Stator Interest?

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People get stuck on the Yamaha 490W claim vs. the 510W and the 2500rpm number, thinking of a 20W difference.
First off, the stock stator is under rated and never reaches 490. At 2500 it’s @ 390W and at 3600 @ 403W and straight lines from there.

With the ESG130 at 2500 it's @ 470W, 3600 @510W and 6000@ 520W. Basically the stock stator is pretty much done @ 2500 and only goes to 403W @3600. With the stock stator, it’s just not there. No stock stators produce what they claim. They’re all over rated.
Since the output of the motor remains constant, this is a zero sum game. Additional power electrical power generated by the upgraded stator is subtracted from the power available at the rear wheel at any given instant, right?

So, at 3600 RPM, 510 Watts with the upgraded stator minus 403 Watts for the stocker equals 107 Watts, assuming the same efficiency.

107 Watts x 0.00134 Horsepower/Watt = 0.3638 Horsepower.

So, if I stay with the stock stator, I get a one third horsepower advantage over all the guys on warm, well lit FJR's. This is in addition to the power to weight ratio advantage I get from not having all that stuff in the first place. :bleh:

Hmmm... OK, the new stator sounds pretty cool AND it gives me a reason to pop off and replace the scratched generator cover with the one I've had in a box for six months.



If this unit pans out, count me in on the GB. Just now saw this, great news.

Wifey's reaction upon the latest farkle description: "What are you waiting for, get it."

All it took was the mention of being able to leave all Gerbing heated clothing pegged on fried chicken. :D

Even though after the Escort detector, I vowed I'm through with FJR farkles. I'll count this as wifey's farkle and I'll even install it for her. :wub:

Well folks, it appears that I`m $20 poorer! I can live with the 20 bucks, butt it really piss`s me off that I also have to buy a beer!! :eek:

I`m back from Daytona and sorry to report>>> Published info for the 2006 FJR A model is 490 watts @5000 RPM. However, for some reason there is nothing on the FJR AE relating to Alt./charging output? <_<

Another interesting thing. The only demo rides were on `05s. The `06`s were just for show (same ones that were there in Oct.?)

Submitted buy your roving reporter.

I`m back from Daytona and sorry to report>>> Published info for the 2006 FJR A model is 490 watts @5000 RPM. However, for some reason there is nothing on the FJR AE relating to Alt./charging output? <_<
Another interesting thing. The only demo rides were on `05s. The `06`s were just for show (same ones that were there in Oct.?)
So, I guess you didn't get to see an '06 run? I wonder how they addressed the added draw from whatever the customer might plug into the power outlet + heated grips? I was wondering if they're going with the 'one headlight' thing like the Euro video showed. I sure hope this stator thing works out. Stupid Yamahahas.

Well folks, it appears that I`m $20 poorer!  I can live with the 20 bucks, butt it really piss`s me off that I also have to buy a beer!!  :eek:
I`m back from Daytona and sorry to report>>> Published info for the 2006 FJR A model is 490 watts @5000 RPM. However, for some reason  there is nothing on the FJR AE relating to Alt./charging output?  <_<

Another interesting thing. The only demo rides were on `05s. The `06`s were just for show (same ones that were there in Oct.?)

Submitted buy your roving reporter.
Dude, I would really be happier if I was paying you $20. That's a bummer.

Talked with Warchild and a gaggle of FJR owners last night (Zelenz, Chapman, Vallaincourt over multiple margaritas) and Dale said the test stator came in and it looks different than the rewound he tried a year ago. Like it's had some engineering thought put into it. He seemed more encouraged the more margaritas he drank ;)

Just watched Georgie drive away on his new R1. We rigged up the Widders and he was pyched that the non-touring R1 had more juice than his FJR. He was also so psyched that you're buying me a beer and paying me $20 that he's waving at 'ya Rick. Ask him about his winning lottery scratch ticket at his birthday last night....


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Has anyone given any thought to voiding the warranty with this install (if it goes through)? Either the initial or extended Y.E.S.?


Sorry if this has been covered and I missed it.

Frying the voltage regular or other part of the charging system--yes.

Making the valve seals and guides wear prematurely--no.

