Signup For E. KY Ride April 11-14th

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Hey Keith,

Violione and I have a room for Sunday evening at the Breaks and he was looking for places to stay Friday and Saturday night if you have not filled Indianatom's spot.

I won't be showing up until 4:00ish on Friday.


Oh, am I missing something here? I don't have rooms at NB or Pines but I do have a room at Breaks that I am sharing with Drew. So does someone need a roomie for both NB and Pines? I was resorting to getting rooms at Lil'Abners in Stanton and then Boone Trail Inn in Hutton(ville?) So I had resolved to having to party alone in my Little rooms on Friday and Saturday nights; does this mean I might be able to play with the big boys? Can I, can I? Pleeeeese?
Mr Violione... paging Mr Violione... Please pick up the red courtesy phone... someone wants to tell you that you must pay better attention, Mr. Violione. ;)

And on a completely different note... 9 days until I'm on the road to 1st mountain run 2008.

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Oh, am I missing something here? I don't have rooms at NB or Pines but I do have a room at Breaks that I am sharing with Drew. So does someone need a roomie for both NB and Pines? I was resorting to getting rooms at Lil'Abners in Stanton and then Boone Trail Inn in Hutton(ville?) So I had resolved to having to party alone in my Little rooms on Friday and Saturday nights; does this mean I might be able to play with the big boys? Can I, can I? Pleeeeese?
Up to you. You can split a cabin with Scab, and then you can stay in the park with us. It will probably cost a few bucks more than little Abner, but then you can have a few drinks and not have to drive back.

As for Pine mountain, you should just room with me, and cancel your other reservation since you were staying alone. I can't remember the exact amount but pine mountain was like $80 for a double, so $40 a piece, and you can be right there with us.

Let me know what you want to do about the Cabin so I can either cancel that reservation or let it ride. I have to do it soon.

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Keith, I sent you email to your yahoo account. Did you receive it?


Well, sounds good to me. I'll PM Scab about sharing the cabin at NB and I'll take you up on your offer for Pines. The cost is just about the same for Pine's cause the room in "Hootersville" :rolleyes: was going to be a tad bit more.

PMíng Scab now!


I got the PM and replied.

Unfortunately, I really don't know what the heck is going on. But, if we need more rooms, I'm in. I'll PM Keith also.

All I know is that I'm going. I may end up sleeping by the bike. :blink:

I got the PM and replied.
Unfortunately, I really don't know what the heck is going on. But, if we need more rooms, I'm in. I'll PM Keith also.

All I know is that I'm going. I may end up sleeping by the bike. :blink:
We are good, all the reservations are fine. It looks like Violione will be taking Indianatom's place for the rooms.

Luvtoride: Yes, got the e-mail. I would like to leave the park for the afternoon activities (I sound like a camp counselor) by 2:00. Do you think you guys could make it in by 1:30 ish, or is that pushing it?

1 other mild problem arose. My escort X50 is going in for repairs, so I will not have radar back in time for the ride. This presents a problem for me leading.

I'd like to either borrow someone's X50 (if anyone has one), or someone else is going to have to lead.

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No radar detector & you're panicking? Do as the majority do... & keep your eyes open. Unless of course you plan on speeding in excess.

Or is that it... you're planning to speed in excess?

1 other mild problem arose. My escort X50 is going in for repairs, so I will not have radar back in time for the ride. This presents a problem for me leading. I'd like to either borrow someone's X50 (if anyone has one), or someone else is going to have to lead.
No problem. I carry a spare X50.

GF said I am bound to be the only human being on the face of the planet who carries a spare radar detector. We all know she's wrong about that. You guys need to come out of the closet.


No radar detector & you're panicking? Do as the majority do... & keep your eyes open. Unless of course you plan on speeding in excess.
Or is that it... you're planning to speed in excess?
Damn straight!!!

No RD = no RiDe

Without a RD, I just as well ride a Harley!

and Mr Ashe, I see how well that RD has affected your RiDe.

Keith, you did not answer my question about Bert T Combs Mountain Parkway. Do you know what the speed limit is?


and Mr Ashe, I see how well that RD has affected your RiDe.
Keith, you did not answer my question about Bert T Combs Mountain Parkway. Do you know what the speed limit is?

Sorry, not Keith, but:

From I-64 to Rt. 11, the MP is 65mph. Southeast of 11, it goes down to 55mph, but I've never seen anything w/ less than 18 wheels travel that slow on the MP (I drive there 2x monthly).

Depending on your time of arrival, pick up Rt. 11 S. at Mt. Sterling. If it's daylight, you'll save 10 minutes & 40 miles of slab.

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It's a fairly short wait until I leave, now. Putting the Skyway Hydration system on the bike this weekend. I'm very excited to be seeing old friends & making new, also.

See ya' Friday!

7 Days to Launch :yahoo:

Unfortunately, we have to cut out Sunday mid-day; my wife couldn't get out of work Monday morning. :angry: It pisses me off; I really wanted to ride through Breaks Interstate Park. I hope we can at least ride with everyone Sunday morning to the Kingdom Come Parkway. This section: Clicky of 119 has a great scenic overlook at the top of the Mountain.

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and Mr Ashe, I see how well that RD has affected your RiDe.
It's a fairly short wait until I leave, now. Putting the Skyway Hydration system on the bike this weekend. I'm very excited to be seeing old friends & making new, also.
You know, you have to put the RD in perspective. While not any form of a guarantee, it's guaranteed that without it my fun factor substantially decreases.


You definitely need some new friends. At least one of your old ones can be a real dick!


Its Friday! and I'm heading to NC/cabin at 10am. I will not have internet access until after I get back from the KY trip. If anything comes up/changes Heidi, Keith, Jeff please give me a call on my cell.

I'm riding in rain/thunder boomers today, its supposed to clear by Sunday, I hope it stays that way!

Ride safe,

See you at Natural Bridge


and Mr Ashe, I see how well that RD has affected your RiDe.
It's a fairly short wait until I leave, now. Putting the Skyway Hydration system on the bike this weekend. I'm very excited to be seeing old friends & making new, also.
You know, you have to put the RD in perspective. While not any form of a guarantee, it's guaranteed that without it my fun factor substantially decreases.


You definitely need some new friends. At least one of your old ones can be a real dick!

I don't understand the comment about old dick. Please 'splain. Are you talking about Scab? :pardon:

& about that radar detector... It might work better for you if you viewed it as a tool for keeping you in check as opposed to a license to speed... but in the end it's your wallet & license. ;) You and I will never see eye to eye on that situation... & I do agree to disagree with you. I hope that you feel the same. I luv you mannnn!

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Well, not too happy about the extended weather forecast, but things may change! Everyone cross your fingers.

By the way, we will be in Slade, KY Friday, just in case you want to watch the weather for yourself.

Looks like everyone is still meeting at Natural Bridge at about 2:00 pm. Go to the lodge in the park, we will be there.

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Well, not too happy about the extended weather forecast, but things may change! Everyone cross your fingers.
By the way, we will be in Slade, KY Friday, just in case you want to watch the weather for yourself.

Looks like everyone is still meeting at Natural Bridge at about 2:00 pm. Go to the lodge in the park, we will be there.
Here's the link: Weather Clicky
