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Hello Shane. Some quick questions out of curiosity and I'll quit making things worse for you. Answer only if you have the patience and time.
According to the SM, once a SH_26 Fault Code is detected to bike won't start or shift. Have you ever been able to start the bike or shift without clearing the Fault Code(s)? Has the Fault Code(s) ever just "disappeared" after being detected? Have you ever cleared the Fault Code(s) yourself, and then had the problem go away for some time?

The clutch bleeding and release stroke test procedure appear to be a PIA, unless Dan's method is used. I'd make sure the Service Personnel actually performed them as he has suggested.

The SM also briefly mentions that the connections to the MCU are subject to poor connections from dirt. Have they been periodically removed and inspected?

Gary in Fairbanks

Sometimes I can clear the SHFT_26 by rocking the bike back & forth and it starts right up! Other times, I can sit there for hours and it won't get out of the mode. I asked Yamaha if the service was done and they were told by the dealer that did it that it was done correctly (so I have to assume it was). I don't know about the MCU ... I will have to ask the dealer when they call me with the prognosis!

BTW, thanks for the ideas!

Best Regards,

Hmmmmm. According to what I read in my SM, if you turn on the ignition, see a SH-26 Fault Code, then turn off the key, the Code gets stored in the MCU memory. You won't see it again on the display (YCC-S indicator) unless you enable the Diagnostic Mode by shorting the YCC-S test coupler in the left front of the bike with a special switch (or simple wire), and go through the procedure to read the Codes and deal with them. The SM says the bike is disabled (won't start if not yet running - won't shift if running) if SH_26 is read until the YCC-system is reset and no more Fault Codes are read.

Soooo, how did the bike start after reading and storing the SH_26 Code? I doesn't make sense to me that the Code was cleared by just rocking the bike back and forth, and not going through the reset procedure they describe. I think I'd check the MCU (AE brain) connections for integrity as a start for the reasons described below.

I suppose it's possible that if either power to (B+ via the YCC motor fuse circuit), or ground from (B- via a bad connection as mentioned before) goes open, the MCU's power is momentarily interrupted and it's memory is lost. Next time this problem happens unplug the YCC motor control fuse (location?) to remove B+ power from the MCU and replace after a waiting period. The fused B+ power doesn't go through the ignition switch and comes directly from the battery B+. If the Code gets reset and the bike then starts, we'll know that the memory's been reset to "0" Fault Codes by power interruption. You could do the same with the MCU ground connection of course. Or rock the bike if there's a bad connection for either B+ or B-.

Then the bike may run until yet another SH_ 26 is detected. The source of the SH_26 indication may come and go, but really needs to be addressed once and for all. If the clutch hydraulics are properly bled and the clutch release proper, then it could be that the clutch actuator sensor (#55) and/or motor (#56 in the wiring diagram) are defective (one assembled unit I believe), and give rise to a high current reading that sets off the Fault Code. Replace and test.

Move to Fairbanks as DC has suggested. Today it's +36F with rain in the valley floor, and snow at higher elevations. No chance for throwing Fault Codes today. GL.

Gary in Fairbanks
I talked with the 3rd dealer's tech about an hour ago and he is going to bleed it.... Yamaha is also telling them to remove the accessories (which are connected directly to the battery). I have a feeling my best solution is to have my friend remove all of my accessories, return the bike to stock, sell the accessories, and trade the bike in.

I really like the FJR but if I can't get Yamaha to diagnose / fix it in a logical fashion (as you and others describe), I am just going to keep going through this process.

Thanks for all the input.

Best Regards,


P.S. It was only 90 or so hear today :dribble: :dribble: !

I talked with the 3rd dealer's tech about an hour ago and he is going to bleed it.... Yamaha is also telling them to remove the accessories (which are connected directly to the battery). I have a feeling my best solution is to have my friend remove all of my accessories, return the bike to stock, sell the accessories, and trade the bike in.
I really like the FJR but if I can't get Yamaha to diagnose / fix it in a logical fashion (as you and others describe), I am just going to keep going through this process.