I`m back from Daytona and sorry to report>>> Published info for the 2006 FJR A model is 490 watts @5000 RPM. However, for some reason there is nothing on the FJR AE relating to Alt./charging output?
I was there too. The main "service guy", and I believe him, as he was spot on with all the facts, said for '06 it is exactly the same motor, frame, and transmission.

He admitted the bike was MUCH slower, too. ;) ;) ;)


Has anyone given any thought to voiding the warranty with this install (if it goes through)?  Either the initial or extended Y.E.S.?
Frying the voltage regular or other part of the charging system--yes.
And I imagine the manufacturer's warranty won't cover anything but the part they sell. Another great reason for holding off on the GB until after phase II testing is complete.

Any behind-the-scene news on testing status that's not yet posted?
His Benevolent (or is that Bone Violent) Dictatatorness hasn't had time to fart, let alone ride, or update the NFO (prolly should be IFO?) (used to be WFO...) website. Give it a couple more weeks....

I'm as anxious to hear 'bout the status as you are, though!

I just recieved a new Dennis Kirk catalog today. FJR stator is listed 02-06 models.

$170. They're prices are always high.

It's the one Warchild is testing, I'd assume. ElectroSport.

It' real and its for sale.

Still waiting for His Dictatorness to convey the blessing upon the stator... although it sounds like we should be good to go.

I'm a Stator Waiter.


Well, I don't have time to write this up properly, but some of you just can't wait. So here's what I got so far.

Basically, it's a thumb's up, with a few notes.


Here is the stock FJR1300 stator, still bolted within its housing:


In many ways, the ESG130 stator appears fairly identical to the stock stator, although the ESG130 seems to weigh a little more than stock. As expected, the windings appear to be a pinch thicker, and there appears to be more of them. The armature ends also appear to be a bit larger than stock.

The ESG130 on the right, the stock on the left:


The new stator fits within the stock housing just fine. Ensure the three torex bolts are torqued to spec.....


The only slight downer in this purchase is that ElectroSport can not obtain the original Yamaha gray connector that retains the three white (stator output) wires and affixes them to the Regulator/Rectifier. Towards that end, you'll want to shrink-tube the bare female connectors as they arrive from ElectroSport:


Then attach your connectors to the Regulator/Rectifier:


You should probably tidy things up a little before bolting the R/R back into place:


Finally, check the stator cover seal (yellow arrows) to ensure your cover doesn't leak oil:


Warchild's ESG130 Stator Impressions:

I would like some more time for testing before fully commenting here. I am not quite done with Phase I testing... almost, but not quite.

That having been said......

Thus far, I am indeed seeing a fair amount of available power above what is present in a stock configuration. Exactly how much more *usable* power is available, this I am not prepared to state quite yet. I believe I can safely say I am seeing an additional 60-ish watts at a bare minimum; it's likely to be a good bit higher once I am all done testing.

Bottom line: this stator appears to be a Player!

Datel readings:

Interestingly, when the bike first starts up, the Datel sits at a steady 13.9 volts for a good 30-45 seconds, then it climbs slowly up to a healthy 14.3v-14.4 v and stays at this reading consistantly (unless you activate a brake light, turn signal, etc.)

Then I throw on the PHIDS, and the Datel will fall to ~ 14.0v-14.1v

Then I throw on a Widder vest/arm chaps (both set on high), the Datel sinks to about 13.7v

Then I throw on a set of Widder leg chaps, now the Widder sinks to about 13.5v.

When I have all items set on "high" (HIDs, PHIDs, Widder vest, Widder Arm Chaps, Widder Leg Chaps, Valentine One, GPSIII+.....), the Datel will display ~ 13.4v (+/- .1v)

When I have all the items lit up as above, but back off my Widder electronic controller to about 50%-60%, the Datel will display a pretty healthy 13.6v-13.7v.


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When I have all items set on "high" (HIDs, PHIDs, Widder vest, Widder Arm Chaps, Widder Leg Chaps, Valentine One, GPSIII+.....), the Datel will display ~ 13.4v (+/- .1v)

What did the stocker show on the datel when the same items were on full blast?
