Smoked an obnoxious HD this morning

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Elk Grove, CA
I live in the biker trash capitol of northern California, lovely Rio Linda. All you Sacramento area folks know what I'm talking about. I live just off Rio Linda Blvd and it seems like every other vehicle going by is a HD with open pipes and hammered down. God how I've come to hate those people :angry:

Anyway, there's guy who often hits the stop light with me in the morning. He rides a massive hog with open pipes, the most obnoxious SOB you can imagine. He has riding habits to match. Loves to pass with the throttle wide open and doesn't mind making everybody else on the road swerve to avoid crashing.

So I see his fat ass in the mirror this morning coming up fast and I say to myself not today a**hole! About the time he comes abreast and my teeth are starting to rattle from his lous ass pipes, I downshift and hammer down. Front wheel comes up a couple of inches and he's a speck in the mirror stuck behind the 3 trucks I passed in a heartbeat.

I turned left up the road a bit and he went by as I was waiting and I swear he sounded humbled. At least he wasn't wide open anyway. God that felt good :D

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Nice work!! I wish someone could explain the logic of riding something that is so freakin loud?

Nice work!! I wish someone could explain the logic of riding something that is so freakin loud?
Don't you know? Loud pipes save lives... kinda like every time a bell rings, an angel gets it's wings... :huh:

How did you keep the paper from tearing?


Now THERE is an avatar waiting to be scarfed if I ever saw one!

By the way, is there really ANY bragging rights in "smoking a Harley"?

I quit worrying about loud, fast Harleys on the way to work after my $375 "performance award" in early April. I twitch the bait and reel 'em in. The "on ramp" to the tollway I take to work is a speed trap. The speed limit on the access road to the ramp 60 mph. The tollway speed limit is 65 mph. But the onramp to the tollway, a nice, 2 mile decreasing radius sweeper passing under the tollroad, is only 45mph. And EVERY morning, the trooper who "got" me sits waiting, just before the toll plaza at the end of the onramp.

So what I do is wait for the squid, cruiser, whatever, to come up alongside on the access highway, then goad them in to a speed burst on to the onramp. I back it down to 45, but they usually keep accelerating, passing other vehicles. As they pass the apex of the wide sweeping curve of the access road, the trooper nails them with his laser, steps out into the road and motions them over to the right-of-way.

I never fail to beep-beep to my trooper buddy and his latest victim as I tool pass at 45mph.

I'm SUCH a jackhole! :rofl:

I never fail to beep-beep to my trooper buddy and his latest victim as I tool pass at 45mph.I'm SUCH a jackhole! :rofl:
Might just be some issues with anger and unresolved inability to take responsibilty for getting a ticket. That or you may just be a Jackhole. ;)

By the way, is there really ANY bragging rights in "smoking a Harley"?
About the same as beating up your Grandma, IMHO

I never fail to beep-beep to my trooper buddy and his latest victim as I tool pass at 45mph.

I'm SUCH a jackhole! :rofl:
Might just be some issues with anger and unresolved inability to take responsibilty for getting a ticket. That or you may just be a Jackhole. ;)

By the way, is there really ANY bragging rights in "smoking a Harley"?
About the same as beating up your Grandma, IMHO


Reminds Me of this story:


Next time someone asks 'what do you do all day' - here's a great


Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make

their days interesting.

Well for example, the other day I went into town and went to a

small shop. I was only in there for about five minutes. When I came out,

there was a cop writing out a parking ticket.

I went up to him and said, "Come on buddy, how about giving a

senior citizen a break?"

He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. I called him a Nazi

Bastard. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for

having worn tires. So I called him a piece of stinking dog crap.

He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with

the first. Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for

about 20 minutes.

The more I abused him, the more tickets he wrote.

Personally, I didn't give a shit. I came downtown by bus.

I try to have a little fun each day now that I'm retired. It's

important at my age.

I live in the biker trash capitol of northern California, lovely Rio Linda. All you Sacramento area folks know what I'm talking about. I live just off Rio Linda Blvd and it seems like every other vehicle going by is a HD with open pipes and hammered down. God how I've come to hate those people :angry:
Anyway, there's guy who often hits the stop light with me in the morning. He rides a massive hog with open pipes, the most obnoxious SOB you can imagine. He has riding habits to match. Loves to pass with the throttle wide open and doesn't mind making everybody else on the road swerve to avoid crashing.

So I see his fat ass in the mirror this morning coming up fast and I say to myself not today a**hole! About the time he comes abreast and my teeth are starting to rattle from his lous ass pipes, I downshift and hammer down. Front wheel comes up a couple of inches and he's a speck in the mirror stuck behind the 3 trucks I passed in a heartbeat.

I turned left up the road a bit and he went by as I was waiting and I swear he sounded humbled. At least he wasn't wide open anyway. God that felt good :D

WOW - you smoked a 68hp Harley Davidson - good job!

I'll defend Mr. Evil on this... I've done it. No, it's not a challenge to "smoke" a Harley... but it's fun, so who cares? This past Friday, a group of about 8 Harleys, seemed to want to keep me behind them... 110 mph later they're in the rear view. At least I waved after I passed. :p

WOW - you smoked a 68hp Harley Davidson - good job!
Hey now how do you know it was the 68HP version?? It was waaay too loud to be anything less than the special tricked out 100 HP exploding version which, by the way, are great for 4th of July parades. :clapping:

I would guess he had about a 30 MPH lead on me when I hit it so I didn't completely take advantage <_<
