These gas prices are startin to hurt

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Over this side of the pond the price has just gone past $10 a gallon… . I hope this make you guys feel better.
Actually, it doesn't. If [SIZE=14pt]TAXES[/SIZE] are removed from the equation, I think you'll find that GAS is less on your side of the pond than on ours...


.. Unless you're an 18 year-old Hooters waitress, in which case you'd need to work about .007 hours for that gallon! :D
Exactly, waitress/waiter minimum wage isn't the number to use in this calculation becasue it's not representative of the tips involved which is where the bulk of the income comes from.

In Ohio those rates are: [SIZE=10pt]All Employers: Non-tipped employees $7.00; tipped employees $3.50[/SIZE]
That may be true, but that minimum wage for the UK is for tipped employees as well...

Man, I wish we here in Wisconsin could get our minimum wage up to a level like they have in the UK, I know plenty of skilled workers who don't make as much as what minimum wage in the UK converts to in US dollars. For that matter, I know plenty of college-educated people who only make a little over that!

Learn how to sail. I used to have a 30 foot sailboat with a diesel backup.

In three years I don't think I used five gallons of fuel.

And it's probably only going to get worse :angry: Why next year at this time, we might think that today's prices were a bargain. :eek:

I jumped my '84 Honda Elite 150 yesterday, washed the grime off it and rode it around to charge it up. Think I'll be using that for more of my grocery store trips and all that. Everything still works on it, and it delivers about 95 to a hundred mpg. Takes some of the curse off the price of gas, but it still costs me almost six bucks to fill it up! Now I'm looking for a bumper sticker that says "My Other Bike's an FJR."


The pic is from a advrider thread.

Hmmmm. Pretty soon the FeeJ will be known as the gas guzzling SUV of motorcycles. :eek:

I may have to start looking for a lower cc 60mpg bike for commuting and use the FeeJ on the W/E's for toodling around.... :(

I just filled up the tank and it cost me $20.51. Ouch! It used to only cost a couple years back about $7 max! :angry2:

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Naw...........that'd be the goldwing me thinks. Or the rune.....or even the bosshog.

What gets me is with the price of fuel across the nation you would think people would slow down to conserve fuel. I drive my Jeep 5.9 around once a week to work. With a projected MPG of around 16 on the highway i baby the throttle for my 30 mile ride to work. When i cruise at 60 i nearly get run down by folks with a heavy foot. What gives? Aren't we just giving our money away to the gas companys by speeding everywhere?

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pretty happy i commute on my spritely Honda Spacy 100! does somewhere around 100 mpg....i think..... at about 6 bucks a gallon here, it works for me!

I've been commuting by bike for years, with lots of the typical questions....How fast? How much did the moto cost? How can you ride in the rain, wear that nerdy outfit?

Now, it's how many MPG? All the time. When they're ready to ask a question, I can almost count on it...

What I try to do to conserve fuel in my p/u is always leave the tank as low as possible for the wife.... somehow those shopping trips to the store seem to be getting fewer and far between. What, me bitter naw she does the same when it's time to visit the inlaws house an hour away. The lesson has been ride the fj more ,enjoy life and find a cheap motel. this year I'm going to try to introduce camping on the bike as another way of saving money. Hey wait just a minute, I think i've been bitchin just a little to long... GET THE HELL OUT AND RIDE.


Gas out here in Washington is very expensive too. I put $20.00 in the FJR this week and it didn't even fill the tank!
