SW-FOG 2010 Shirts

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Why was Bustanut joker wearing a jeweled tiara in the damn hot tub? WTF! That's just not right!
He was very proud of himslef for sneaking it out of your closet without you knowing. He thought it made him look pretty, and he was trying to impress me. Later on, I had to remind him that "real" princesses don't cry in the hot-tub, but he wouldn't listen.

Ok...Well, all those of you that were there, know there was some issue with the shirts. 1st, only 27 of the 39 shirts showed up. 2nd, Taos was spelled TOAS. CRAP.

Well, I talked to the shirt guy this morning, and we have resolved the number of shirts issue. He is going to get the missing ones knocked out ASAP and have them to me. With State Fair and some other events in Albuquerque this month, he was rushing to get things done and it kind of caught up with him. Next time, we probably need to make the cut-off date a month in advance, but this was too short notice for that.

When I showed him the incorrect spelling of Taos, he nearly fell over and said, "Ok man...Get me the shirts and I'll replace all of them." I hope that is not what is needed and told him as much, but if any of you are unhappy with the shirt you have, because of the spelling, let me know, and Romo will replace it. That's a pretty good offer from a guy that is a one-man show running a small business.

SO...All the shirts will be accounted for, and all shirts made after today will have the correct spelling of Taos. If you are one of the people that liked the shirts and told me you wanted one, send me a PM, or post up and I'll get an order in for you. The price of any new order shirts will go up due to shipping costs, but I bet two shirts will ship for like $5 with the USPS Flat Rate Shipping.

That's it...If you need anything, let me know.

AJ, I'm as happy as a clam with my Toas shirt; it'll give us on the FJR Forum who attended SW-FOG 2010 something to chuckle about for many years to come. If you get My Donna's shirt spelled right and my illegitimate bastard Son Skooty's shirt right with Taos, that's fine with Papa Chuy. Tell Romo that nobody is perfect except for Fred W, FJRBluesman and dcarver; and, we have caught them fecking up at times!!!

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It's all good, You've got alot of karma in the bank with us, your is in fact overfilled by helping Adam out of a huge jam. His Karma? Not so full now. Let me know when my 2 shirts are ready, I'll pick em up from you.

I think I like the shirt as is with the mis-spelling. Collectors item! Just need to figure out when/how we can get together so I can pick it up. Thanks HRZ for your efforts.

Ok...Well, all those of you that were there, know there was some issue with the shirts. 1st, only 27 of the 39 shirts showed up. 2nd, Taos was spelled TOAS. CRAP.

Well, I talked to the shirt guy this morning, and we have resolved the number of shirts issue. He is going to get the missing ones knocked out ASAP and have them to me. With State Fair and some other events in Albuquerque this month, he was rushing to get things done and it kind of caught up with him. Next time, we probably need to make the cut-off date a month in advance, but this was too short notice for that.

When I showed him the incorrect spelling of Taos, he nearly fell over and said, "Ok man...Get me the shirts and I'll replace all of them." I hope that is not what is needed and told him as much, but if any of you are unhappy with the shirt you have, because of the spelling, let me know, and Romo will replace it. That's a pretty good offer from a guy that is a one-man show running a small business.

SO...All the shirts will be accounted for, and all shirts made after today will have the correct spelling of Taos. If you are one of the people that liked the shirts and told me you wanted one, send me a PM, or post up and I'll get an order in for you. The price of any new order shirts will go up due to shipping costs, but I bet two shirts will ship for like $5 with the USPS Flat Rate Shipping.

That's it...If you need anything, let me know.
OK HRZ, I like my shirt with TOAS (Toe-Ass) spelled just the way it is. I would never think of changing it. Think about it, this little error makes the attendees of the 2010 SW-FOG special, kind of like owning a coin that was stamped with the incorrect emblem on it making it more valuable. For those that want their shirts replaced that is their choice, but the authorized shirts have already been made and "Toas" is the word. I like having a shirt that will never be available to anyone in the future.



The weekend was perfect..the misspelled shirt was the cherry on top! I'm not changing mine! Thanks HRZ for all of your efforts and organizing the shirts. What a fun reminder of an awesome weekend!

Thanks also to Big-D and Beemerdons for organizing the dinner, breakfasts, rides, hotel and the great socializing! Had a great time and can't wait for next year! :yahoo:

Mtn Mama

HRZ.... If possible I would like my shirt to be mis spelled.... It ads to the whole event....... I think I would feel left out if it was spelled right!!!!!

HRZ.... If possible I would like my shirt to be mis spelled.... It ads to the whole event....... I think I would feel left out if it was spelled right!!!!!