Thanks for all the input.

Best Regards,


P.S. It was only 90 or so hear today :dribble: :dribble: !
Shane I've been there before. Sell the problem with the product and move on with your life if it's not fixed this time. Lemon laws, etc., but why bother when a nice Summer of riding could be ahead of you. Move on, you've had enough bad luck to last a lifetime of riding.

Edit: I might add this comment. Yamaha promotes Kando. They should have no problem in assuring the customer experiences what they strongly believe in and endeavor to provide.

Gary in Fairbanks

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I talked with the 3rd dealer's tech about an hour ago and he is going to bleed it.... Yamaha is also telling them to remove the accessories (which are connected directly to the battery). I have a feeling my best solution is to have my friend remove all of my accessories, return the bike to stock, sell the accessories, and trade the bike in.
I really like the FJR but if I can't get Yamaha to diagnose / fix it in a logical fashion (as you and others describe), I am just going to keep going through this process.

Thanks for all the input.

Best Regards,


P.S. It was only 90 or so hear today :dribble: :dribble: !
Shane I've been there before. Sell the problem with the product and move on with your life if it's not fixed this time. Lemon laws, etc., but why bother when a nice Summer of riding could be ahead of you. Move on, you've had enough bad luck to last a lifetime of riding.

Edit: I might add this comment. Yamaha promotes Kando. They should have no problem in assuring the customer experiences what they strongly believe in and endeavor to provide.

Gary in Fairbanks

Thanks! I now have a very knowledgeable friend in on the conversations with me and Yamaha. If Larry (my friend) isn't convinced the bike has been fixed, I will be moving on. I sent Corporate Yamaha a 2nd letter yesterday and I am hoping that they will step in and help me resolve this nightmare once and for all.

Thanks for listening!


Shane ~

Unfortunately, I have nothing really meaningful to add, but just want you to know that I'm rooting for you in your efforts to kill this gremlin once and for all. You have considerably more patience than I, and I applaud you!

I hope dealer #3 can finally isolate the real problem, and then correct it without further ado.

Good luck~


Well, some people have been asking me for an update...

As of next Tuesday, my bike would have been @ dealer #3 for TWO WEEKS and in the shop for 4.5 months since last August for electrical abnormalities!

Basically, Yamaha tech support started blaming the McCruise control for the latest failure and I was told on Thursday by the Yamaha Customer Service that with it removed, the problem cleared up - I told them if they re-listened to our conversations, I could get the code to clear sometimes by backing the bike up 20 feet and restarting (it is very intermittent).

Any how, since yesterday was Sandi's last day of radiation, I decided to give both of us a break and NOT call Yamaha or the dealer.

Well, today I called the dealer was told EVEN WITH THE MCCRUISE removed, the problem is still there :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: ! He called Yamaha and is waiting to hear back. I was also told by Yamaha on Thursday that I shouldn't believe everything I read on the forum because in the last year, only TWO wiring harnesses have been ordered in the United States (of course, when I had the ignition switch failure in December before the recall, I was told it wasn't a known problem).

I have been asking Yamaha to replace my wiring harness, reimburse me for my $800 in towing / rental car bills since this "adventure" into HELL began, but they keep blaming my McCruise. Now that a tech is seeing the problem without the McCruise, I can't wait to find out what Yamaha USA is going to blame next.... probably the tubing around my windshield or my Cobin seat.

I never in my wildest dreams thought a company of Yamaha's reputation for INTEGRITY and product QUALITY would put a customer through this.

I can't wait for this nightmare to end!

Best Regards,


I can't believe I am away on a weekend ride & my FJR is leaving me stranded YET AGAIN!
I went outside, packed her up, and then tried to start her. I am getting the shft_26 error on the AE and I can't get her to roll-over.

I am still 400 miles from home and it is SUNDAY!!!!

Any suggestions? I am going to start looking into towing options to get me to the dealer in Austin.

