Things we learn from the movies.

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Someone on foot being chased by a car with trees all around heads for the nearest road so they can outrun the car.

Anyone being chased by a dog, wolf, whatever always has the race go on forever. I'm no Carl Lewis but my dogs have been a hundred yards away or so and I run from them and they catch me before I hardly go anywhere.

I too am amazed by the constant jacking a round into a chamber. If someone ever confronts me and I have a gun in a tenuous situation, don't look for a round to be chambered. Just the quiet squeeze of a trigger.

The difference between Kirk and Picard:

Kirk points a phaser at the bad guy and says, "I'm going to count to three. One...Two...Three...PPHHHSSSAAAAAP!!!

Picard points a phaser at the bad guy and says, "I'm going to count to three.

One...Two...Three....... I'm not kidding..."

It is against The Heroes Union guidelines to defuse a bomb until the timer reads "0:02".

Airplanes are bigger on the inside.

There are no White people in a Black business world.

Recordings from ancient alien AI computers/artifacts never give strait answers, just riddles to follow and hopefully figure out in time.

There is always a native Shaman, Elder, Chief, that knows exactly what is wrong, where to go, and how to fix the problem but never gives strait answers, just riddles to follow and hopefully figure out in time.

Germans and Russians are easily interchangeable via English actors.

Superman is the ultimate slacker and apparently has no interest in using the knowledge spanning the 28 galaxies his father left him to find all the ******* kryptonite on Earth so Lex can't kick his ass anymore.

Regardless that a spider spins silk out it's ass, human/spider hybrids do not **** silk. Imagine Parker swinging from a 200 ft white turd. It'd be more realistic.

AI beings should be destroyed.

Unless from China, all Disney main characters lack one or both biological parents. Cooincidentally around the time that "Mulan" was released, missile technology was smuggled to and economic and political favors traded with China under the Clinton Admin. Lots of Media favoritism for that nation back then, as I recall.

Shields and/or deflectors were build by the lowest bidder.

There is always a prophecy, but never an author.

The more kids women have, the hotter and harder their bodies are and the more money they make.

Mentors do not want to be.

Bumbs used to trade stock.

Wise Nomadics or Hermits travel or own realestate without an income.

Anyone that beats you at cards can also kick your ass and draw faster than you.

An English accent covers pretty much every white race from any time period.

College pranks never cause injury.

Fraternities can destroy property and the cops will take off their hats and scratch their heads in amazement.

If there is a monster on the loose, Never, Never, Never tell the police. Save time. Take it out yourself before it gets big enough for people to believe you.

"The Blob" (1958) with Steve McQueen, is the only movie in history where a cop realizes the hero is telling the truth about a monster on the loose without seeing any evidence of it.

Printed source material, popular and intriguing enough to make a movie out of, should always be given to MBAs relying on focus groups or Spielburg so they can "improve" it. :angry2:

Sure am glad WB takes a hands-off approach to the new Batman.

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What I learn from movies....

Simple people put way too much stake in the entertainment business.

Many of them are way way way way over payed.

Many of them are simple, pretentious, narcissistic wastes of sperm.

If half of them suddenly disappeared, I could care less.

Don't get me wrong, I like a good movie but I would rather attend a red carpet award show for Soldiers, Fireman, Emergency Responders, etc.

What I learn from movies....
Simple people put way too much stake in the entertainment business.

Many of them are way way way way over payed.

Many of them are simple, pretentious, narcissistic wastes of sperm.

If half of them suddenly disappeared, I could care less.

Don't get me wrong, I like a good movie but I would rather attend a red carpet award show for Soldiers, Fireman, Emergency Responders, etc.

Ever notice that you don't hang out with anyone that gives a damn what movie stars are up to on their off hours?
