The Crap Just Won't Go Away.....

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Back on topic for a moment.... Herr von EZOp emailed me today and said he would "unban" me if I bow to his demands to not post links nor try to lure users off to FJRForum.comShyeah, right.... I'll let you just guess how that went over with me.... 

I replied: "That's not very useful, Marc. I won't participate in a forum that actively censors posts as you have been doing."

He came back with:


Then I guess you are not interested in participating in our forum. After reading your messages on the forum I will not be unbanning you. It's your bed, you made it, you live in it. 
@TXFJR - The above is a perfect example of how Marc is almost welcoming and encouraging ridicule upon himself. How convenient to have your own pet forum, where you can delete posts from a topic to make the topic read more to your personal liking, and ban those who disagree with you. It's also odd that Marc can't face the fact that anyone can find this forum via any number of links out there - they certainly don't need EZ to find this place. This forum went from 400 to 600 members in about 10 days, with no links on EZ during that time. What possible sense can it make to prevent people from linking to this site, when they can easily find it anyway?

I think Marc's last sentence above is the most revealing of his current mentality. He makes it sound like being banned from EZ is some major punishment to WC (or anyone else). As if. Even if this new forum didn't exist, there's still other forums besides EZ. But apparently not in the world according to Marc. He talks down to WC like a parent admonishing a little kid, and he's done it to others too. That's what infuriates people so that they lash out at him. I'm not saying they're right to react to him that way, but if he stirs a beehive then he shouldn't be surprised to get stung.

At this point, I can't get fired up about any sports, except golf. There, you don't play well, no paycheck. I hardly watch it anyway. What was this thread about?

Er, I'll take the checks the Tiger gets from Nike and Buick...

Then I guess you are not interested in participating in our forum. After reading your messages on the forum I will not be unbanning you. It's your bed, you made it, you live in it.
Hmmm, sounds familiar. I said the same thing to him about the current state of his flailing EZ Board, just a day or two ago. I'm not surprised he wants you back though. The posts over there are few and far between and it is only a matter of time. I think, if he hasn't already, he will soon see that all his tactics have done far more harm than he imagined. But to offer to let you come back as long as he can hold you on a leash????? Marc, have you lost your f'ing mind????? Even I could have told you that approach wasnt gonna work. :banned: :censored: :bye2:

I think it's unfortunate that the EZ board is dieing a slow death, the posts are definitely down, and it did serve so very well for so long. I'm reversing myself somewhat in saying that maybe it was Marc who made "his" bed and will have to now then sleep in it. I will praise the past EZ Board but will also mourn the current one as I believe it is on the way out. The King is dead (dieing) long live the King.

p.s. My heartfelt admiration goes out to both boards and all the individuals that made it work in the first place. A simple thank you is not enough, but not said, would be even more deliquent. Thank You. :thumbup:

Actually, I think Marc realized he had shitcanned one of the main reasons people gravitated towards the EZ board, and now, with his move, to this place. And thats the input of ol' WC. George Steinbrenner he ain't, I don't see any mention of a major $ bonus, nor a limo to all of Dales engagements. ;)

<Windjammer said...> "The above is a perfect example of how Marc is almost welcoming and encouraging ridicule upon himself."

It's his forum - he's the admin over there. If he asks you to please not do something and you continue to do it (think: post links) then why should you act like such a child because you were admonished for it? That's like blaming the cop because you were caught speeding....

<Windjammer said...> "I'm not saying they're right to react to him that way, but if he stirs a beehive then he shouldn't be surprised to get stung."

EXACTLY! Remember, it works both ways....

That's like blaming the cop because you were caught speeding....
TXFJR, That analogy is crap! If Marc were just an administrator and enforcing policies of the owner--then it could be true. Cops enforce the laws made by policy makers.

But Marc is the owner....or the better analogy is Marc is the Mayor of the board. And us citizens are saying he's made a stupid law. The citizens interested in free speech aren't buying it. And, that is entirely appropriate.