Any help would be appreciated as I am stranded in Big Spring, TX!

Best Regards,




Whatever happened with this issue?
I can't believe I am away on a weekend ride & my FJR is leaving me stranded YET AGAIN!
I went outside, packed her up, and then tried to start her. I am getting the shft_26 error on the AE and I can't get her to roll-over.

I am still 400 miles from home and it is SUNDAY!!!!

Any suggestions? I am going to start looking into towing options to get me to the dealer in Austin.

Any help would be appreciated as I am stranded in Big Spring, TX!

Best Regards,




Whatever happened with this issue?

If you want to see, please see other thread (link below):

The bottom line is I am done with Yamaha.... I basically used my 200 mile AAA Premier tow and then my credit card for $247.50 to get home.... my bike is still at dealer #3 and I will hopefully finally have it back for trade-in next week (I will actually be trading it in when I get back from vacation at the end of July). Over the past year my bike has left me stranded several times and I am now out hundreds of dollars in towing + car rental bills (which I have never been reimbursed for). I have made several trips to the dealers just to have to return (the 2nd dealer is over 100 miles from me each way... real fun to drive there, pick up the bike, and be stranded < 4 miles from dealer).

Yamaha NEVER had anyone above janitor status call me to make amends (and I have asked many, many times). They just allowed me to keep getting more & more frustrated. I really never expected this from a company like Yamaha, but I guess it is "live & learn". I have been so frustrated that I can't even be civil anymore with the janitor whether I speak to him by phone or write to him in email. Yamaha has changed directions on me so many times.... :dribble: :dribble:!

Any how, I am very bitter about how my situation has been handled but as many have said, "move on"! I really wanted Yamaha to fix my bike & restore my faith it in and them. They have let me down on both matters. When my FJR was running properly, it has been the best vehicle I have ever owned. The sad part is $15,000 for a bike + ~3500 in farkles to make it mine and now I am going to trade it in for probably less than $6K for a bike that should be good for at least another 100,000+ miles!

Sorry for the rant.

Best Regards,



That is nothing short of pathetic! I have followed along during your trevails, and commend you for your patience with this recurring problem that they seem either unwilling or unable to fix.

I am sorry that you have lost faith in the machine that was supposed to be a fun outlet and hobby. I can understand any hostility you are feeling toward the corporate entity, and probably a few individuals at the various dealerships you've frequented so often.

How terribly short-sighted of management to have let this situation deteriorate to this point.

I sincerely hope that your next bike is everything you hope for, and completely trouble-free... you've earned it!


Shane,That is nothing short of pathetic! I have followed along during your trevails, and commend you for your patience with this recurring problem that they seem either unwilling or unable to fix.

I am sorry that you have lost faith in the machine that was supposed to be a fun outlet and hobby. I can understand any hostility you are feeling toward the corporate entity, and probably a few individuals at the various dealerships you've frequented so often.

How terribly short-sighted of management to have let this situation deteriorate to this point.

I sincerely hope that your next bike is everything you hope for, and completely trouble-free... you've earned it!


Thanks. Actually, my bitterness is really towards Yamaha. The 2nd and 3rd dealers have been very sympathetic and I believe they have done everything they could to resolve the issue. Yamaha fixated on my accessories early and only until recently started looking for the actual cause. I really wasn't very happy when a couple of weeks ago the janitor commented to me that the senior tech on the matter believes Yamaha dropped the ball and no-one ever really took ownership of my problem. I appreciate his efforts, but I am just at the end of my rope. Yamaha wants me to "trust" them to fix it and I asked them to "take ownership of the problem (financial)" if the bike left me stranded again. I was told that was an unreasonable request and denied.

The only think Yamaha has ever offered me in compensation for all this hassle has been "we will fix it"...

Oh well, I do thank y'all for letting me get it all out!

I will have a new ride sometime in late July / early August!

Again, thanks!


Yamaha are terrible for customer support.

Look at th ECU and Ignition issues that didn't exist.

