SICK of this bike!!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Absolutely sick to death of this bike!! She is hitting the road next Spring if I can sell the bitch. I’ve never loved or hated a bike so much in my life.
The 'classic' love/hate relationship -- sounds like you need a BMW? (they're good at that... :unsure: ).

Have dropped her twice because the bitch stalled on take off but the last straw happened last weekend. I have her lowered and worked extremely hard to dial in the suspension. We go on the first 3 day weekend ride and I load her up with about 30 extra pounds. Totally changed everything!! Tightening the shock did nothing. Worst ride I’ve ever experience on a bike in my life. Bounced around corners; impossible to hold a line. Scared the living HELL out of me!! Ruined one of the best loops I’ve ever been on. Hundreds of miles of twisting turns. Who in gods name would have thought a few extra pounds could have made such a difference.
I think you need to "farkle" your ride more: higher wider h/bars; lowered seat; tour-pack; car tire -- are just some of the mods done to make the bike better for the rider. :rolleyes: :)

She is the 6th bike I’ve owned and I’m sick of messing with her. She is history as soon as I can make it happen. Good luck to the rest of you and hope you enjoy yours.
Well, in that case, good luck in picking the right bike -- you certainly seem to know what you don't want.... :blink:

Appears the OP has Inanimate Object Feminine Naming Syndrome. Usually associated with IOFNS is the inability to make up one's mind (Favre's Syndrome) and name calling.

Jus sayin.

1) You have lowered the bike. The fact that you have lowered other bikes means nothing to me. You have changed the dynamics of how the bike was designed, then you complain when it didn't handle right with 30#s on it.
2) You've stalled the bike. I can't make heads or tails of that. I've been riding since 1971, and I actually did stall my FJR one time. It was clearly sloppy clutch work on my part - even with my experience if you ride long enough it will happen occassionally. One thing I will admit to is that the idle speed on the FJR is known to be set too low - I had to raise my idle speed.

I respect that the FJR for you did not work out. But the FJR has been out for what - seven year now, and these are problems that I've never seen anyone complain about. I'm sorry for your situation, but have a hard time accepting that your experience makes it a horrible bike. I have 40,000 miles on mine and love it.
A well reasoned response...and perfect for a tuesday...and one I would have used if the tone of the OP wasn't so belligerently in your face.

However...this is Friday. :)

Don't bother replying. I'm done with this site and will not look at it again so your little digs will be a waste and what talent there is to waste. YEAH right... :)
Uh huh... That's why you were: Last Seen: 17th September 2009 - 06:17 PM ?

I guess your curiosity won't let you stay away? Or you are just a troll...

Either way, good riddance to you.

What has shaving your anus got to do with riding a bike? On second thoughts, perhaps I don't want to know.
Assuming that the OP is/was genuine and not trolling around to stir the pot, I actually have some empathy with her. I've had days when I've ridden home teary-eyed and frustrated, knowing that the beast was way too big for me. The frustration comes from knowing what a great bike it can be, for the right rider, and that I'm not that rider. I am 5'2" with a 26" inseam. My bike is lowered, to allow me a pointed toe down on each side.

I have chosen to ride on paved surfaces only and to avoid gravel like the plague. My bike needs to be very carefully parked, with a view to riding it out of the parking space. I'm not shy about asking for help. The slow speed stuff scares the bejeebers out of me, since my skills are not the best and the bike is so darn top heavy. OTOH, I've never had a problem with poor handling at speed, or with stalling. Pazzo levers have been helpful for my small hands.

Realizing that a lack of slow speed control is not the bike's fault, I'm trying to hone my skills on a smaller bike, then use those skills on the beast. Dare I admit here on the FJR forum that I'm actually enjoying the smaller bike? It has a 29" seat height, weighs 400lbs wet and carries it's weight down low. I'm quite happy about riding it on dirt, gravel, water crossings etc. Sure, it's no FJR on the freeway but perhaps us little people have to deal with that.

For now, I have no thought of parting with my FJR. Sure, it's too big for me but it doesn't suck. Then again, perhaps that's because I have the faster, '03.
If the OP had made such a reasoned assessment and asked for help with further changes to make her FJR "good enough" she would have been treated differently. I suspect her frustration is manyfold (is that hyphenated Dale? :D ) after multiple bikes, and she is making basic errors in riding or setup.

Maybe she should keep the FJR to ride alone with hubby and stay with him in the twisties, and get another bike for weekend and longer tours and NOT expect to keep up with him. But I bet she is trying to compete with hubby, who is a better rider, and she can't stand it.

I'm late to the dogpile, but I gotta say it has been a long time since Fred back in '07 I think it was, got this pissed off and left in a huff. She reminds me of my first wife, therefore I am pleased she is gone so I am not reminded of that twit with a ****.

I feel much better now.... :D

IOFNS.... This could be the most serious case ever documented! Not sure one could ever recover.

"Her name is Jazz and I REALLY like this bike.

Her new name is "Namu" like the Orca

Worst ride I’ve ever experience on a bike in my life.

Guess she is the bike for me!!!

She does not feel at all top heavy to me and out of all the bikes I have owned she is my FAVORITE!!

I guess my biggest fear was a lot of people told me the FJR was too big for me and I really thought I was going to get the "I told you so"

She is hitting the road next Spring if I can sell the bitch.

because the bitch stalled"

:blink: :blink: :blink:

When a woman is under the influence of PMS, the only correct answer is 'Yes, dear' or silence. Most of the married men on the forum already know this. Some will bear scars, gained during the period in which they learned this.
fts! a myth propogated by those who desire a shift to a matriarchal society! those women who try to pull that are the same ones that you see with 2 black eyes... because they didn't understand what STFU meant the first time.

