Signup For E. KY Ride April 11-14th

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Is their room for one more?
I'm sure everyone will welcome you to the ride. As you saw in earlier posts, the core group of rooms is sold out, but some are getting rooms elsewhere.

Worste case scenerio: If you don't get a Friday night room, you could meet us at Natural Bridge Saturday, and ride to Pineville/Middlesboro with us. I believe that's what DBVol from is doing, riding from Richmond Saturday.

You'd miss Keith wearing his Apron, though.

I will have an extra radio if someone wants to buy one of these.

  • Accesory Speaker Microphone for Motorcycle Helmet.
  • For Closed Faced Helmet
  • Includes two speakers that attach inside the helmet.
  • Boom microphone to go inside helmet.
  • PTT button that wraps on handle bar.
  • Extra long cable
  • Works with ALL Midland GMRS/FRS Radios.
  • One piece per order.
[SIZE=10pt]Price: $49.95[/SIZE]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Oh yeah baby! Less than 3 weeks, now!

I am almost positive that this was discussed earlier... but as a reminder to folks, we're going to be staying in dry counties at some of our stops. Plan your stashed bottle accordingly.

Perhaps Mr Aba will recap?

Cannot wait to see old friends & make some new. Talk w/ everyone soon, Heidi

Oh yeah baby! Less than 3 weeks, now!
I am almost positive that this was discussed earlier... but as a reminder to folks, we're going to be staying in dry counties at some of our stops. Plan your stashed bottle accordingly.

Perhaps Mr Aba will recap?

Cannot wait to see old friends & make some new. Talk w/ everyone soon, Heidi
Sure, I don't mind talking (typing) about it more!

Friday a few of us will be arriving at Natural Bridge State Park at about 12:00 PM. I'd like to know if anyone wants us to wait for them to meet up and go do the skylift to to the top of natural bridge, and then go see Nada Tunnel, and just cruise around the park (It's freeking huge!).

I'd like for one other person to then shoot over to the Kroger (supermarket) with me to pick up supplies for dinner.

Less than 5 miles from the park entrance, there is a county line, in which they sell beer. I'd like for someone to shoot over there and do a beer run, while I go get food. Then we eat and drink!

In the morning, I might skip out cooking breakfast, just because there are more people than I originally expected, and I'd like to avoid having to do much cleaning up before we go. The lodge is open for breakfast at 7:00. I figure if everyone gets packed up and then hits the lodge at about 7:30-7:45 we will be ready to go by 8:45-9:00.

I kinda need input from everyone. If we eat a buffet breakfast, is everyone cool with skipping lunch, maybe just stop for gas and grab a granola bar or snack? Give me some feedback and I'll determine if we should stop for lunch or not.

We will check in at Pine Mountain, and they also have a lodge for dinner. I'm guessing we should get to the park around 4:00-4:30. If we do get back that early, I'm probably going to do one more little run clicky It all depends on time though. I have no idea how that road is, but it looks fun! There is a nice restaurant at the lodge, Pineville is a dry county. Not sure how we will work that one out, but given that have our "Mule" ;) OhioFJR1300 on a goldwing apparently with a cooler, we might be in good shape.

Sunday, we will be stopping a lot. To have extra time, Kickstands up at 8:00 AM. First stop is Pinnacle Overlook, clicky in Cumberland Gap Park. It will only take us about 30 minutes to get there. I'm hoping we can get some good pictures is, as the sun shouldn't be too bright yet at 8:30ish. We'll probably hang there for a few minutes and let the photographers (including me!) who will be with us shoot some pics.

We will then ride about 3 hours to Kingdome Come state park, where there are several scenic overlooks. I figure we'll ride by a few of them, then stop at one for another photo op.

After that, we can shoot just a few miles down the road and there is a town where we can find something for lunch, or just skip lunch again, and just eat granola or tail mix.

We then ride 2 more hours to Breaks Interstate Park. Same deal, if we get there early and make good time, I'm going to do another little jaunt. clicky

Finally, we eat dinner at the restaurant at Breaks Interstate Park, hopefully cathching the sunset, (the restaurante faces W.)

If anyone is intereted, I will mapsource the extra "jaunts" that I might do and send them to anyone who wants them.

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Sure, I don't mind talking (typing) about it more!
Friday a few of us will be arriving at Natural Bridge State Park at about 12:00 PM. I'd like to know if anyone wants us to wait for them to meet up and go do the skylift to to the top of natural bridge, and then go see Nada Tunnel, and just cruise around the park (It's freeking huge!).

I'd like for one other person to then shoot over to the Kroger (supermarket) with me to pick up supplies for dinner.

Less than 5 miles from the park entrance, there is a county line, in which they sell beer. I'd like for someone to shoot over there and do a beer run, while I go get food. Then we eat and drink!

In the morning, I might skip out cooking breakfast, just because there are more people than I originally expected, and I'd like to avoid having to do much cleaning up before we go. The lodge is open for breakfast at 7:00. I figure if everyone gets packed up and then hits the lodge at about 7:30-7:45 we will be ready to go by 8:45-9:00.

