Signup For E. KY Ride April 11-14th

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The group I ride with we call it leaving bread crumbs. You know the group ahead is going straight, if a turn is made and you don't see the bike behind you, you wait at the turning point till they see you turn. I also suggest we exchange cell numbers, that way you can call the leader or vice versa to prevent worry or unecessary searching.

I have a lot of experience leading groups (helicopters and motorcycles) so we can discuss more Friday night. Is it April yet??


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The group I ride with we call it leaving bread crumbs. You know the group ahead is going straight, if a turn is made and you don't see the bike behind you, you wait at the turning point till they see you turn. I also suggest we exchange cell numbers, that way you can call the leader or vice versa to prevent worry or unecessary searching. I have a lot of experience leading groups (helicopters and motorcycles) so we can discuss more Friday night. Is it April yet??

Yup, I agree.

Usually when riding in a group we just say that the faster riders will wait at the next turn and to ride thier own ride. That or 2 groups, whatever either way I'm ready to ride.

I'll be heading up 16 from NC into VA/WV. I read on another thread that it could be sandy/gravel, any word?


Steve, would you be riding 58 on your way into Kentucky? 58 is a very, very fun road to the west of 16... but, often extremely graveled this time of the year. I cannot comment on 16. I've never ridden that part of 16 that you'll be riding. In WV, 16 is often slurried (coal dust, street crap mix) this time of the year. When it is wet, it is like ice.

Be careful & I'll be meeting you soon.


The group I ride with we call it leaving bread crumbs. You know the group ahead is going straight, if a turn is made and you don't see the bike behind you, you wait at the turning point till they see you turn. I also suggest we exchange cell numbers, that way you can call the leader or vice versa to prevent worry or unecessary searching. I have a lot of experience leading groups (helicopters and motorcycles) so we can discuss more Friday night. Is it April yet??

Yup. Sometimes I will also slow down on a straight away because I can get a good view of how many bikes are behind me. Plus on a straight away, it lets anyone who is lagging back a little catch up.

The way i tried to do routes minimizes turns. For instance, on the first day, 235 miles, there are only about 9 turns! This should make it easy to keep everyone together, and if there is seperation, just waiting a minute prior to a turn will allow catch up.

We will also go over a few hand, and foot signals for communication on Friday Night.

All this rain and warmer weather should do good things for the newly budding trees and flowers. I spoke to a ranger who said that in mid april all the dogwoods and a few other trees should still be in bloom with a bit of new folliage coming in!

Steve, would you be riding 58 on your way into Kentucky? 58 is a very, very fun road to the west of 16... but, often extremely graveled this time of the year. I cannot comment on 16. I've never ridden that part of 16 that you'll be riding. In WV, 16 is often slurried (coal dust, street crap mix) this time of the year. When it is wet, it is like ice.
Be careful & I'll be meeting you soon.


Not sure about 58. I'll be riding 16 to Beckley then ride around New River Gorge, 39,219 etc for a day or two. I'm still working on the route to get over to Natural Bridge. Still debating faster/getting there vs. longer/enjoying the ride (likely).

See you there and thanks for the tips


I guess that I should've said that I've never rode the section of 16 south of VA. Be careful in WV coal country.

I guess that I should've said that I've never rode the section of 16 south of VA. Be careful in WV coal country.
I rode 16 last year from NC to Tazewell, VA then headed NW into KY on 421 etc. 16 is a great road and I look forward to riding more of it soon. Thanks for the heads up on coal dust, didn't even think of it (or encounter it) last year.


Less than 2 weeks to wait for this one. I sure hope it warms up here in Ohio before the 11th. High today here is 38-40.
What, your wing does not have the heater option?

Road the FJR into work today @ 27 degrees.

See you in KY,

I've got Gerbings heated gear, but did not get the heater option on the Wing. :lol: Looking forward to meeting you in Ky. also.

The high was 55 in Louisville today...felt like riding in a heat wave!

Forecasted lower 60s next week; hoping for a bit more by the 12-15th. Don't forget your raingear.

Well, we have a little problem here, nothing major.

It appears that upon finding out that IndianaTom was going to have room with Scab, he immediately cancelled his reservation. :p

Actually, Tom will not be able to make it due to an unexpected family illness. I wished him my best, and already let him know that if there is anything I can do to help, let me know.

As for the ride, that means Scab has no roomie for the 11th and I have no roomie for the 12th.

If anyone has been looking and thinking about joining along on this ride, that makes a spot open for friday night and saturday night.

