Setting the Record Straight about Deflate-gate

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Fooled me too 'Zilla, I took the bait as well :(

As to Tom Brady, I've never liked the Smarmy little prick.

Fooled me too 'Zilla, I took the bait as well

As to Tom Brady, I've never liked the Smarmy little prick.
bigjohnsd, I agree with you 100% on Tom Brady! What rattles me are the Patriots Fans, they are some way Radical Dudes! JSNS, Risqué!

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Just got a cool Private Message from a Fellow FJR Forum Member, Wicked Beauty and True!
"Here come these ***** with 10 or 12 paragraphs of Masshole rationalization and outrage.

Brady is a liar and a cheat, but he'll still get his ******* from these Punks if he shows hard.

Oh yeah... that's cool, and excellent alright. Fans of the Patriots, or any backers of Tom Brady are "*****", and "Punks", right? What would be the best category for the kind of person who calls other people names behind their backs over sports teams? Coward comes to mind. At least BeemerDonS has the fortitude to air his opinions (and bad photoshop skills) publicly, for better or worse. But don't listen to me... I'm just another ****.

I'm not rationalizing anything here, but that phone is not / was not "evidence". Nobody at the league was going to get that phone under any circumstances, so how was it "evidence" in any proceeding? Even as this goes to court, the only thing being challenged is the way the league proceeded in the investigation and subsequent punishment under the auspices of the CBA. The phone would not be subpoenaed, nor would any new witnesses testify. The court challenge will proceed entirely on what transpired in the investigation and punishment by the league, and whether that was within the CBA and traditional union "shop law" standards.

No Patriotrs fan anywhere can be delusional enough to think that Brady's name will ever be cleared of being a "cheater", whether he wins the court case or not. Fans of other teams have decided that the reason their team has been beaten by the patriots is because of cheating and they will never let go of that. How exactly would one prove their innocence anyway (if that were the case)? Proving a negative is impossible. Innocence is merely an absence of proof of guilt.

I'm not going to go into all the inconsistencies of the entire debacle, of how the league mishandled the entire affair from even before the AFCCC game, right up to the last misstep of Goodell pretending to hear Brady's appeal of his own punishment decision, because, quite frankly, people have already made up their narrow minds and will never be swayed by anything that anyone says now. Brady was indelibly labeled as a cheater from the moment the league leaked the (totally false) information that "11 of the 12 Patriots footballs were 2 psi low and the Colts balls were fine".

Did it look good for him that he destroyed his old phone? Absolutely not. Does it prove that he was guilty of something? That would be another absolute no. Does it suggest that he may have had something to hide? Yeah it definitely does. And that is why it was a boneheaded mistake to get rid of the old phone regardless of what was on it. Nobody was ever going to see what was on it.

By the way, although the Patriots play in Massachusetts, they have fans all across the five other states of New England and into Upstate New York, Albany area. So saying they are "Massholes" is technically incorrect. But I'm sure that won't stop you from hating us all equally.

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I really didn't think this thread would last this long. Which goes to show how passionate we can be about sports in general.

First, I'll say that Tom is a true HOF quarterback. Even with Deflategate, his high level of talent is painfully obvious, and not just to NE fans, but to all fans of the game. The reason, I feel, for all the discussion about this because TB is a future HOF'er. If this was any of the many average QB's, this would have fallen to the 3rd page in a week. But because TB is, without a doubt, the face of the Patriots, the media and the fans of the other 31 teams, have a interest in tearing him down. The fans of the other teams, want to see greatness, just not on any team that isn't theirs. Media knows if they promote this ad nausem, it will bring in viewers who relish watching another's team star being brought down, and bring them more revenue. Perspective wise, Ray Rice hasn't got near this amount of attention, and what he did was unthinkable.

I'm a Bucs fan, and we have our share of great players, whom are passionately loved by the fans. Selmon, Brooks, Alstott, and Lynch come to mind. If any of these were to be going through what TB is, we would defend them to the end, not because innocence or guilt, but because we loved how they played and worked to bring us, the fans, the wins. Sapp, on the other hand, we would have enjoyed watching his downfall, as we all know he was a dirty player, and was not loved by the fans as one would think.