I kinda need input from everyone. If we eat a buffet breakfast, is everyone cool with skipping lunch, maybe just stop for gas and grab a granola bar or snack? Give me some feedback and I'll determine if we should stop for lunch or not.

We will check in at Pine Mountain, and they also have a lodge for dinner. I'm guessing we should get to the park around 4:00-4:30. If we do get back that early, I'm probably going to do one more little run clicky It all depends on time though. I have no idea how that road is, but it looks fun! There is a nice restaurant at the lodge, Pineville is a dry county. Not sure how we will work that one out, but given that have our "Mule" ;) OhioFJR1300 on a goldwing apparently with a cooler, we might be in good shape.

Sunday, we will be stopping a lot. To have extra time, Kickstands up at 8:00 AM. First stop is Pinnacle Overlook, clicky in Cumberland Gap Park. It will only take us about 30 minutes to get there. I'm hoping we can get some good pictures is, as the sun shouldn't be too bright yet at 8:30ish. We'll probably hang there for a few minutes and let the photographers (including me!) who will be with us shoot some pics.

We will then ride about 3 hours to Kingdome Come state park, where there are several scenic overlooks. I figure we'll ride by a few of them, then stop at one for another photo op.

After that, we can shoot just a few miles down the road and there is a town where we can find something for lunch, or just skip lunch again, and just eat granola or tail mix.

We then ride 2 more hours to Breaks Interstate Park. Same deal, if we get there early and make good time, I'm going to do another little jaunt. clicky

Finally, we eat dinner at the restaurant at Breaks Interstate Park, hopefully cathching the sunset, (the restaurante faces W.)

If anyone is intereted, I will mapsource the extra "jaunts" that I might do and send them to anyone who wants them.
I think that Jay (Violione) & I are going to take the long way in to Natural Bridge on Friday (we are spending Thursday night @ Mr. Spklbuk's abode in Crawley, WV). I am not 100% positive of the rideout plan from Jim's on Friday morning... but you probably shouldn't look for us until early afternoon. Will let you know for sure, Keith.

I have personal knowledge about the beer capacity of the side cases. At least a 12 pack in each... & that isn't counting the top box. Also, that's not removing the beer from its cardboard confines & filling small crevices in the sidebags w/ the beverages. Also, I hear that a Givi topcase makes a fantastic cooler.

I'm ok with skipping lunch. This wouldn't be the first time that in lieu of lunch, I rode instead. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt my feelings a whole lot.

If any diabetics or anyone w/ medical conditions that require the need to eat, please do speak up.

In all honesty, I'm ok either way.

Keith, just to clarify, I am assuming that when you say that "we will ride for 3 hours & then stop" there will be rest stops thrown in during those 3 hours & it isn't straight seat time. Is that a correct statement?

Also, I would like more info on your side trips. Please PM or email me, Heidi

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Keith, just to clarify, I am assuming that when you say that "we will ride for 3 hours & then stop" there will be rest stops thrown in during those 3 hours & it isn't straight seat time. Is that a correct statement?
Maybe once? I don't think 1.5 hours in the saddle is too bad without a break.


For some of us, 3 hours isn't horrible. (It really depends on how long you've been riding that day, already)

Just checking. I am sure that some of the 2uppers will especially enjoy a break... unless they are iron butted & callous assed folk.

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I forgot to ask... Keith, is there an updated list of attendees? How many bikes, etc. Will we need to break into 2 groups?

I'm definitely not what I'd call slow... but I am definitely slower than some of these folks. Besides, it's the beginning of the season for me. In accordance with the aforementioned, chances are I will be taking it pretty easy & riding my own ride.

Maybe 2 groups are in order?


Do what you have to do to enjoy the ride too. Although I think Heidi will be disappointed in not seeing you cooking breakfast. Ride or eat lunch? Easy one, ride. Plus that will give us more to talk about over dinner. I plan on getting there around lunch time Friday. I can't wait!!


... In the morning, I might skip out cooking breakfast, just because there are more people than I originally expected, and I'd like to avoid having to do much cleaning up before we go. The lodge is open for breakfast at 7:00. I figure if everyone gets packed up and then hits the lodge at about 7:30-7:45 we will be ready to go by 8:45-9:00.
07:00 breakfast works for us. I can't make it until dinner without a few food/refreshment stops along the way. Something nice & healthy like a SunDrop and a pack of Nabs works fine for me. The GF is always good to go and requires zero maintenance along the routes.

... I kinda need input from everyone. If we eat a buffet breakfast, is everyone cool with skipping lunch, maybe just stop for gas and grab a granola bar or snack? Give me some feedback and I'll determine if we should stop for lunch or not.
See above. :)

... If anyone is intereted, I will mapsource the extra "jaunts" that I might do and send them to anyone who wants them.
I would love the MapSource files. I like to make Favorites of the sightseeing locations along the route as a navigational and timing aid. I'll regurgitate the revised GDB files for anyone interested.

