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There will be NO Aussie upgrade (even though it is probably the best "fix") :yahoo: !

Best Regards,


Shane:That your strategy is much what I would do. The new bike would qualify for the incentive program, interest even if financed is very low and the headache and worry go away. If you figure the time to write letters, call etc in dollars I am sure it would be a lot. if a letter comes into many companies it goes directly to legal if liability, cost and safely are mentioned. They start to lawyer up even at dealerships. That is why I would just be done with it.

Agreed - Sandi wants me to get the bike back & get a new GL1800 (she isn't too keen on the BMW 1300GT - especially after my experience with my FJR)!

Best Regards,


It is tragic to read something like this. I went through the same thing with a Honda VTX. Different problem but same service. They never fixed the problem, I just sold it cheap. Maybe you can take one last ride on the bike to this address:

Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA

6555 Katella Avenue

Cypress, CA 90630

Drive it into their lobby, drop off all the paperwork (get copied from the dealer) at the receptionist desk and tell them to call you when it is fixed.

You may also want to call one of the local TV News stations and see if they have one of those "On Your Side" programs to help you resolve this issue.


I just got off the phone with Yamaha Customer Service and the funny thing is, they know about this thread since it was referenced that I called him the "janitor". I picked that title because I am the doormat in this situation and he seems to be just a little above me in the ability to "clean this mess up" :dribble: !

The reason I called the rep is because I talked with the dealer tech today and it seems I am still on hold (small dealership)! Any how, I called the rep and asked when is it going to end? I keep telling Yamaha that if they give me the bike back "fixed", I will go away. I was told today that some how I communicated to the dealership that I was going out of town for a couple of weeks and so I was in no hurry! Quite the contrary, I have been telling them I am leaving for vacation in a couple of weeks and I wanted the bike back BEFORE I went. I actually had a few trade-ins (potential - hard to call them definite when I have no bike to trade), but... Yamaha keeps telling me that they are doing EVERYTHING they can - I asked when I was going to get a call from a Yamaha manager / supervisor who can bring this to and end and I was told (as I have always been told) that Yamaha is to doing EVERYTHING they can (and no direct answer either way about me getting a phone call from someone who wants to bring this to and end).

I even asked the rep what is it that I did WRONG do deserve this "special" treatment? That is, the bike has been serviced every 4,000 miles at a Yamaha Dealership - the accessories (other than the McCruise which was installed in March because I drank the koolaid that the Audiovox most likely caused my problems) have been on the bike since Labor Day 2006 (I got the bike June of 2006). I never imagined this could happen to ME from a company with a reputation and integrity of Yamaha! NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!!!

The thing I can't seem to convince Yamaha is the sooner I get my bike back "fixed", the sooner I will just fade into the background and I will just write this off.

Oh well, I really do appreciate the support I have gotten. If I get my bike back on Friday as I indicated I really wanted / needed to the current dealership, I will post such and I will get the promised items for sale boxed / shipped.

Again, thanks for letting me rant.

Best Regards,


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I love that the guys knows he is referred to as the janitor. They really aren't too bright when people come to this forum to research FJRs and see if they want one. If I had read this thread when I was looking at the FJR I would have decided that this was not the bike or company for me and moved on to a different bike.

You have done more damage to Yamaha then they really understand.

I love that the guys knows he is referred to as the janitor. They really aren't too bright when people come to this forum to research FJRs and see if they want one. If I had read this thread when I was looking at the FJR I would have decided that this was not the bike or company for me and moved on to a different bike.
You have done more damage to Yamaha then they really understand.

The sad part is that I really wish this could have been kept a private matter but Yamaha keeps acting like I have done something WRONG and they won't tell me what it is? That is, they first fixated on my accessories but my problem still persists.

Again, I appreciate y'all letting me rant. While it doesn't seem to have an impact on Yamaha, it does make me feel better.

Best Regards,


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A note to all,

Some people seem to think my case is "unique" or "extraordinary" when it comes to Yamaha Customer Service. I would agree that my case it NOT the norm.

I have tried to NOT embellish my circumstances - I will admit to getting emotional after all my family has been through this past year and I would never imagine getting a bike fixed would be so difficult.

Any how, if you have had Yamaha Customer Service fix your problem, ask yourself how you would feel if the problem had been declared fixed 5 or 6 times and still wasn't (and the bike lost power twice while you were moving and left you stranded at other times) - that is how I feel.

Ranting off,


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Any how, if you have had Yamaha Customer Service fix your problem, ask yourself how you would feel if the problem had been declared fixed 5 or 6 times and still wasn't
Wouldn't happen where I live, if after 3 returns the problem is still there you are entitled to a full refund or new bike/car.