In fact I'll go a step further, people are saying he's not acting like a mayor at all, but a dictator. :butcher: Those that disagree and voice opinion are banished. :cold: The opressed masses huddled themselves in boats and rafted to a new URL where the new community embraced them. :beach: Here they can breathe free from the yolk of eZBoard tyranny! :dance:

<TXFJR said...>  It's his forum - he's the admin over there. 
Hey Tex, are you suggesting that EVERYONE else is wrong and he is right? When hundreds and hundreds of people all agree that his censorship was irrational and wrong and moved elsewhere to get away from it ........ then he insults us all by telling us that this board offers nothing in the way of better features over his EZ Bored??? WTF?? Although Marc didn't think so, we are all free to make our own choices. We did that and moved here. If you choose to stay with him, good luck to you. But don't burn any bridges cuz that other site your defending can't survive without member involvement and that is fading fast. :bleh:

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I have a favorite bar. All of my friends go there and hang out, swap stories, tell jokes, laugh, gossip, whatever... :alcoholic:

If the bartender at my favorite bar stopped allowing people to talk about thier experiences at other bars, then refused to allow us into "our" bar due to the fact that we tried out the newest bar in town, I think we'd all find a new favorite bar.


I'd still be hanging out with my friends, telling the same stories and the same jokes...only the location would change.

Sound familiar?

No loss, in my opinion.

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Marc's attitude:

And I quote from an e-mail I sent him because try as I might, I just can't stay out of this...

...It's too much fun! Who knows what Warchild's next smilie might be???

You are the 6th person who has bothered to ask me for an explanation.
Frankly I'm disgusted by the blather over this.  It's my board, I'm going to do whatever I see fit.  Both WC and SG bolted without so much as a word to me and then posted ads baiting users here to their new board.

Ok, here you go. I ran an ISP for over 10 years, and about 2 3/4 years ago I sold it. Part of my contract during the sale was a non-compete clause which included running an ISP, hosting a web site, email, etc. By running on a public service like EZBoard I'm not violating this agreement. As I've told WC numerous times over the past 2 years I planned to EVENTUALLY move the board to a new BBS system and server. This contract expires very soon, September, so I didn't bolt the gate when EZBoard went down, I gave them time to recover the system, and they have done a pretty good job.
It's my board and mommy says I can do what I want! Nyahhhhhh!!!


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That's like blaming the cop because you were caught speeding....
TXFJR, That analogy is crap! If Marc were just an administrator and enforcing policies of the owner--then it could be true. Cops enforce the laws made by policy makers.

But Marc is the owner....or the better analogy is Marc is the Mayor of the board. And us citizens are saying he's made a stupid law. The citizens interested in free speech aren't buying it. And, that is entirely appropriate.
You're quibbling over the wrong point. Whether you want to call Marc the owner/mayor/dictator is irrelevant: he is still, by definition, in control of what gets posted there. Period.

I don't remember ANYONE making the claim that EZ was a democracy, that the ownership was elected, or that members had any clearly defined "rights" to anything. In fact, the only real "right" any of us had over there was NOT to participate...and many have chosen that.

But, again, my point is not as to Marc's level of authortarian control; it was merely to the punkass gangbanging when simply walking away and acting like adults was the better choice.

<TXFJR said...>  It's his forum - he's the admin over there. 
Hey Tex, are you suggesting that EVERYONE else is wrong and he is right? If you choose to stay with him, good luck to you. But don't burn any bridges cuz that other site your defending can't survive without member involvement and that is fading fast. :bleh:
I never said that everyone who attacked Marc was wrong in why they did what they did - only that their acting like such punks was wrong. I condemned their actions: not their motivations.

You mistake my actions as defending Marc and I resent that. I've constantly said that I'm [SIZE=14pt]NOT[/SIZE] defending him and that I see what he did as wrong. I still feel that way even after talking to him privately.

Marc's attitude:
And I quote from an e-mail I sent him because try as I might, I just can't  stay out of this...

...It's too much fun! Who knows what Warchild's next smilie might be???

You are the 6th person who has bothered to ask me for an explanation.

Frankly I'm disgusted by the blather over this.  It's my board, I'm going to do whatever I see fit.  Both WC and SG bolted without so much as a word to me and then posted ads baiting users here to their new board.

Ok, here you go. I ran an ISP for over 10 years, and about 2 3/4 years ago I sold it. Part of my contract during the sale was a non-compete clause which included running an ISP, hosting a web site, email, etc. By running on a public service like EZBoard I'm not violating this agreement. As I've told WC numerous times over the past 2 years I planned to EVENTUALLY move the board to a new BBS system and server. This contract expires very soon, September, so I didn't bolt the gate when EZBoard went down, I gave them time to recover the system, and they have done a pretty good job. One of the reasons I want to keep this private (as I did with WC) is I don't want to make a public commitment in any way.
It's my board and mommy says I can do what I want! Nyahhhhhh!!!


