Straight Pipes? Yay or Nay.

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This thread sure went way father than I thought it would of (now up to 4 pages and counting!). Guess we have some strong opinions on this here ;)

My goodness, this one went way the heck out there. All this started over straight pipes? I would not have expected this during the riding season. Late winter maybe.

I think our "Troll" must have gone back under his bridge to wait for another goat.

I cannot imagine paying dues to a HOA. I realize the property values are actually higher because there are sheep who like to be herded. Most motorcyclists are not sheep. We usually do not like to be herded.

bwv, I want to help you. Everybody hates Howie. If you notice, Howie hates everybody back. I'd still like to meet him someday and buy him lunch.

bwv, I have a plan that will solve ALL of your issues at once. Get the farmer to "spill" some of his aged slurry fertilizer on the road at the correct point in front of your house just about 11:00 o'clock on a Saturday night. Your Harley guy will hit the stinking, slippery goop and due to his time at the bar he will lose control. If you have positioned the slurry correctly, your Harley guy will slide off the road and into the ugly pile of crap in your neighbor's front yard. He will total the Harley and damage himself. He will sue the farmer for the fertilizer on the road, he will sue your neighbors for the roadside hazard he crashed into. The neighbors will sue him back for property damage. The farmer will probably shoot him. You just sit back and enjoy. You can thank me later.

But then that would be "Loud pipes take lives" right?

I like the plan... but I think I will just smile and wave... I don't want noone getting hurt...and I especially don't want no HOA around me...

With all the really bad stuff in the world... if those are my largest compalints, I count myself lucky. I have happy, healthy children, a nice place to live, nicer places to ride and an FJR that needs some more miles on it... Life is good!

Maybe I will just plant some larger shrubberies in line of site with the pile and scoop some of that poop to fertilize them !!

My goodness, this one went way the heck out there. All this started over straight pipes? I would not have expected this during the riding season. Late winter maybe.
I think our "Troll" must have gone back under his bridge to wait for another goat.

I cannot imagine paying dues to a HOA. I realize the property values are actually higher because there are sheep who like to be herded. Most motorcyclists are not sheep. We usually do not like to be herded.

bwv, I want to help you. Everybody hates Howie. If you notice, Howie hates everybody back. I'd still like to meet him someday and buy him lunch.

bwv, I have a plan that will solve ALL of your issues at once. Get the farmer to "spill" some of his aged slurry fertilizer on the road at the correct point in front of your house just about 11:00 o'clock on a Saturday night. Your Harley guy will hit the stinking, slippery goop and due to his time at the bar he will lose control. If you have positioned the slurry correctly, your Harley guy will slide off the road and into the ugly pile of crap in your neighbor's front yard. He will total the Harley and damage himself. He will sue the farmer for the fertilizer on the road, he will sue your neighbors for the roadside hazard he crashed into. The neighbors will sue him back for property damage. The farmer will probably shoot him. You just sit back and enjoy. You can thank me later.
I love the creativity of this -- a mind is a terrible thing to waste, and imagining some fairly unattractive alternatives is good therapy for a mind burdened by silly neighbors.

I also admire bwv's ability to recognize that his neighbors are just... different, and to live and let live. Not always easy to do.

Straight pipes and the freedom to own & use them are as American as... HOAs. Sometimes they create as many problems as they solve.

I can live without either one.

In my world a "HOA" is a Hand-Off-Automatic switch. This 3 position switch is most commonly used to control a pump. Hand runs the pump, Off is off, Automatic is based on a level control switch. This is useful.

The HOA that tells you what you can and cannot do on property that you are paying for is garbage. As we have seen in this thread, only the lawyers seem to profit from the HOA. I guess we all have to make a living somehow.

The HOA that tells you what you can and cannot do on property that you are paying for is garbage. As we have seen in this thread, only the lawyers seem to profit from the HOA. I guess we all have to make a living somehow.
Far too simplistic, RFH. I didn't want to get started on this, but I represented HOAs in the highly and uniquely regulated (land use laws) Lake Tahoe Basin. Setting apart the fact that a significant number of properties within each were part time occupied second homes (which often rent short term) and that some were subdivided over 100 years ago, there were still a lot of issues that a HOA made easier for the owners to deal with. It was only a small part of what I did that involved architectural review or enforcement issues.

One client had significant lagoons/levies/docks on the Lake. Agency required maintenance and control of water quality, dams, levees and runoff control structures is one area in which cooperation of owners is required, not to mention the benefit of pooling costs and centralized management of the tasks. Same with pier and buoy leases from the state (which owns the lake bed), or with providing a united front against intrusive gov't regulation (including eminent domain). We've all been around long enough to expect there to exist at least one ******* neighbor who will let everyone else do the work and pay for everything, no matter that it directly benefits him or the use and value of his property as well (e.g., common area and road maintenance, snow removal, etc.). Where you come down on that last issue probably depends on whether you're that ******* neighbor or his affected neighbor.

[further examples deleted] I'll leave it at saying that I've dealt with some incredibly complicated subdivision based problems in which the solution had to be communal, and the cost and handling of it was far more efficiently handled than could ever have resulted by each individual acting alone.

