SICK of this bike!!

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When a woman is under the influence of PMS, the only correct answer is 'Yes, dear' or silence. Most of the married men on the forum already know this. Some will bear scars, gained during the period in which they learned this.
fts! a myth propogated by those who desire a shift to a matriarchal society! those women who try to pull that are the same ones that you see with 2 black eyes... because they didn't understand what STFU meant the first time.

[SIZE=8pt]now pardon me while i send this and close the screen before some woman sees me typing it.[/SIZE]

ok, yer either a divorced man living with your cat, or you live in a matriarcal household and the binds are chafing your lil girly skin

neither. she doesn't pull any of that "if mamma ain't happy" **** because she knows it doesn't fly.

by the same token i don't raise my hand to her (unless she's late getting dinner on the table).

Could be worse. She could have an FJR that stalls after being lowered. As it is, she's happy she's got THIS kickstand to park with.

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From just last October....

pgrhodes1Oct 2 2008, 10:15 AMHi All,

Lowered my 08 Raven and finally had a chance to ride her solo and here are my impressions:

First, I would NEVER have ridden this bike without lowering it. I killed her at a stop sign and would have lost her for sure if I had not had both feet on the ground. Even lowered she handles better than any bike I have ever ridden so it works for me. I live on a gravel road and she handled much better than the FZ1 I just sold. She did not bottom out on the bumps in the road (which are many) or getting up on the driveway slab. She is VERY smooth and has lots of power. LOVE the windshield. Will need to adjust to the clucth. It is dead on and a little tricky. The throttle is very stiff so a Vista cruise control and a throttle rocker will be necessary.

I noticed on take off I can't seem to give her enough gas and she chatters. Is this just something I need to adjust too or has anyone else run into this??

Overall, I LOVE this bike and can't wait to go on my first long ride.


Kids, how quickly they tire of new toys :glare:

Now that she has figured out that we can see when she was last seen, she is probably viewing this thread as a guest. So, keep piling on the dogpile (or, in this case, the bitchpile) since she is still looking.
You boys are forgetting that you have to log in to get your PMs, or respond to them. And there are more threads than this one on the forum to look at. :rolleyes:

Is it snowing already? You would think so with all the folks posting here. <_<

The OP obviously had a bad day and vented here. Not such a good idea when no one knows you. Howie could get away with it, 'casue we already know he's a whiney bitch. :wub: Barb could, 'cause we have pictures. :blum:

Lots of people assuming things here instead of asking questions. FAR too late now. It's just become a sad, ugly little display of recreational post count whoring now. :hmmsmiley02:

I hate it when people just post on a thread for no reason.

-edit- "winky" smiley, tongue-in-cheek...

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Talking about crash and burn by self destrucive methods.... This gal had no time to eject. Or I should say, she missed her opportunity to eject. Not a pretty seen.

I agree, it was much funnier on Tuesday, maybe because it was new and all.

Dogpile on. ;)

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Okay, ya know she's been watchin all the fun. Think we brought a smile to her face even though she's such a miserable person? Got to admit there are some pretty sick bastards on this forum that God help me are pretty witty. (Usually at others expense)

So, if it was just attention she wanted, attention she got. Either that, or she's out test ridin a three wheeler, cause that's all that's left for her to ride she can't fall off of, stall or no stall......!! Not such a bad idea considering she's toilet flushing and trashing the best bike going, and on this forum.. kinda reminds me of Michael Vick trying to stash his pot in a water bottle container walking through airport security to board and airline on his way home no less. Stupid is a stupid does so to say.

Ahhh ****!

Figures this good one gets re-opened on the night I schedule an anus shave! Well, I gotta get it done as I keep gettin those pesky hairs stuck in me fly :rolleyes:

Carry on folks :lol:


Be less of a problemo there BJ if you'd just conform and turn them pants around and wear 'em like everyone else.

I'm just sayin'... ;)

Ahhh ****! Figures this good one gets re-opened on the night I schedule an anus shave! Well, I gotta get it done as I keep gettin those pesky hairs stuck in me fly :rolleyes:

Carry on folks :lol:

First he was "getting stuck" in he's getting stuck in flies! YOIKES!!!


Ahhh ****! Figures this good one gets re-opened on the night I schedule an anus shave! Well, I gotta get it done as I keep gettin those pesky hairs stuck in me fly :rolleyes:

Carry on folks :lol:

Damnit Bust, if you'd stop wearin' those "Carol Brady" back-zippers you could probably cut the anus shaving by at least.... oh hell, never mind. Who the hell am I to keep a man from his pleasures. Get to it! :butcher:

OK!!! Now we're gettin somewhere..

Hey wait a minute! :blink: Now I'm the subject of this dogpile?? Ferkrissakes!

Ain't no damn way you guys should be able to redirect a perfectly good pile now :dribble:

I think there must be some type of administrative rule against this kinda ****..



[SIZE=10pt]There once was a member named pgrhodes1,[/SIZE]

"I'm sick of this bike!", she goes on.

Her post stirred up many,

the ridicule was plenty,

thus the Friday tea-bagging merrily continues.

Thank you! I'll be here all weekend.


Are you kidding me?

[SIZE=14pt]Are you kidding me???[/SIZE]

Carol Brady was one hot Momma!!!


Hmppph... tea bagging. I think Florence liked tea bagging.

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