Any how, if you have had Yamaha Customer Service fix your problem, ask yourself how you would feel if the problem had been declared fixed 5 or 6 times and still wasn't
Wouldn't happen where I live, if after 3 returns the problem is still there you are entitled to a full refund or new bike/car.
Is that even into the "extended warranty"? In the US, each state has a "Lemon Law" that dictates conditions for NEW vehicles.; I am definitely not trying to imply I have a new vehicle. My problems started intermittently at 18 months but didn't start taking hold until ~25 months.

Well, hopefully I will get the bike back on Friday and this thread can go to the archives.

Best regards,


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You are caught in a lose-lose situation here.

Be aware that;

1. if you sell the bike and do not disclose the history, you can end up being sued.

2. if you DO disclose the history you will get next to nothing in trade or from a potential private buyer.

Either way it doesn't look good for you financially, unless;

You formally notify Yamaha of your intent to get rid of the bike because of their demonstrated inability to resolve these safety related issues as is their legal obligation and that you intend to make full disclosure to any potential buyer and get what you can for the machine and then sue Yamaha for the difference between what you managed to get for the machine and the NADA value. The amount will be small enough that it will qualify for small claims court where, with documentation Yamaha would almost certainly lose.

Small claims is a simple process. You WILL have to sue everyone in sight - the dealer(s) as well as Yamaha and let the judge decide who pays what.

If Yamaha truly is reading this thread, they will call you and make a proper offer; They should pay you the trade-in value for your bike and then remove it from service.

You won't get anything for all of the anguish they've put you through, but from what I've been reading that hasn't been your goal.

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You are caught in a lose-lose situation here.
Be aware that;

1. if you sell the bike and do not disclose the history, you can end up being sued.

2. if you DO disclose the history you will get next to nothing in trade or from a potential private buyer.

Either way it doesn't look good for you financially, unless;

You formally notify Yamaha of your intent to get rid of the bike because of their demonstrated inability to resolve these safety related issues as is their legal obligation and that you intend to make full disclosure to any potential buyer and get what you can for the machine and then sue Yamaha for the difference between what you managed to get for the machine and the NADA value. The amount will be small enough that it will qualify for small claims court where, with documentation Yamaha would almost certainly lose.

Small claims is a simple process. You WILL have to sue everyone in sight - the dealer(s) as well as Yamaha and let the judge decide who pays what.

If Yamaha truly is reading this thread, they will call you and make a proper offer; They should pay you the trade-in value for your bike and then remove it from service.

You won't get anything for all of the anguish they've put you through, but from what I've been reading that hasn't been your goal.

Thanks for the advice. I have actually asked and my understanding is that if Yamaha tells me the bike is fixed and I trade it in, I am out of the loop since the bike was certified by Yamaha (through it's national technical support + dealer). FOLLOWUP: I called the Texas Attorney General's office and was referred to the department that regulates dealers. I was told that I don't have to disclose anything as it is a "used" vehicle and it is up to the dealer to check it out (just as it is up to a consumer to check out the purchase of a USED vehicle). However, when I get the bike back Yamaha will have said it was repaired and I will keep the paperwork saying it was repaired (that is, I won't trade the bike in until Yamaha gives it back to me REPAIRED by their standards)!

As far as compensation, I have really never wanted any more than my bike to be fixed so I can enjoy it the way I was. The customer service rep and I aren't getting anywhere. The sad part is, he probably is doing the best he can for me and he probably doesn't deserve me taking my frustration out on him... BUT, I have requested over & over for someone above him to negotiate on resolving this issue! I keep getting sent back to him and we keep repeating the same converstation OVER & OVER! I have even tried sending polite to not so polite emails to corporate Yamaha and I am getting NOWHERE.... I guess I should start looking for help in this issue beyond my own writings & mouth - I honestly, never expected this to be in this kind of situation (especially with a Corporation whose motto is Kando).

Since the AE model doesn't seem to have been that popular and there seems to be many of the from all years on the market, I am sure we could have made a deal that would have both sides happy. For some reason, I get the feeling Yamaha thinks I am being completely unreasonable. As I have said, if I am being unreasonable, I sure would like someone from Yamaha to tell me and tell me why / how?

Again, thanks for the advice.

Best Regards,


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This whole saga reminds me of a scene from the movie of the late 1980s "Lost In America" where the Tom Hanks character and his wife want out of the California rat race, sell off all their assets, take their $400,000 "nest egg" and a motorhome and hit the road to see America...only the wife loses the whole nut in one night of obsessive gambling in Las Vegas. The Hanks character, formerly employed in an advertising agency, gets a meeting with the casino manager to try to talk him into "giving the money back." It is hilarious, but also so desperate. Hanks feverishly pitches an ad campaign he calls "The Casino With A Heart" where the casino, out of the goodness of its heart and a profound sense of fairness, returns the money to the nice couple, then makes that the linchpin in an ad campaign. Of course, the casino manager listens politely for a bit, then tells him to f**k off.

