If tolerating your smart ass attitude is what it takes to get some answers, then so be it. You spoke up and I asked a reasonable question. Anything else?Gee I'll get right on that Mr. Jackman sir. Anything else while you have my employ?Well since you say you are going to be his spokesperson here, how about asking where the fuel cell kits are and letting us know something.OrangevaleFJR said:I just got off the phone with Ian. The light brackets are in and they arrived back this week. I am going to go down and help him mail them out on Saturday. I will post the status that evening and let everyone know how far along we got, and whether all orders were fulfilled. He says things are getting back on track and we should be ready for his desired customer service levels to return soon. He has been buried, too busy to visit the forum, and I let him know that I would address the forum for him until things get back to normal.Please, many of you have been very patient, and I just ask for a little more while he digs out here.
I never thought of checking on other things. Can anyone else list some things I should check on too?
Of course I'm checking on everything smartie, but I don't work for him, or you so how about some manners?
You're welcome.
Rest assured your concerns will be at the top of my list there. :lol:
What kind or riot shot is next :lol:
I'm about as concerned about your fuel cell as you are about being polite. Funny how **** works ain't it?If your smart ass attitude is what it takes to get some answers, then so be it. You spoke up and I asked a reasonable question. Anything else?Gee I'll get right on that Mr. Jackman sir. Anything else while you have my employ?Well since you say you are going to be his spokesperson here, how about asking where the fuel cell kits are and letting us know something.OrangevaleFJR said:I just got off the phone with Ian. The light brackets are in and they arrived back this week. I am going to go down and help him mail them out on Saturday. I will post the status that evening and let everyone know how far along we got, and whether all orders were fulfilled. He says things are getting back on track and we should be ready for his desired customer service levels to return soon. He has been buried, too busy to visit the forum, and I let him know that I would address the forum for him until things get back to normal.Please, many of you have been very patient, and I just ask for a little more while he digs out here.
I never thought of checking on other things. Can anyone else list some things I should check on too?
Of course I'm checking on everything smartie, but I don't work for him, or you so how about some manners?
You're welcome.
Rest assured your concerns will be at the top of my list there. :lol:
What kind or riot shot is next :lol:
It is truly unfortunate the manor in which I posed my question did not met your expectations.I'm about as concerned about your fuel cell as you are about being polite. Funny how **** works ain't it?If your smart ass attitude is what it takes to get some answers, then so be it. You spoke up and I asked a reasonable question. Anything else?Gee I'll get right on that Mr. Jackman sir. Anything else while you have my employ?Well since you say you are going to be his spokesperson here, how about asking where the fuel cell kits are and letting us know something.OrangevaleFJR said:I just got off the phone with Ian. The light brackets are in and they arrived back this week. I am going to go down and help him mail them out on Saturday. I will post the status that evening and let everyone know how far along we got, and whether all orders were fulfilled. He says things are getting back on track and we should be ready for his desired customer service levels to return soon. He has been buried, too busy to visit the forum, and I let him know that I would address the forum for him until things get back to normal.Please, many of you have been very patient, and I just ask for a little more while he digs out here.
I never thought of checking on other things. Can anyone else list some things I should check on too?
Of course I'm checking on everything smartie, but I don't work for him, or you so how about some manners?
You're welcome.
Rest assured your concerns will be at the top of my list there. :lol:
What kind or riot shot is next :lol:
We get no more ice?Don't get me pissed off enough so that I follow through on the warning in my signature.
No, man, he's gonna put some gravity on you. Careful, it'll keep you sucked to the earth.We get no more ice?Don't get me pissed off enough so that I follow through on the warning in my signature.
fixed!!I guess he saved me the trouble of having to buya huge tubehuge tubs of silicone in order to waterproof them....
2 separate issues:Things can go bad with group buys, and I can see why there aren't more of them going on. ...I'm patiently waiting for my brackets.
yes, that is the yamaha service manager reply... you forgot to add that you can't believe what you read on the internet......few negative posts...don't identify a trend, they identify aberrations.
i'm glad he had time to help with the drive bys in gerlach...He has been buried, too busy to visit the forum...
great picture!!! those are birmingham, alabama firefighters hosing down what were then know as 'blacks' during peaceful protests asking for equal treatment and rights... and there was that trouble maker rosa parks that thought sitting in the back of the bus was wrong... and, let's not forget ml king whom would rather be alive today than have a holiday named after him as an indirect result of his speaking out against letting things be as they are...
Kudos to Orangevale for lighting a candle rather than cursing the darkness. I too am waiting for goodies but fully understand what it's like to be a department of one, "I''ll get a man right on it" type of thing. I think it's cool that Orangie is going up to help Skyway in whatever way he can; both for Skyway and for us waiters. If I had even a squidgen of time I'd be up there too.Frankly, I am lacking tolerance. I am just trying to help out by going to stuff boxes and do whatever else I can do. I will help Ian because he has helped me a few times before without ever asking for anything in return. In other words, I consider him a friend and I see that people here have legit complaints
gunny!!!MM2 - I propose a compromise that will still allow group buys. You continue with the group buys but you refuse service to the unappreciative and negative asshats.
I agree with the above and note that Ian called me today to follow up with my order to see if there were any problems. I'd already talked with him earlier and said things were good, but he still called to confirm that nothing had changed. For those of you who need fixes to your order, take heed that he'll be in touch as he told me he was going to personally contact everyone who ordered to assure there were no problems and/or to correct any issues. He will make this right even though the issues with the lights were not of his doing. My .02 worth.I want to toss in a good word for Ian. Those of us who ordered stuff from him before he started expanding the business know he cares a lot about customer service. He was quick, his service was personal, and his own designs are first rate stuff.
I think it's pretty clear this thing took off much faster than he expected and he's caught in a pretty big time crunch.
But it's not like he's stopped working for you guys. I first started hearing about the Solteks leaking in reports coming out of the IBR. In the buzz on that I've seen here and in other forums, I've only heard of one distributor who put a hold on shipping and went back to the manufacturer to get them to fix the problem. It's also pretty easy to glean from comments by those who know him that his suppliers for other parts were also not ready for the volume and he's been working with them.
Direct response to customers is pretty damn important to maintaining the business -- witness the comments of ticked off folks -- but in this short term crunch when he has a choice of spending time making nice with customers or spending time working with suppliers to get the product right, I think it says a lot about him that he's putting his effort towards the products. It reflects the thought he's always put into his own designs. I think it shows his heart is still with the bigger picture.
I think he'll get caught up and get the direct customer service thing sorted out because he's already proven it's important to him. I know it's frustrating in the meantime -- hell, I'm ticked off at someone else that I have to wait two week for a shirt to ship :unknw: . But cut him a bit of slack. He's trying to work for you, not against you.