SFO 09 Announcement

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I'm SO in

(tucks his baby jesus statue in closer so it doesn't get stolen)

BTW, for those of you that haven't been to Eureka Springs before it is an awesome town and a great place to go relax. Everyone is courteous and nice unlike some of the other places I have been. There is also some excellent roads up that way, I have been riding around N AR for a couple of years and love it up there.


Rats! I have to wait until April before I wil know whether I can get away from that four letter word... WORK! Our bargained for employees may be going out on strike April 1 (no foolin) and us poor salaried folks are lined up to work 12 hour shifts seven days a week if they do.

Rats! I have to wait until April before I wil know whether I can get away from that four letter word... WORK! Our bargained for employees may be going out on strike April 1 (no foolin) and us poor salaried folks are lined up to work 12 hour shifts seven days a week if they do.
That's cool Ed, we'll keep in touch about it. As long as we get you signed up before the hotel needs the head count on food, we're good. I hope you can make it!

I am registered...

Making the 1200 mile ride with 2 other Floridians (plus a couple others that have not confirmed yet)... looking forward to our 1st SFO.


i hope i can make it but right now it looks like a no go for me :(

looks like all my time between now and the end of june is going to be filled with work. welcome to the 7 day work week

Just registered up. Will be coming out of Lexington, KY. :jerry:

Don, I'm going to bring you some real Kentucky Rye whisky. I don't remember what it was, (?? Canadian Club??) but moose piss is probably better!!! :cold: - - - - - :elf:

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Well the first week of registration has netted an interesting list of attendees so far. Obviously there's several months to go yet, but so far we have 43 signed up! That's more than half of what we had this spring! We have quite a few new faces and first-timers signed up, which is great. We also have quite a few regulars missing from the list yet too. I'm sure they'll get signed up eventually. ;) Looking like a lot of fun so far!

I'll get some more threads going about the various details after the holidays.

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Well the first week of registration has netted an interesting list of attendees so far. Obviously there's several months to go yet, but so far we have 43 signed up! That's more than half of what we had this spring! We have quite a few new faces and first-timers signed up, which is great. We also have quite a few regulars missing from the list yet too. I'm sure they'll get signed up eventually. ;) Looking like a lot of fun so far!
I'll get some more threads going about the various details after the holidays.
They know and we know that thems some of the best roads.

I just thought the Hill Country was all that.......

Well the first week of registration has netted an interesting list of attendees so far. Obviously there's several months to go yet, but so far we have 43 signed up! That's more than half of what we had this spring! We have quite a few new faces and first-timers signed up, which is great. We also have quite a few regulars missing from the list yet too. I'm sure they'll get signed up eventually. ;) Looking like a lot of fun so far!

I'll get some more threads going about the various details after the holidays.

[i'll be coming down from Toronto if the snows are all gone. Will confirm closer to the date/quote]
Since I will be "on holiday" for the next 2 weeks, I won't be able to update the list until I return home. I will reply to your registration emails so you know you got through. I'll be in the land of dial up, god help me, so please have patience if you don't hear from me right away. We'll kick this party into high gear come January! :punk:

Since I will be "on holiday" for the next 2 weeks,

I hope you were smart enough not to come home to MN for your Holiday. It's fricken cold up here. about 5-15 degrees colder than normal. And about 6-10 inches above average snowfall. (at least for Alex) I hate winter. :angry:

OK--enough ranting--Have a GREAT VACATION :clapping:

Since I will be "on holiday" for the next 2 weeks,

I hope you were smart enough not to come home to MN for your Holiday. It's fricken cold up here. about 5-15 degrees colder than normal. And about 6-10 inches above average snowfall. (at least for Alex) I hate winter. :angry:

OK--enough ranting--Have a GREAT VACATION :clapping:
I tried to tell them Mexico would be better but they just wouldn't hear it! :dribble: I haven't been home in 2 years so yeah, I'm stuck in MN over the holidays. It's been way colder than usual here too, so that has helped prepare me. If I can see sunshine more often that not, I'll be ok! B)

As usual, I was procrastinating on making the reservation, so not doing anything today I called the BW in ES....they are closed for the Holidays!!! Will return on January 2. I left them a message to call me.

FJRCHIK, Thanks again for putting this together!! You're the best!!!

I'm in

Newbie FJR owner, but long time biker (biker? did I say that?)

Retired, so my time is my own (other than family committments)

I've attended VROC "reunion" in Eureka with my daughter in tow and loved the place

Maybe I can link up with other attendees on the way there as I hate to ride alone on a tour

You wouldn't want me to trailer, now would you?

Anyone else from Louisiana going...how about Mississippi or Alabama

Draw a straight line from New Orleans to Eureka and let me know if you are there or close to there, please

I'm getting excited myself... yahoo.gif

Best of Luck & Please Ride Safe,

Mike in Ole Nawlins'

Check out my New Orleans Ride to Eat Gathering March 6-9, everyone here is invited (clicky in signature)
