the mend due to the power of combined prayers and good wishes that everyone has offered up on his behalf!

Many grateful thanks to all, :wub:


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Hi Melanie, I stopped by yesterday afternoon.
Surely Dennis is alive and on the mend due to the power of combined prayers and good wishes that everyone has offered up on his behalf!

Many grateful thanks to all, :wub:

I'm reminded of the God of 11:59 when the shirt is gonna hit the fan at midnight

also the saying, about the Easter story, "it seems like Friday night...but Sunday is on the WAY...

in His time, in His time

GO DENNIS GO :yahoo:

let's ride SAFE and be CAREFUL out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

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I'm so pleased he is starting the recovery process! Rehab. soon, then the really hard work. Don't let anyone tell you there are limits to the recovery for at least a year. The brain is an amazing organ that can repair itself in little-understood ways; but it is slow and rehab. is needed. Nobody really knows what the long-term consequences to any particular person's brain trauma are. As a psychiatric NP I have seen some amazing things happen with the right supports and treatments. Never give up hope. Like Jill (Penguin), I am hearing gems in the rough in your postings. More prayers and good thoughts sent to all involved.

Thanks, ShinyPartsUp. I have every confidence that Dennis will continue to heal. Prayers are being answered!

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I will see Leslie and Dennis this afternoon. I have the utmost respect for her tough decisions, consideratness to Dan and myself for allowing us to visit and share with this forum, and her love for Dennis. This is the kind of situation you would not wish on anyone, but Dennis could not have a more supportive, devoted person by his side.

May all the support, encouragment and prayers continue on into the wee hours. We really want Dennis back amongst us but we have to be patient in these times, calm in our unknowingness, and reserved in our speculations. God IS at work, just don't ask me how :thumbsup:

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