If it is going to cost them a dollar it's best that they ignore it.

The FJR is the flagship of the Yamaha range, but you get no better treatment from Yamaha if you bought a $5,000 or $25,000 bike.

Yamaha are terrible for customer support.
Look at th ECU and Ignition issues that didn't exist.

If it is going to cost them a dollar it's best that they ignore it.

The FJR is the flagship of the Yamaha range, but you get no better treatment from Yamaha if you bought a $5,000 or $25,000 bike.

It is funny you mention the ignition switch problem.... I had it on December 17th and I was very fortunate that I had gotten off I35 to get gas or I would have lost power on the interstate in downtown Austin! And when I brought up all the ignition switch failures, I was told not to believe the Internet gossip (a month later while my bike was still in the shop from December 17, the recall was officially announced)!

That was a $185 towing bill + $90 car rental I didn't get reimbursed for. The dealer also didn't change out the old cylinder so my bike now has two keys!

A funny thing... one of my friend's good riding buddies has a 2005 Harley that has had his engine replaced TWICE!!! When I first heard about it, I thought to myself, this guy must really want a Honda! The guy still loves and rides his Harley because Harley replaced the engine twice and accepted full responsibility! I am not saying it all cases are like that (I have never owned a HD, but I have heard that HD has the BEST customer service of any motorcycle manufacturer)!

Best Regards,


I am so sorry to hear of your trevails Shane. Had I been in your position, I would have punted that FJR long ago, never to be seen in a Yamaha dealership again. Frankly, it's in-excusable how the company Yamaha has treated you.

Did you ever consider pursuing lemon law resolution? Or getting an attorney involved?

I hope your next bike gives you the enjoyment you deserve, with absolutely ZERO hassles.

Btw, what is your next bike going to be?

Best regards.

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I am so sorry to hear of your trevails Shane. Had I been in your position, I would have punted that FJR long ago, never to be seen in a Yamaha dealership again. Frankly, it's in-excusable how the company Yamaha has treated you.
Did you ever consider pursuing lemon law resolution? Or getting an attorney involved?

I hope your next bike gives you the enjoyment you deserve, with absolutely ZERO hassles.

Btw, what is your next bike going to be?

Best regards.

Thanks! I should have cut my losses back when I got the bike in March but I drank the Yamaha koolaid that blamed (without any direct proof) that the AudioVox cruise control Smitty installed may have been the causes of my problems. I then purchased and had the McCruise installed (another $700) and after 4000 miles, stranded again!

So I am definitely done with Yamaha.

My next bike is most likely going to be a BMW 1300 GT. I can get all the accessories I want on it installed from the factory and while there aren't many BMW shops, they employ a different kind of tech.

While I am not a rich man, I am at the time in life where I pay for the services I need and I expect them to be done right and in a timely fashion. Every one I know who owns a BMW (even ones with rear drive failures) hasn't gone through what Yamaha has put me through.

I am going to wait until I get back from vacation in late July and see what I can get for my bike - I am assuming it will be in my garage before I leave in a couple of weeks but Yamaha with seems to do like to do things in months and not weeks.

I will keep every one informed as it happens!

Again, thanks for letting me rant!



While I'm not a fan of litigation in many instances, this is a set of circumstances that cries out for legal resolution!

What are the limits for "Small Claims Court" in Texas? I know in a lot of jurisdictions the limits have been raised considerably in the past few years, and were I in your position, I would love the chance to argue my own case in Small Claims Court. From the professional way you have described your ongoing trevails here in the forum, it is obvious that you have been keeping good records of Yamaha's less than satisfactory performance in trying to correct this situation. You have receipts from the expenditures for towing, lodging, etc... you are articulate.

I would personally get great satisfaction in extracting restitution from Yamaha's corporate purse. I'm hoping that you feel the same way and will pursue this, because the bottom line is: What's fair is fair, and you have most definitely been treated unfairly... repeatedly and with gusto!

Regardless of the outcome of all this, I wish you only the best with whatever new bike you get, and hope you'll stop in here from time to time to share with us!