I could bore you endlessly about the circumstances that sometimes make HOAs the best (or only) solution for some subdivisions. Like I said, I don't own property in, or live in one. I've seen enough abuses, and have had enough conflict in my life (professionally) that I prefer to avoid it (besides, I live on acreage where an HOA really wouldn't offer anything of value). How well or badly it works often depends on who is on the board. I represented one for 20+ years in which the board generally consisted of smart, fair, resourceful and well intentioned people.

Lay people too often see everything in black or white instead of shades of gray, or simple when something is actually much more complex. If that were true in this society that is full of self interested people, then the perception that what lawyers do is simple and always overpaid would be much closer to the truth.

Even loud pipes aren't black or white. Sometimes they're chromed, sometimes they're slightly muffled, sometimes the guy riding the loud assed straight pipes Milwaukee twin isn't an ****** at all -- upon getting to know him in person.

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Oh damn. All of this behind a troll with loud pipes?

Exskibum, how about I amend my post to say "An HOA would be garbage for me."? My past experiences with HOAs concerned the worst sort of person. The one that has no job, no career, no use to society. This gives them time to Be In Charge of the HOA. They have Authority and they can Give Orders for the first time in their lives.

I am fortunate that I own a couple acres on a one lane road where every home is owned by some of my wife's family. IF one of us were to take on the role of ****** the will of the community would force a change. Respect for my neighbors prevents me from owning anything with an offensively loud exhaust.

Also, just to make sure we are on the same page, I have tremendous respect for a good lawyer. I think that lawyers and motorcyclists are both affected by the fact that the asshats among them get such notoriety that the entire group gets painted with the same brush. It is not fair, but there it is.

Redfish, we're on the same page. We respect and get along with our neighbors, who respond in kind. Which gets us back to Bounce's original comment -- neighbors solving issues without lawyers (requiring little more than an adherence to the Golden Rule). What you describe as your experience with HOAs is too common. I cited the sanity of the one board largely because, in my experience, they were unusual, at least over an extended time. The good ones burn out in a thankless job and the officious ones hang on, possibly just so that they can feel important and exercise their power. Sounds like Howie recently caught some of that crap.

Do you maintain a stash of herring at the ready for cutting down the trees?
Talk about two peoples divided by a common language. WTF are you talking about?
Glad it's not just me.

I know about copper nails in trees, but the herring?!? And Fred's "WOW" thing has me even more lost.

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Dammit!! Please explain:

The Herring thing,


Copper nails in trees.

Why the OP hasn't gone straight pipe yet and posted up a sound clip of his bitchen-ness.

For you, AJ:

Copper nails pounded into tree trunks will kill most trees. And unless you're looking carefully, they can be difficult to detect. I used to see this happen in Tahoe some, when a bad neighbor would (allegedly/apparently) pound copper nails into the trunks of trees on his lakeward neighbor's property so as to improve his view of The Lake (after the trees die and are taken down).

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BOUNCE .. yes i have them, but, the Herring are only for the mightiest trees.... YOU ROCK !!!!

Jesus MCATrophy... you are Brittish no? Don't you watch the movies your people make? Have you not witnessed the amazing products of English Cinema?

I'm gonna reinforce the whole LIFE IS GOOD thing :) Read on...

Ok.. so.. pictures this.. LONG DAY...hell.. LONG WEEK... I'm fried out... I got to vent a little with you guys this morning...and in turn got great support...Thank you!!!

Rode the Feej, to work, to and from lunch.. and home... I'm still grinnin'

Then... got home... Spent 3 hours mowing and trimming...and.. i never do this.. but.. tonight, I had a beer before mowing and then every time i got close to the gragg (so.. i mow about 2.5 acres..abotu every 8 laps...) i grabbed a fresh one... I emptied the garage fridge of beer (even the expensive stuff i save for my friends....GONE... and then got into the Makers a bit... (Mommy is really proud of me right now....)

Then.. I settle down to see what's up with the Feej crew(I probably shouldnt drink and forum...) ... and... I see the Herring reference !!!!

My day is complete. I am home here.. you people are family now !!!

Thank you for being here !!!

Staight pipes or no... Life is GOOD!!!

Mcatrophy, I have a great deal of respect for you, from your posts, the quality of your documentation, and the whole Rasberry Pi thing (I'm gonna get one and mess about with it...), and I did not mean to stereotype or disrespect you or the Queen's homeland in any way., Please take this in the lightest possible way :) Thank you for sharing all you do, in the manner you do ! Some day I will visit your beautiful country. I LOVE Monty Python stuff... and the shrubberies thing was funny to me after i typed it... Bounce got it and totally nailed it with the Herring reference... and you living right there... and "not gettin it" was funny to me, cause I, being a typical American.. just assumed... :)

...Do you maintain a stash of herring at the ready for cutting down the trees?
Talk about two peoples divided by a common language. WTF are you talking about?
A Shrubbery

The herring is at 3:30

When my daughters were in Middle School I turned them on to MP:THG and heard later when they'd turned one of their friends on to it (who, like McAtrophy) had never heard of MP.

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All is explained, thank you. Sorry to require the explanation, but I don't normally wear a safety helmet made of sheet iron with antler adornments (rather appropriate for the straight-pipes crowd).

Now, back to your regular schedule ...