[SIZE=8pt]now pardon me while i send this and close the screen before some woman sees me typing it.[/SIZE]

ok, yer either a divorced man living with your cat, or you live in a matriarcal household and the binds are chafing your lil girly skin


When a woman is under the influence of PMS, the only correct answer is 'Yes, dear' or silence. Most of the married men on the forum already know this. Some will bear scars, gained during the period in which they learned this.
fts! a myth propogated by those who desire a shift to a matriarchal society! those women who try to pull that are the same ones that you see with 2 black eyes... because they didn't understand what STFU meant the first time.

[SIZE=8pt]now pardon me while i send this and close the screen before some woman sees me typing it.[/SIZE]

ok, yer either a divorced man living with your cat, or you live in a matriarcal household and the binds are chafing your lil girly skin

****! I just spit coffee on the screen! OMG!

I thought I was going to get it for saying twit with a ****... NO I don't like cats.

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Appears the OP has Inanimate Object Feminine Naming Syndrome. Usually associated with IOFNS is the inability to make up one's mind (Favre's Syndrome) and name calling. Jus sayin.
Not to mention Penis Envy.

Just sayin'
"envy" what?

Ok, women like them , hate them, tolerate them, are disgusted by them, worhsip them, see them as a necessary evil in procreation, chop them off, crazy glue them to other nearby male body parts, appreciate their recreational abilities...

but "envy"? Not a freakin' chance...*L*

Appears the OP has Inanimate Object Feminine Naming Syndrome. Usually associated with IOFNS is the inability to make up one's mind (Favre's Syndrome) and name calling. Jus sayin.
Not to mention Penis Envy.

Just sayin'
"envy" what?

Ok, women like them , hate them, tolerate them, are disgusted by them, worhsip them, see them as a necessary evil in procreation, chop them off, crazy glue them to other nearby male body parts, appreciate their recreational abilities...

but "envy"? Not a freakin' chance...*L*
Maybe you just haven't seen his Barb. I haven't any personal knowledge, but he MIGHT be the one for youse gals... ya never know. :D

Appears the OP has Inanimate Object Feminine Naming Syndrome. Usually associated with IOFNS is the inability to make up one's mind (Favre's Syndrome) and name calling. Jus sayin.
Not to mention Penis Envy.

Just sayin'
"envy" what?

Ok, women like them , hate them, tolerate them, are disgusted by them, worhsip them, see them as a necessary evil in procreation, chop them off, crazy glue them to other nearby male body parts, appreciate their recreational abilities...

but "envy"? Not a freakin' chance...*L*
Maybe you just haven't seen his Barb. I haven't any personal knowledge, but he MIGHT be the one for youse gals... ya never know. :D
"envy" - envy is the pain or frustration caused by another person having something that one does not have oneself.

I don't want one installed on my person. I am very content with my gender/sexuality, jicywtk

I'll stick with recreational appreciation, TYVM

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Maybe you just haven't seen his Barb. I haven't any personal knowledge, but he MIGHT be the one for youse gals... ya never know. :D

what you are describing would not be "envy", but perhaps "longing"

*pun intended*

Don't bother replying. I'm done with this site and will not look at it again so your little digs will be a waste and what talent there is to waste. YEAH right... :)
Uh huh... That's why you were: Last Seen: 17th September 2009 - 06:17 PM ?

I guess your curiosity won't let you stay away? Or you are just a troll...

Either way, good riddance to you.
Now that she has figured out that we can see when she was last seen, she is probably viewing this thread as a guest. So, keep piling on the dogpile (or, in this case, the bitchpile) since she is still looking.

When a woman is under the influence of PMS, the only correct answer is 'Yes, dear' or silence. Most of the married men on the forum already know this. Some will bear scars, gained during the period in which they learned this.
fts! a myth propogated by those who desire a shift to a matriarchal society! those women who try to pull that are the same ones that you see with 2 black eyes... because they didn't understand what STFU meant the first time.

[SIZE=8pt]now pardon me while i send this and close the screen before some woman sees me typing it.[/SIZE]

ok, yer either a divorced man living with your cat, or you live in a matriarcal household and the binds are chafing your lil girly skin

****! I just spit coffee on the screen! OMG!

I thought I was going to get it for saying twit with a ****... NO I don't like cats.
Let me double check my FJR Forum list: 1) Don't try and race Fairlaner, Check! 2) Don't try to out drink Pinhead Dave from Colorado, Check! 3) Never attempt to arm wrestle Big-Dan from Lake Havasu City, Check! 4) Try to always maintain 30 meters distance riding with SkooterG, Check! 5) Don't ever try to out eat johnny80s, Check! 6) Don't ever try to consume one more peyote bud in Real de Catorce than RenoJohn, Check! 7) Never, under any freaking circumstances, irritate Barb!

I'll stick with recreational appreciation, TYVM
pgrholes1: [SIZE=18pt]There's you're problem! Forget the FJR, borrow a penis, ride it till you smile, and you'll be happy![/SIZE]

[SIZE=36pt]awe, cum'll probably stall on her and fall over too[/SIZE]
that's the best quote in this whole un-holy rant (is that sposed to be hyphenated?)


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