I don't want to be the Dumbass with the correct spelling of Toas...umm, Taos.

Mis=Spelled for me also!

The weekend was perfect..the misspelled shirt was the cherry on top! I'm not changing mine! Thanks HRZ for all of your efforts and organizing the shirts. What a fun reminder of an awesome weekend!

Thanks also to Big-D and Beemerdons for organizing the dinner, breakfasts, rides, hotel and the great socializing! Had a great time and can't wait for next year! :yahoo:

Mtn Mama
I am also delighted with my "Collectors Edition" Toas shirt! Had a fantastic time! :D

I think I like the shirt as is with the mis-spelling. Collectors item! Just need to figure out when/how we can get together so I can pick it up. Thanks HRZ for your efforts.
Dude...Where were you? I actually had your shirt. I stood outside the room and yelled your name, and did the same thing at dinner. I think people thought we were having a lover's spat. I even grabbed some guy I didn't recognize and asked him if he was you. I think he thought I was asking him something about sex with goats, because he didn't look impressed.

Haha...PM me your shipping info, and I'll get it sent out.

AS for the rest of you; Spyderbret, Don, and GB whose shirts were not there...I'm sorry, but the ones that come out will have the correct spelling. It will be too confusing to tell Romo, "Ok, spell this one wrong, spell that one right, and don't mix them up." Next thing I know, the frigging shirts will say "Welcome from SanDiego." :eek:


I think those that want it spelled right should be SOL!!!

I will go pout in the corner now and patiently wait for my shirt.....

I think I like the shirt as is with the mis-spelling. Collectors item! Just need to figure out when/how we can get together so I can pick it up. Thanks HRZ for your efforts.
Dude...Where were you? I actually had your shirt. I stood outside the room and yelled your name, and did the same thing at dinner. I think people thought we were having a lover's spat. I even grabbed some guy I didn't recognize and asked him if he was you. I think he thought I was asking him something about sex with goats, because he didn't look impressed.

Haha...PM me your shipping info, and I'll get it sent out.

AS for the rest of you; Spyderbret, Don, and GB whose shirts were not there...I'm sorry, but the ones that come out will have the correct spelling. It will be too confusing to tell Romo, "Ok, spell this one wrong, spell that one right, and don't mix them up." Next thing I know, the frigging shirts will say "Welcome from SanDiego." :eek:
Can you add "Welcome from San Diego" to the Toas logo? SkooterG and Donna would love that!!!

AJ I'm cool with TOE_ASS.... as long as you send me one. PM me and I'll forward my address


HRZ, you made out like a champ on this and rightfully so. When Don and I decided against messing with shirts or hats just because of what happened, you stepped up and took on the unforgiving deed. And once again Murphy's Law comes into play and sure as heck, a problem with the shirts. Well we all know that "Shit Happens" and it sure did. It would have been a real problem had everyone started demanding their shirts be corrected. Your friend Romo could have been set back a chunk of change.

But whats really important here is the integrity of the attending forum members and the integrity of one HRZ. Thanks to a great bunch of folks acceptance of Murphy's Law as a reality, a negative was quickly transformed into a positive and everyone walks away with a smile, including the man that said "hey, we need shirts to commemorate this ride".

But damn it, I was looking forward to at least a couple years of ragging on HRZ and now I can't. Regardless, I want to say Thanks for taking on the shirt issue, you handled it superbly. But I also noticed when the 50lb box of shirts showed up and they were being passed around, I think you'd still be standing there trying to get them passed out if not for Carrie taking charge of the situation. So lets give credit where credit is due and say an additional Thanks to Carrie for helping out with the shirts and the plaques.

Dan (Big-D)

Well said Big-D....A huge thanks to Carrie as well. We all know they couldn't keep things straight without us! :derisive:

But I also noticed when the 50lb box of shirts showed up and they were being passed around, I think you'd still be standing there trying to get them passed out if not for Carrie taking charge of the situation. So lets give credit where credit is due and say an additional Thanks to Carrie for helping out with the shirts and the plaques.

Dan (Big-D)
Ha...There's no doubt about that! I don't know why or how she puts up with me, but I'm lucky for it. Poor girl married me for my money, and we all know where that got her! :huh:

Due to overwhelming demand, I'll call Romo in the morning and tell him to make up the new shirts just the way they are. Unless something has changed and can't be changed back, they will read "TOAS". Here we go...

Here's the real collector's shirt.

Even El the bartender signed the left sleeve!

Thanks for the signatures. I think I'll find a good place in my shop where it can hang out.


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