Marc clearly said that he wanted to keep that information private and you just went ahead and posted it for eveyone, anyway.

Thanks for proving my whole freakin' point, dickless. :****:

You are the 6th person who has bothered to ask me for an explanation.

Frankly I'm disgusted by the blather over this.  It's my board, I'm going to do whatever I see fit.  Both WC and SG bolted without so much as a word to me and then posted ads baiting users here to their new board.
Boy oh boy, Herr Newman really pisses me off with his spreading outright lies and misinformation. Alas, how convienant it is to be able to do that when neither I nor Warchild can defend ourselves since we are the big "B".

I did not "bolt". Simply not true. I was a relatively late new member of this forum as many were. I had every intention of remaining on the EZboard. I was banned by mein furor.

I NEVER posted anything about this new board until Marc-ee-Marc brought it up himself on the "Where's Warchild" thread. And that was just to defend myself and Dale to the attacks and lies he was spewing. Of course, he convienantly deleted that thread - hate for the truth to be out there in the open.

I NEVER once posted a link, nor anything else to lead people to this forum. Word.

So yes, I get very upset when misinformation and lies is spread with my name attached. I WILL defend myself. Word.

TXFJR - do I say this.......In my ever so humble OPINION, you are full of
. :D

It's his forum - he's the admin over there. If he asks you to please not do something and you continue to do it (think: post links) then why should you act like such a child because you were admonished for it? That's like blaming the cop because you were caught speeding....

Well, speaking just for myself, I never posted links over there and was never admonished. However, it is commonly accepted practice to be able to post informational cross links to other sites when posting in a forum. You can do this at EZ, as long as it's not to this site and this site alone. I've never questioned Marc's authority, just his judgement. He made the rule to not post links to this site over there, and I respected his wishes and obeyed his rule. But considering what the creation of that rule has cost him in terms of forum activity, it's obvious that making such a rule was an extremely poor judgement call, as it had exactly the opposite of its intended effect. The apparent intended effect was to keep people from finding and defecting to this site, but the creation of the rule motivated people to leave and come here in droves. Marc may not realize it, but he could just as well be the membership director for this site, since he drives more members here than any other single individual.

<Windjammer said...> "I'm not saying they're right to react to him that way, but if he stirs a beehive then he shouldn't be surprised to get stung."
EXACTLY! Remember, it works both ways....
On this we agree.

But, again, my point is not as to Marc's level of authortarian control; it was merely to the punkass gangbanging when simply walking away and acting like adults was the better choice.
Many have walked away exactly as you suggest. But some who were at EZ felt they helped make it what it was, due to their NUMEROUS posts to help fellow members. I happen to agree that they were a big part of what made EZ the forum it used to be, and thus their opinions should be at least respected by the EZOP. But Mark has mostly ignored the opinions and the importance of these members, and it has cost him both in frustration over personal attacks and in dwindling activity on EZ. Ever noticed that 20% of the membership does 80% of the posting on these boards? That 20% is very important to the health of a board, and Marc underestimated that.
Marc has legal ownership of his board. He can do anything he wants and nobody has a right to ANY say in it, so he says. But there's one thing he cannot do and that's EVER get another dime out of me as a DONATION to his board.

Legally, donations require NO obligation on the part of the recipient. Other than to realize that if he does NOT accept input and criticism from the donor, it will be a COLD DAY IN HELL before he gets another donation.

So, when Marc says to me "It's my board. If you don't like it, lump it and leave!" I say "Ok, then you can pay for YOUR board all by yourself!"

Thanks for proving my whole freakin' point, dickless.
Right, then... it's nix for you, mate.

Name-calling and ad homium personal attacks are not tolerated here. Therefore, as I occassionally have to do with my 8-year-old son, I am now placing you into the Timeout Corner for a week. During this time, you may participate on this forum in read-only mode.

Mind you, you are not banned... merely suspended for now. After a week, I'll let you back out.

If you continue with the name-calling and personal attacks at that time, you'll become nothing more than a not-too-fond distant memory around here. The same fate awaits you if you try to re-register under another name and continue your personal attacks and name-calling.

Thank you, and have a pleasant, relaxing time in read-only mode.

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The problem with Marc is that he's more interested in running/being in charge, than in having a good board. He said (acording to that post, anyway) that he was planning on leaving, but couldn't do it since he couldn't compete by running a board. So, here's an idea, if a better board comes along ... don't be "in charge". Give up the control to others who can "run" it. Sheeze.