The difference here is that Yamaha, for $10K or much, much less - not $400,000K, though they act like it - could have become known as "The Motorcycle Company With A Heart" and actually earned all the public relations and customer relations benefits the Hanks character pitched to the casino management.

Unfortunately, it is now seen as the arrogant corporation that cares zip about customers. How many members of this forum? Yamaha could have made a highly positive impression with this important and influential group of customers for about 10¢ each. Someone in that company has blown the whole corporate image thing badly.

This whole saga reminds me of a scene from the movie of the late 1980s "Lost In America" where the Tom Hanks character and his wife want out of the California rat race, sell off all their assets, take their $400,000 "nest egg" and a motorhome and hit the road to see America...only the wife loses the whole nut in one night of obsessive gambling in Las Vegas. The Hanks character, formerly employed in an advertising agency, gets a meeting with the casino manager to try to talk him into "giving the money back." It is hilarious, but also so desperate. Hanks feverishly pitches an ad campaign he calls "The Casino With A Heart" where the casino, out of the goodness of its heart and a profound sense of fairness, returns the money to the nice couple, then makes that the linchpin in an ad campaign. Of course, the casino manager listens politely for a bit, then tells him to f**k off.
The difference here is that Yamaha, for $10K or much, much less - not $400,000K, though they act like it - could have become known as "The Motorcycle Company With A Heart" and actually earned all the public relations and customer relations benefits the Hanks character pitched to the casino management.

Unfortunately, it is now seen as the arrogant corporation that cares zip about customers. How many members of this forum? Yamaha could have made a highly positive impression with this important and influential group of customers for about 10¢ each. Someone in that company has blown the whole corporate image thing badly.
Big Sky,

Thanks ... I would have never thought I was "gambling" with the purchase of FJR :dribble: :dribble:!

IF I have made a mistake with Yamaha, I sure wish they would tell me what it was so I can say "SORRY - NOW PLEASE FIX MY BIKE"!

If I can just get it back (and it is "fixed"), this will end for both parties!

Best Regards,



My analogy really had nothing to do with the gambling scenario; rather, it was about a company that could have had a great PR windfall had it done the right thing, and for just pennies per impression. Instead, it saved a few bucks and has nothing but negative PR fallout... at the cost of how many dollars per negative impression?

My sympathies are with you.

My analogy really had nothing to do with the gambling scenario; rather, it was about a company that could have had a great PR windfall had it done the right thing, and for just pennies per impression. Instead, it saved a few bucks and has nothing but negative PR fallout... at the cost of how many dollars per negative impression?

My sympathies are with you.

Understood about the analogy :yahoo: :yahoo:!

If I get my bike back on Friday fixed, I will make one last post on this thread (well, knowing me, maybe not the LAST :yahoo: :yahoo:), but I will quit bothering the customer service rep and the the local dealer.


It will be best for all involved.

Best Regards,


Did you get the bike back on Friday or is Mamma Yamma jerking you around again? :(
I was suppose to get the bike back Friday - now tomorrow. I will update post one way or the other real soon... I am trying to get through this as civilly as I can (and it is very hard for me at this point to be civil towards Yamaha)!

Best Regards,


Well, I just wanted to tell everybody that as of July 1, my personal FJRHELL is over :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: !!!

I went and picked up the the FJR yesterday at the 3rd dealer who had been riding it for 4 days without seeing any SHFT__## codes.

I sad on the bike and turned the key.... SHFT__22 (never had seen that one)... it turned out the mechanic was able to detect / fix this new problem within 15 minutes. I was very concerned that this was going to my 7th trip in vain (when I tell my story to people who don't me, they think I have made it up it is so hard to BELIEVE)!

After my last close call, I woke up with a mission today to put an END TO MY FJRHELL since Yamaha wasn't going to do it!

My mechanic friend took all my gear off, we washed the bike, and we rode down to a BMW dealer today!

I got a VERY GOOD deal on a 2009 BMW 1300 GT and I got a trade in of $5,500 for my FJR (which I was more than happy with at this point)!

I only have 150 miles on my new bike, but I REALLY LIKE IT!

So, as promised to Yamaha Customer Services, this chapter is over for ME (and my family)!

Thanks to everybody who allowed me to rant about my situation - while it didn't end the way I expected, I am glad it is over and I will no longer have to waste my time with the Yamaha UnCustomer Service :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: !

Best Regards,

