Smoked an obnoxious HD this morning

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All that I have established from this thread is that pain and zork are liberals. lol Oh, pun intended.....
odot, yea your right on one thing, not much to gain from this thread. Oh, you are way off base on one thing though, the liberal. Couldn't be farther from the truth. I am totally conservative on all counts. Just a good Republican, but don't want to start a pointless never ending political thread like this one. Have a nice day. LOL. And would love to add that nice little scooter to my collection. I really like the color blue. PM. <>< :yahoo:

I'll defend Mr. Evil on this... I've done it. No, it's not a challenge to "smoke" a Harley... but it's fun, so who cares? This past Friday, a group of about 8 Harleys, seemed to want to keep me behind them... 110 mph later they're in the rear view. At least I waved after I passed. :p

I have to admit I did the same thing last week with three cruisers on the 4 lane I live off of.

They were quite fast and I was quite faster...


Isn't that tne '07 VR?

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I am a little ashamed to admit this, well not much, but the other day I saw a bike on the side of the road and it was obvious from a distance the rider was looking and trying to see what was wrong with the bike. I signaled and started to slow down to help and as I got closer I could see that this was typical loud piped, brand new fringed jacket and bags with the silver studs, all done up, chromed to death, bandana wearing, tatooed, tee shirt, no helmet, lawyer, doctor, accountant, biker wanna be.

I shut the blinker off.

On the other hand, I work with a guy that has been riding Harley's for 30 years. He looks similar to the guy on the side of the road. The only way to tell the difference is he doesn't have the money for all the expensive goodies and clothing. His saddle bags are old and worn as is the leather jacket and boots. The front spokes are rusty on the 25 year old bike. But for him it is a love of the bike and a love of riding. It's not about a trumped up role playing life style, mid life crisis, with too much money and too much attitude. He's genuine.

Look at the bike and the riding gear. It's the only way to tell who's who.

I'm having hard luck getting photobucket to accept a jpg image of my harley when it was running....otherwise, I'd post a pic of it.

I am a little ashamed to admit this, well not much, but the other day I saw a bike on the side of the road and it was obvious from a distance the rider was looking and trying to see what was wrong with the bike. I signaled and started to slow down to help and as I got closer I could see that this was typical loud piped, brand new fringed jacket and bags with the silver studs, all done up, chromed to death, bandana wearing, tatooed, tee shirt, no helmet, lawyer, doctor, accountant, biker wanna be.
I shut the blinker off.

I understand the "anti-poser" attitidude, but still, a biker-in-need is a biker-in-need.

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I am a little ashamed to admit this, well not much, but the other day I saw a bike on the side of the road and it was obvious from a distance the rider was looking and trying to see what was wrong with the bike. I signaled and started to slow down to help and as I got closer I could see that this was typical loud piped, brand new fringed jacket and bags with the silver studs, all done up, chromed to death, bandana wearing, tatooed, tee shirt, no helmet, lawyer, doctor, accountant, biker wanna be.

I shut the blinker off.

I understand the "anti-poser" attitidude, but still, a biker-in-need is a biker-in-need.
I like that attitude Woodstock. +1! Keep up the good work. PM. <>< :D


Odot's Bike

Suthrin Hospitality helpin each other out.

What would Texass do without Bama?

Sorry Odot Couldn't resist :D

Man I want to say something bout those assless chaps... nope ain't gonna do, it wouldn't be prudent at this "juncture". Looks like the dot likes em though :D


I am a little ashamed to admit this, well not much, but the other day I saw a bike on the side of the road and it was obvious from a distance the rider was looking and trying to see what was wrong with the bike. I signaled and started to slow down to help and as I got closer I could see that this was typical loud piped, brand new fringed jacket and bags with the silver studs, all done up, chromed to death, bandana wearing, tatooed, tee shirt, no helmet, lawyer, doctor, accountant, biker wanna be.

I shut the blinker off.

I understand the "anti-poser" attitidude, but still, a biker-in-need is a biker-in-need.
I've pulled over in the past for things like a biker who was pushing an older Harley that ran out of gas... told him to stop pushing, and then rode about a mile away, got a 1 gallon gas tank at a service station, filled it up, and drove back to help the guy out. Do unto others as you would have....

I've stopped for 4 bikes stranded on the side of the highway lately, all with different problems. All had it under control and thanked me for the gesture. Touch wood, my FJR has never left me at the side of the highway, not yet anyway.

V rod Harley

Harley cruiser of some sort


BMW Rt1150

Thanks for posting that, every one knows what I look like....better mind my p's and q's, eh? NAUGHT

Just so you know....that's an older pic....the last rendition had a sportster peanut tank (two gallons)....and different pipes....and a six speed transmission (bet you wish you had a sixer)
