Taking Delivery of my FJR!

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Active member
Feb 4, 2009
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Wednesday was by far one of the best days of my life: I took delivery of my brand new 2009 FJR-1300AE. I had wanted to take pictures of the actual assembly of the bike, but as it turned out they did the assembly at the warehouse. So I only have pics of the dealer prep. The bike was purchased from Pasadena Yamaha, and they were really great to deal with.

Delivery inspection:


This was the first time I realized that the bike is not *black*! It is actually a metallic charcoal color that is absolutely spectacular.

Here's the bike in the shop. They will check everything, add fluids, and install all the extra bits:


The side bags come in a box, and include the 3rd lock cylinder (if I buy a top case later) and soft bags:


The bags come with a set of clear stickers that help protect the paint of the bike from the bags. The owner of the shop spent at least 30 minutes installing them -- making sure they were perfectly straight. I love that kind of attention to detail.

I had the mechanic bring the bars to their farthest back position. Remember that you have to loosen *both* sides before you can move them (they are attached underneath by a common bracket):


Frame slider installation. I've been told that just dropping the bike from a stop could result in $2K in damage. Cheap insurance!


And here's FJR's first actual ride. Unfortunately, that's the mechanic and not me on the bike, but my turn will come soon enough.



Thanks guys! A jackhammer couldn't remove the grin from my face when I'm riding the FJR. It is a spectacular bike.


Congrats on the new bike, I can only inmagine watching your bike get put together is like the birth of our child!!! you can't wait to ger her home and show everyone cigars are in order!!, and of course your going to spoil her with farkles right? that's what every good dad would do.. LOL,

Welcome to the family!!!

Delivery inspection:
Is it just me or do the exhausts look slightly offset? It looks like the left can is about 1/2" further outboard than the right. :unsure:

.....just phuckin' with 'ya on Friday as it was 23 degrees here last night.....they all are like that.....it looks great. ;)

Thanks ahchiu and fairlaner! And Ignacio -- it's 75F here, so I can afford to take a little ribbing. ;)


Wednesday was by far one of the best days of my life: I took delivery of my brand new 2009 FJR-1300AE.
You're going to feel this way for a long time! Congrats!

And no, it's not weird to just sit out in the garage and stare at her. At least that's what I tell myself. :wub:

I have had mine for a little over a month now and have had few chances to get more than a couple hundred miles on it so far. I can handle the 40f weather, as long as their isn't ice on the roads (and yes it snowed again yesterday here in Seattle) ;-(

I have had mine for a little over a month now and have had few chances to get more than a couple hundred miles on it so far. I can handle the 40f weather, as long as their isn't ice on the roads (and yes it snowed again yesterday here in Seattle) ;-(
Definitely beware of the ice. Hopefully things will heat up for you soon!

Steel -- I know what you mean about being able to just look at it... my bedtime ritual now includes a quick trip out the garage to gaze at my FJR. I think there's a part of me that just can't believe such bike is actually mine.


75 deg!!! my house is not that warm. I use to live in Newport Beach, I miss the warmer riding weather. but when it's nice here you can't beat it for riding.

Congrats on the scoot! Quick question and sorry if I missed it in your post but with all the "observing" you did during the bike set-up, did you also observe them putting loc-tite on the bag lock screws?

Congrats on the scoot! Quick question and sorry if I missed it in your post but with all the "observing" you did during the bike set-up, did you also observe them putting loc-tite on the bag lock screws?
They did indeed (blue). Thanks for the note.


Congrats on the scoot! Quick question and sorry if I missed it in your post but with all the "observing" you did during the bike set-up, did you also observe them putting loc-tite on the bag lock screws?
They did indeed (blue). Thanks for the note.

Excellent because there is nothing that can take that new bike smile off your face quicker than seeing one of your bags bouncing down the road in your side mirrors. Sounds like you checked everything. I did the same thing with my new '08 when I bought it in November. I was real nervous until I installed my sliders and put the loc-tite on the bag locks.

I'm just a little jealous that you have nice riding weather. Still ugly around these parts.

Good luck and have fun!

Congratulations RwP...you now own the best sport touring motorcycle available! I have owned one of the others and have ridden all of them...FJR Rules : ) I like how you shared photos of your experience at the dealer...how cool that you were there as it came off the truck...have fun...

