The Million Mile Challenge. Who's In?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I've done 9k on the FJR since I had the PR2 put on the rear in april. 4500 of it I listed earlier. 250 commuting on the SV this week and 170 today on the FJR.

Anyone have the tally of total miles yet... I am curious.

3,209 miles in last 7 days. Trip with wife to South Dakota and back.

Texas, New Mexico & Colorado NAFO vacation = 2400 miles.

30 miles before I left to pick up NasKart trophy.

FNG here. I spend most of my time on this forum looking for ideas on farkles and answering tech issues I have questions about. It's time I started to do some posting and this looks likes a great place to start.
I bought my 08 FJR on Mar 26. As of today I have 5112 miles on the odo. The second weekend after I brought it home the wife and I were off to Dallas to Motoliberty to get geared up. When we got back from that trip I had over 1000 miles on the odo. My next adventure (alone this time) was to a three week training class in Cincinnati Ohio. My company was willing to fly me but I insisted on riding. I sorta figured the riding in the southern Ohio/northern Kentucky area would be good so I couldn't pass up on the opportunity (I was right). I put over 700 miles on while I was there for a total trip of about 2500 miles. Since then we've done some local riding around the northeast Oklahoma area; like the one to Grove for a DQ dip cone for the wife and to Bartlesville to see our grandson. Other than that it's ridden every day to work and back and I love it.


Hey Steve . . . welcome aboard and thanks for finding this thread. Fun to just wander through it and see what folks are doing on their feejers.

Ride safe


And the total is . . .


There are tons of miles out there. Only a few NAFO riders posted.

Thanks for playing. Don't forget your busboys and bartenders.


Normally, I'm a mileage weenie, but I cashed in on 3016 for NAFO, round trip. Toss 'em on the pile if you like.

2,888 miles prior to NAFO, 5,400 miles to NAFO and back, 8288 miles total since my last post. :yahoo:

+6,660 (Since May 17 posting)

NAFO & WORD! Rally.

YTD 13,845 (Current odometer: 34,109)

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