To the group of HOG posers at the gas station in Monroe WA, Saturday.

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
Federal Way, WA
Wasn't going to post this up but as the riding season is starting for these posers, a thought about manners and ATGATT gear.

Firstly, anyone who rides any make of bike should wear something more than the beannie helmet and blue jeans, gravel rash hurts you know!

When my riding buddy (and his wife on the pillion) and I pulled in for gas at the Exon gas station in Monroe yesterday, this group of HOG riders (also included a side car) thought it was very funny to blurt from their un-trained mouths "power rangers" upon seeing us arrive at the pumps!

Of course these kind words were directed at the type of gear we were wearing at the time, but I ignored the comments as I put the gas into the Feejer.

As soon as the HOG group were getting ready for "sail" the below average IQ of the group showed as they gave us a "sound" check of their "farter blasters", prior to engaging their gear of choice gear, before "paddling away" with their two feet, total amateurs at best.

Anyway, Karma out Karma in, so they say.

I was laughing so hard beneath my full face helmet, little tears were flowing out!

Really does show how the brain works in wonderous ways, ho hum, now back to washing my Feejer.

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The thing that really bothers me in this story is they had to make a comment insinuating their displeasure with the safety gear you chose to wear to protect your ass in case of a get off. I agree that their IQ was lacking on this day and the sad thing is there may have been some rather intelligent professional people in the group exercising their right to be absolute dumb asses.

To HOG riders, it's an imagine thing. They don't go fast enough to have many mis-haps, but when they do have hurts pretty bad. Then they whine about how bad they feel because of the bumps and bruises.

Oh well, you can only hope they don't ever go down. But if they do go down and survive it, maybe it will change their perspective on the gear you were wearing.

It takes all kinds and one way to look at it is....It's job security for our medical profession.

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So, did you do the obligatory "pass them like they're parked" thing? I always find that satisfying....

So, did you do the obligatory "pass them like they're parked" thing? I always find that satisfying....
Well, Toe, after "they threw the hat in the ring" who could resist, a professional "taking over" of the situation!

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Power Ranger, and proud of it!
Me too Airboss, never without the ATGATT!!

The thing that really bothers me in this story is they had to make a comment insinuating their displeasure with the safety gear you chose to wear to protect your ass in case of a get off. I agree that their IQ was lacking on this day and the sad thing is there may have been some rather intelligent professional people in the group exercising their right to be absolute dumb asses.
To HOG riders, it's an imagine thing. They don't go fast enough to have many mis-haps, but when they do have hurts pretty bad. Then they whine about how bad they feel because of the bumps and bruises.

Oh well, you can only hope they don't ever go down. But if they do go down and survive it, maybe it will change their perspective on the gear you were wearing.

It takes all kinds and one way to look at it is....It's job security for our medical profession.
Well said!

I just posted this to our ride report from yesterday, but I think it belongs here as well:

And a special mention to yesterday's Hardley poseur who robbed us of some of the best twisties going back up over the hills to lunch in Livermore when, seeing six headlights suddenly appear on his tail, refused--ever--to nudge to the right of his lane and let us pass, forcing us for several miles to act like weekend riders on low-performance machines. You're a dick. Learn how to ride.
Gunny to what you said in your opening post. That tribe sure is a curious lot....


I just posted this to our ride report from yesterday, but I think it belongs here as well:

And a special mention to yesterday's Hardley poseur who robbed us of some of the best twisties going back up over the hills to lunch in Livermore when, seeing six headlights suddenly appear on his tail, refused--ever--to nudge to the right of his lane and let us pass, forcing us for several miles to act like weekend riders on low-performance machines. You're a dick. Learn how to ride.
Gunny to what you said in your opening post. That tribe sure is a curious lot....

Yep, pull over if you see other riders behind or join in the fun!!

No manners let alone anything else.

So, did you do the obligatory "pass them like they're parked" thing? I always find that satisfying....
I'm reminded of how Ric in Sac spanked one pretty good couple weekends ago.... :clapping:
sweetttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt :yahoo: <_< :yahoo: <_< :clapping: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

God I friggin hate Harley posers :sick: . Good for you to laugh it off. Best to just keep quiet then let the bike do the talking.

A actualy had a small group of Posers do the same thing to me awhile back. The comment was "Look...It's the Power Rangers!!"

At which point I walked up to the young denim and leather beenie wearing man that uttered the comment to his fellow posers and said loudly enough for all to hear from inside my full face helmet..

" Yeah, and if you remember the TV show, the folks that dressed like you got destroyed by the end of the show, and all the power rangers lived. You think about that when your blue jean ass is getting ground off beneath you as you slide down the road."

I then did the a few "morphing"/karate poses for them and let them see me shaking my head as I pulled away...(at warp speed)

I don't care what you wear when you ride, if jeans and a t shirt are your choice, so be it. I have been known to blow off some gear on hot days, and that is my choice. But don't make fun of me and I won't make fun of you.........


Poseurs are out in force this time of year. It doesn't seem to matter what type, brand or style of bike they ride.

Motorcyclists, regardless of the brand, style or type of bike they ride, have been riding all along and just shrug it off and go past (passed? ;) ) the issue.

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You know, after some careful consideration, how about this for an appropriate response for that situation:

"You know, it is better to keep your mouth shut and appear ignorant, than to open it and remove all doubt!"

You know, after some careful consideration, how about this for an appropriate response for that situation:
"You know, it is better to keep your mouth shut and appear ignorant, than to open it and remove all doubt!"
Yeah, and then do the "pass 'em like they're parked" thing....

Best to just keep quiet then let the bike do the talking.
Well said! :clapping:

You want to race?If you insist.

At that price, I can't resist.

That's right, that's right, that's right.

Tonight it ain't right,

I got to have me a week.

But I'll be back for you, jack,

And I'll let the machine speak.

That's right, that's right, that's right.

Showdown? You bet.

And I haven't saddled my pony yet.

Have mercy, miss percy.

I done put the coon tune on this bet.

That's right, that's right, that's right.
Why can't we all just get along?

There does seem to be an over abundance of A-holes running in the HD group though. :bleh:

Since most Americans (and well to do Koreans) ride HD here, with the same level of gear (large Jap bikes are rare, ST's exceedingly so), I am always asked the question..."you ride HD"?

I had to learn a new Korean word as a part of my answer....


= pirate

I don't normally need to explain any further.

See, the thing is, I know that apart from wearing good gear for protection, I get a kick out of pretending I look just like Nicky Hayden. But I know I don't look anything like him. In other words, I KNOW I'm playing dress-up.

What gripes my ass about these poseurs, is that they don't know they're playing dress-up. They take themselves seriously. Trouble is, with their doo-rags and pot bellies and assless chaps, they look sillier than any Power Ranger. And as a result, being clueless that they're just playing at being bad-ass motorcyclists, they are just made to look even more absurd.

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