There may even be an opening to split a room with Drewvanracer on the 13th. (if he hasn't already found a roomie for Breaks)

If we cannot find a replacement, Scab is just going to have to crash on a couch in one of the cottages. I spoke to someone at the park and they said there is a couch in every cottage. If the couch is small, we'll just grab cushions from 2 of the cottages, and make Scab a bed on the floor in one of the rooms, (or outside, we'll take a group vote on that later ;) ).

11 days to go! Let's hope that mother nature has gotten all the rain out of her system. We've had a ton of rain during the past 2 weeks, and this week does not look like an exception. The good news is that it has been warming up, although personally, I'd rather it be 35 and sunny than 64 and rainy!

I agree with your weather outlook, Keith. I have been strongly considering wearing my winter jacket as opposed to my mesh.

PM Jay (Violoine). It seems that Jay was finding off-site lodging for 2 nights because of the "no-roomy/ no vacancy scenario. I'll bet he'd be glad to sack up w/ Scabbage.

See you guys in less than two weeks!!!! I am so stoked!

Oh also, Keith, it looks as if we might make it for the Natural Bridge romp on Friday provided that you are willing to wait for us (until 1-ish).

Also, it looks like Jay & I will be riding into town w/ Daddysbike on Friday.

Tom, sorry to hear of family illness. I hope to hear that all is good soon,


Keith, I'm glad you can keep all this straight. I honestly don't remember who is staying with whom. I just remember that Scab is bringing the KY and I'm sleeping with my ride gear on. :unsure:

If Scab needs to crash with us he can. By now, he's used to sleeping around me with one eye open.


Of course, I can't speak for Heidi.

If Scab needs to crash
I think that Scab has had his share of this... & none of this from anyone all weekend... k?

By now, he's used to sleeping around me with one eye open. :)

Of course, I can't speak for Heidi.
You sure can't... when I sleep around you, both of my eyes are open.

Or did you mean something totally different? I'm so confused!!!

Edited with current changes

11th At Natural Bridge (No one paid yet, we pay when we get there)

1. Keithaba / Jager and S.O.

2. Drewvanracer / Borrec

3. Luvtoride / Haulin Ashe and Lovely Lady

4. ???? / Scab (May cancel this room.)

Got their own rooms, meeting up at Natural Bridge in the A.M.

5. Ohio FJR and S.O.

6. Quicksilver and S.O.

12th At Pine Mountain

1. Keithaba / ????

2. Luvtoride / Borrec

3. Drewvanracer / Scab

4. Haulin Ashe and Lovely Lady

Got their own rooms registered at Pine Mountain

5. Ohio FJR and S.O.

6. Quicksilver and S.O.

7. Jagermiester and S.O.

13th at Breaks Interstate Park

1. Keithaba / Scab (Drewvanracer gets the privelege of the floor)

2. Luvtoride / Borrec

got their own rooms registered at Breaks

3. Ohio FJR and S.O.

4. Quicksilver and S.O.

5. Jagermiester and S.O.

Sounds like several people will be getting in at about 1:00, that sounds like a good meeting time.

So far at 1:00 it sounds like it will be:

1. Keithaba

2. Jagermeister and S.O.

3. Jeffashe and lovely lady (That's gonna stick for a while ;) )

4. Luvtoride

5. Violione

6. Daddysbike

Check in is not until 4:00, but if any of the cabins are available when we get there, they will let us check in. That would be nice, because we could drop off some luggage, trunks, saddle bags... etc.

The skylift operates until 6:00 PM. Unfortunately, that is too early for sunset, but it should still be nice, and the light won't be as harsh at that time (for us who will be sporting DSLR cameras). Sunset isn't until about 8:00, so that actually should work out well, as we can go on the food/beer recon after leaving the skylift. The skylift is less than 1/2 a mile from the park entrance. Beer is about 10 minutes from the park entrance, the grocery store is about 15 minutes from the park entrance. The campgrounds will be holding charcoal for us, which is located in the park.

Please let me know if you plan to attend by (about) 1:00 so that we can wait if someone is running 20 minutes late.

Right now, it looks as though my riding bud, Jay will be slabbing home on Monday morning. It is likely that on Monday after Break NP, I will explore the western part of VA a little & leave for home on Tuesday. Are any of the Ky ride participants into joining me? I don't mind riding alone... but do not like riding in the mountains by myself.

At this point this is just a thought going through my head & I haven't made concrete plans as of yet,


If Scab needs to crash with us he can. By now, he's used to sleeping around Of course, I can't speak for Heidi.
Am I the only one here that has slept with both Jeff and Heidi, or is this a common thing around these parts? I'm jus' wonderin'.
