R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend

OM's right-she's hot in black, doncha think?
Rad.... her inseam is 26 inches, not 26 centimeters! :blink:OM's right-she's hot in black, doncha think?
You'll open it back on Friday right? :angry:Get in while the gettin' is good folks.... I'm gonna shut this thread down at the 24-hour mark (which about 90 minutes from now), primarily due to it's poor positioning..... the OP should have posted this on Thursday, not Monday.
It is throwing off our traditional Dogpile Fridays, and we can't be having that. Traditions must be upheld. Always.
90 minutes... let's see how many of you can get in a last shot! :lol:
Now THAT'S some funny **** right there!! :lol: :lol2:I think your problem, barb, is that you think 'normally', as in, all synapses appear to be firing as advertised, etc, etc.am I missing something? :wacko:
Not sure that is the case for the OP.... :huh:![]()
First mistake: Should have gotten an AE, just twist and go with no stall.Have dropped her twice because the bitch stalled on take off. impossible to hold a line.
Your sanity and objectivity have no place here. Here lies DOGPILEFirst mistake: Should have gotten an AE, just twist and go with no stall.Have dropped her twice because the bitch stalled on take off. impossible to hold a line.
Second mistake: Air pressures probably off.
all your bases are belong to us!No misspellings there.....You should talk!!!!
"The is no" ??????? :dribble: :blink:
fts! a myth propogated by those who desire a shift to a matriarchal society! those women who try to pull that are the same ones that you see with 2 black eyes... because they didn't understand what STFU meant the first time.When a woman is under the influence of PMS, the only correct answer is 'Yes, dear' or silence. Most of the married men on the forum already know this. Some will bear scars, gained during the period in which they learned this.
1) You have lowered the bike. The fact that you have lowered other bikes means nothing to me. You have changed the dynamics of how the bike was designed, then you complain when it didn't handle right with 30#s on it.Okay, I've been riding for 15 years. I have taken the beginner, the intermediate, and the advanced courses. I have put 9,000 miles on the FJR since she was purchased last year. 30,000 on the Suzuki I just sold. 15,000 on the FZ1 I sold before I purchased the FJR. I could go on and on but I'm getting tired of defending myself. So go ahead and keep saying I'm inexperienced and need confidence if it makes you feel better. I guess that is a lot better than admitting that the FJR sucks.I'd almost say an ERC course would probably benefit this person, I've never had a problem handing the Feej at low speeds but unless you are used to slipping the clutch or confident in your skills I can see how it would be a difficult bike to handle, As awesome as I think the Feej is, it does take some finesse at low speeds since she is a heavy beast... IMHO Sport Tourers are like that in general (With the possible exception of the VFR)
I took an ERC over this past weekend and the ridercoach pointed out something that I did unconsciously but never thought about is that sport tourers don't have the same handlebar lock to lock travel as other bikes so you need to do more lean bike only and slip the clutch in order to do slow speed tight turns. If you are not used to that, the bike CAN feel like he is describing...
You do realize don't you that opening a closed dogpile just so it can be dogpiled again is a form of animal abuse, don't ya?Re-opened for today's Dogpile Friday..... closing it forever after today...![]()
Absolutely (LOVE) to death of this bike!! She is hitting the road next Spring if I can (RIDE) the bitch. I’ve never loved a bike so much in my life. Have dropped her twice because (i`m a bumbass) & stalled on take off (MY HAND ARE TOO TINY) but the last straw happened last weekend. I have her lowered (BECAUSE I`M too FRIGGEN SHORT) and worked extremely hard to dial in the suspension. We go on the first 3 day weekend ride and I load her up with about 30 extra pounds (AFTER A BIG BREAKFAST). Totally changed everything!! (SHE IS SWEET NOW) Tightening the shock did (THE TRICK). (BEST) ride I’ve ever experience on a bike in my life. (FLYING) around corners; (FANTASTIC) to hold a line. Scared the living HELL out of me!! (SAVED ON MY GPS AS) one of the best loops I’ve ever been on. Hundreds of miles of twisting turns. Who in gods name would have thought a few extra (TURNS) could have made such a difference. She is the (LAST) bike (I`LL) own and I (LOVE) messing with her. She (MAKES) history as soon as I can make it happen. Good luck to the rest of you and hope you enjoy yours.