Shane~While I'm not a fan of litigation in many instances, this is a set of circumstances that cries out for legal resolution!

What are the limits for "Small Claims Court" in Texas? I know in a lot of jurisdictions the limits have been raised considerably in the past few years, and were I in your position, I would love the chance to argue my own case in Small Claims Court. From the professional way you have described your ongoing trevails here in the forum, it is obvious that you have been keeping good records of Yamaha's less than satisfactory performance in trying to correct this situation. You have receipts from the expenditures for towing, lodging, etc... you are articulate.

I would personally get great satisfaction in extracting restitution from Yamaha's corporate purse. I'm hoping that you feel the same way and will pursue this, because the bottom line is: What's fair is fair, and you have most definitely been treated unfairly... repeatedly and with gusto!

Regardless of the outcome of all this, I wish you only the best with whatever new bike you get, and hope you'll stop in here from time to time to share with us!


I have talked off the record with a few friends who are lawyers and there are several problems with me trying to legally get anything out of Yamaha (if you have an extended warranty, read it. You will find that unfortunately there is no mentions of timeliness, they are only limited to $50 towing per incident, etc). Bottom line is that unless I can find many people having similar problems for a class-action suit, it is David-vs-Goliath.

As others have pointed out, GOOGLE shows that I am the exception and NOT the rule. Yamaha builds a very quality product and mine just happen to develop some nasty character flaws along the way. Since I am one of the few having the problems I am, there isn't much data for them to use to help diagnose the situation (which I understand being a software engineer). I really believe Yamaha should have offered me a trade-in for a 2006/2007 AE model and had my bike shipped to a place where their own engineers who KNOW the bike could have figured out the problem. Oh well, what I wanted really has never mattered in this experience. I just hope I am the lone-sheep and I hope that Yamaha doesn't do it to the next fellow!

I have complained more about this particular issue than I have all other issues in my life. Sandi (my best friend & mate for life) coming down with breast cancer last year at 44 and now seeing the twinkle in her eyes come back after a long 9 months of chemo / radiation, she deserves for me to drop this issue and move on.

Our daughter has one more year of High School before she is off to Texas A&M ( :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: - the yahoos are for the university) and Sandi is going to start riding with me!

Best regards,


It seams like the Lemon applies to you Shane. That is what I would pursue with a lawyer. I should have been more specific when I posted. I think the lemon laws would be pretty cut and dried for your situation but I am not a lawyer so I that is why I recommend you talk to one about your bike. I hate to see you lose so much money on a trade in.

Good luck with whatever choice you make. And yes I agree the family is more important.

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Good for you for concentrating your thoughts and efforts on your family, and especially Sandi, at this time. I am happy for you that you and she have successfully negotiated the private hell that is chemotherapy. At this point in your life you are smart to just walk away from this episode in life and enjoy what is truly meaningful!

I hope your upcoming vacation trip is everything you have hoped for... some of the best memories I have were formed during trips abroad with my wife and family.

So you are right; grab the gusto and move on! Give Sandi a hug from me :exhappysmiley:


It seams like the Lemon applies to you Shane. That is what I would pursue with a lawyer. I should have been more specific when I posted. I think the lemon laws would be pretty cut and dried for your situation but I am not a lawyer so I that is why I recommend you talk to one about your bike. I hate to see you lose so much money on a trade in.
Good luck with whatever choice you make. And yes I agree the family is more important.
I called the Texas Dept that handles lemon law and was told that since my bike is 3 years old, the best I could do was have them help me get my bike fixed. I asked what happens if Yamaha declares it fixed as they have done in the past and it leaves me stranded (again), and I was told it would have to be a new case.

Because of the age of my bike, the best I could have ever hoped for other than an actual fix was someone at Yamaha Corporate giving a damn. I have sent several letters (emails) to Japan asking for help and I have requested several calls from someone in management above customer service and all of those pleas have gone unanswered.

Best Regards,



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