The Evil that is 13....

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Procured: Oct, 2012. First washing: June 9, 2013.


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While we all know what a "clean" bike represents.....
the fact is, since this Gen III is not going to be the primary Endurance Riding machine, I might just take some effort to keep the bike looking a bit more decent then I otherwise would.

Hell's bells... I might even wax it annually.

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Okay... who here routinely gets 7000+ miles out of the FJR1300 factory rear tire... anyone?

Hell's bells, I have never obtained over 7000+ miles on any FJR1300 rear tire, factory or aftermarket!

Which on the surface, then, really makes me wonder what the deal is with the factory Bridgestone 023 on my Gen III here...

This is at 7,200 miles.... factory Bridgestone 023 rear tire...


Now, obviously, these factory 'Stones are clearly worn and squaring off noticeably, but still... who gets miles like this outta the factory rear tire? I never have...

And I am still a good bit above the indicator bands, even in the center, so... 'sup with all this tread life?


Two words: Touring mode!

Last October, by the time I got home from taking this new FJR off the showroom floor, I switched it over to "Touring" mode, and have left the bike configured like this ever since... for the past nine months/7200 miles.

Only on the way home from IBR Checkpoint 2 in Sacramento last weekend, did I become re-acquainted with "Sport" mode... hoooooly chit, mon', I had forgotten about the head-snapping acceleration in Sport mode that is absent in Touring mode! But also absent is Sport mode's tire-melting properties. This is the only possible explanation.

The ability to go back and forth between Touring and Sport mode - so easy to do with the push of a button - is something I now appreciate much more than previously. There are times, most times, even, where Touring mode is perfectly fine. But there are obviously times where you want the max performance possible, and that means Sport mode.

I bet I don't get anywhere near this tread life now that I am re-discovering Sport more... *sigh*..

I got mine October 29th....and it's winter here too......
Okay, I feel better now!
I don't...for fairlaner It's all the way down to 60 in CA...brrrrr

I was thinking the same thing. Not to be disrespectfull Fairlaner but winter in Torrence, are you flipping kidding me?
Actually i was kidding......

going to be a very nice 71 degrees today..

R, as I read this, it reminded me that's exactly what Tim would say..


Hugs n' Kisses


Dale you have NO idea how many people wanted to switch your bike over to sport mode in the parking lot at CP2.........I told them not to as it would for sure put you off the back when you went to park it....


I picked up my 13 on Saturday and decided to leave it in Tour mode during the break in period. This was after I rode it out of the parking lot in Sport mode. Very noticable diff!

Anyway, I kinda like Tour mode, I can ride the bike EXTREMELY smooth. Hey, if it makes the tires last like that, I may just leave it in Tour mode unless *I* am in Sport mode :D

One thing I don't like about the 13 though. Whoever designed the windshield mount should be shot 'n pissed on. How the feck are you supposed clean that spot directly over top of the mount?

Two words: Touring mode!
One thing I don't like about the 13 though. Whoever designed the windshield mount should be shot 'n pissed on. How the feck are you supposed clean that spot directly over top of the mount?
Easy!!!!!take it off like i do....


Sigh, it's easy. Commute on the thing while living far away from twisty mountain roads. I'm somewhere north of 11K on my current PR2. The sides look brand new.

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