Last comment I have...

Don't let the planning, overhead etc. of this event spoil your personal fun. The more people in attendance the more people available to help out.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind the route files also. That way, when my slow ass gets left behind, I can find ya'll at the end of the day.

No problem hauling the beer. We should have lots of room in the cooler and trailer for whatever anyone wants. We will be arrive sometime Friday afternoon, no need to wait for us tho. The breakfast buffet sounds like an easier way to go. Skipping lunch should be no problem for us. As for the Kroger run, maybe the "mule " can help in that also. We can work that out on Friday afternoon. I'd like the GPS files of the extra jaunts as they look like nice runs, you can email them to rickpat at usa dot com . Looking forward to this as it will be our first of many weekend trips this year. The snow here in Ohio is still hanging on and now that it is finally getting warm enough to melt it, it is starting to rain. We are hoping that we do not have to ride in snow to get on our way to this event. Looking forward to meeting everyone and enjoying the ride.

Thanks for the input. We will probably just skip lunches then, and instead just stop, gas up, grab some snacks and water, then keep the train rolling.

I have no idea how we are going to do groups yet. Sat. moring we will hold the qualifier for positions. :D

I kinda get the feeling that we will just start riding all together, and everyone just needs to be respectful and keep an eye out for the person in front and behind you. Several of us will have bike to bike communication, so that will make it easier to keep track of where everyone is. If you think you are going to be taking it easy, say your S.O. is with you and doesn't like to scrape pegs, start out toward the back. If your lovely lady encourages you to crack the throttle out of every turn (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! ) you should probably be further towards the front. After about 30-40 minutes, I think it will all just fall into place.

I will do the additional gps (optional routes) this week. Can anyone post them via FTP? If not, I'll just e-mail them to everyone again.

Update on Who's Going:

1. Keithaba

2. Jager and S.O.

3. Drewvanracer

4. Borrec

5. Luvtoride

6. Haulin Ashe and Lovely Lady

7. Indianatom

8. Scab

9. Ohio FJR and S.O.

10.Quicksilver and S.O.

11. Violione

12. DBVolFan

13. Daddy'sBike

I think that's everyone so far!!!!!

Spring is here, the trees are starting to bud, the temps are going up! Just a few more weeks!

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Keith, I know how all-consuming planning a meet can be. I hope that you're done w/ organization really, really soon. Awesome job, btw.

See you guyz & galz in a few weeks.

Keith, I know how all-consuming planning a meet can be. I hope that you're done w/ organization really, really soon. Awesome job, btw.
See you guyz & galz in a few weeks.
No problem!

Plus it looks like I'm working dilligently at my computer. Good thing the screen is turned away from everyone else in the office! ;)

Maybe having 2 groups and 2 leaders. One for speed limit riding and one for a more spirited pace. You could also arrange for an early stop/break 15-20 minutes into the ride for riders to re-group with others of like riding style. 13 FJR's is a large group and I'm sure at least 2 groups will be necessary.

Any other thoughts?

Just trying to prevent some of the ego wrecks I've seen.


Maybe having 2 groups and 2 leaders. One for speed limit riding and one for a more spirited pace. Steve
Uhhh, I guess that would mean I have to ride in the back of the spirited group? I despise doing the speed limit... on straighaways & curves alike.


Maybe having 2 groups and 2 leaders. One for speed limit riding and one for a more spirited pace. You could also arrange for an early stop/break 15-20 minutes into the ride for riders to re-group with others of like riding style. 13 FJR's is a large group and I'm sure at least 2 groups will be necessary.Any other thoughts?

Just trying to prevent some of the ego wrecks I've seen.

I have no problem with that at all. I'm cool with leading the first group, but if someone is faster than me, they should just pass (Safely!) as we get going. No ego issues here!

Only problem I forsee is that I did not include Waypoints in the GPS file for people to know where to stop. I'll take a look at the GPS files and see if I can do that or not.

One thing is for sure, I won't stop at a gas station that doesn't have good visability. If we are going to stop, the other riders behind will easily be able to see we stopped without having to jam the brakes.

I like the idea of stopping early on to regroup if necessary. There are a lot of different riders, different levels, and even different bikes so there is no harm in being in either group.

From what I know, everyone going is an experienced rider, and I'm not too worried about anyone pushing the limits. I'm more worried about a rider without GPS getting left behind, but almost everyone has GPS!

The rider to rider communication systems should also make it easy to keep track of everyone.

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Hi folks,

I plan on taking a little ride the same week of this ride. Im not sure which way Im heading for sure yet. It depends on the weather. Im located near St. Louis. One possibility is riding over the long way to see relatives near Louisa Ky. If I do I could ride along with you on the last day of your ride, if its ok with your group. I put a lot of miles on my bikes, and ride safely. It looks like the ride for Sunday starts at Pine Mt. and ends at Interstate. Correct? Please advise if I would be welcome so I may make plans.



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