Personally, I think Tom knew all about the deflated footballs. However, I also think most, if not all, of the other QB's were doing it also. Tom is a great QB, and any other team fans would dance in the streets if they got him in a trade.

Let's face it, it's in our nature to want "our" team to win, and all the others to lose...when playing our team. Anything that helps with that, we're all for. Especially if it happens to their star.

In the end.....this is much ado about nothing.

Our national productivity drops 0.5% every time someone brings up this subject on the FJRForum, ESPN, or sports radio. Such an incredible amount of effort spent in accusing or defending the Patriots!

I'm going to ride for 90 minutes. Buh-bye!

Our national productivity drops 0.5% every time someone brings up this subject on the FJRForum, ESPN, or sports radio. Such an incredible amount of effort spent in accusing or defending the Patriots!
I'm going to ride for 90 minutes. Buh-bye!
Exactly. I should kick my own ass for even wasting time taking part in this. I don't even watch football. The only game I watched all last year was the Super Bowl, and that's the first one I've watched in probably 10 years.

There's way better **** going on than professional sports

Partial quote from LKLD:

Let's face it, it's in our nature to want "our" team to win, and all the others to lose...when playing our team. Anything that helps with that, we're all for. Especially if it happens to their star.
Anything. And everything else is forgiven. It's not just football--all sports, politics. We'll forgive anything, as long as they represent "our" side. I don't want the thread to go off the political rails, so staying with sports, think of OJ Simpson, for example, along with an endless string of wife-beaters, gamblers, cheaters of every kind, cheating on the contests, spouses, lying to the public, everything. America is always so ready to forgive, as long as the offender is on "our" side. And maybe the "offender" didn't really offend anyway. We'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

So. Me? I don't care at all about any of the dogs in this fight, but it is depressing to see so many truly awful people loved, lionized, and forgiven, based only on the results of . . . games. And so many important issues can't even get any kind of sustained attention from the media or the public. Kind of sad.

As Zilla said " There's way better **** going on than professional sports"

Yesterday was "National Orgasm Day" I hope you all participated at least twice.

In the end.....this is much ado about nothing.
You can say that again...

1 million dollars team fine , a 1st and 4th round draft pick, suspension of the team's starting QB for an entire 1/4 of the playing season. All of the above penalties assessed on the team, which was deemed to have had no involvement in the scandal by the Wells report. Why?

The monetary value of the suspension to Brady is a cool $1.882 million. Sure, that's not devastating to him (and Giselle), but any one of us would be set for life on it.

That's much ado all right.

With all of the far more serious problems that players and teams have been involved with in the past, this is far and away the largest fines and biggest penalties ever imposed by any NFL commissioner in history. It's hard to see how this warrants the kind of reaction it has received.

"Pay no attenuation to the man behind the curtain..."

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The best part is.. my Patriot-fan friends still maintain his innocence. Basically, Tom can do no wrong. It's all drama slash humor that I think is quite entertaining. The "very heated" discussion that went on for over an hour about this in Billings MT (MOA Rally) was priceless to say the least.

I'll keep this all as entertainment, and, drink my spirits in cheer to all the one's who get so churned up about this. It's entertainment (maybe in a weird kinda way?), but, I actually get a kick out of all the fans and their devoted support... and some will even go into a fist fight over stupid **** like this.

Bring on the season and SKOL VIKINGS!

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The best part is.. my Patriot-fan friends still maintain his innocence. Basically, Tom can do no wrong. It's all drama slash humor that I think is quite entertaining. The "very heated" discussion that went on for over an hour about this in Billings MT (MOA Rally) was priceless to say the least.

I'll keep this all as entertainment, and, drink my spirits in cheer to all the one's who get so churned up about this. It's entertainment (maybe in a weird kinda way?), but, I actually get a kick out of all the fans and their devoted support... and some will even go into a fist fight over stupid **** like this.

Bring on the season and SKOL VIKINGS!

Joe 'Big Sky' Montana, my Mom's fav player evah!

Personally, I wouldn't kick either one of them outta my stable~! Me as a Vikings fan have had horrible luck at the QB spot, well, ever since Fran the man anyways.
