Purveyor of Crooked Facts
Whoaa!!!When RogDeb went down in Idaho wasn't it Mark who took his FJR Banner off the wall and started everyone signing it to send to them in the hospital? I have never understood why, but FJR Banners seem to be more sought after by this crowd than cheese sandwiches and cigarettes in San Quentin.
Unless I am totally fubared here, that was H Marc Lewis, who runs the most excellent, that did the RogDeb banner thing, and also assisted in taking care of their wrecked fjr also IIRC.
H Marc Lewis is a class act, no doubt about it.
DO NOT confuse him with Marc Neuman.
And as for the years of managing the EZboard - I will go out on a limb here and say that Marc Neuman, didn't do shit except initially set the board up. It was all Warchild. Hell, until recently, it was relatively rare to see Marc viewing or posting on HIS board.
Greg - now going to go take a chill pill.