To the group of HOG posers at the gas station in Monroe WA, Saturday.

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It really amazes me to see the sport tourers riding around with HD's these days. Its almost like they like eachother, can you imagine? And I've even seen some..gulp...FJR's riding with them. Oh my could that be?

This subject really tires me. It has been beaten to death and whats the real point? I say just go for a good ride and get rid of some of that pent up anger you have there.....really, who cares about how or what or who is riding what. PM. <>< :drag: Boooooooooooring. Get a life and join the real world.....ya yankers.....


Agree with what ya say, and I would much prefer to be out riding than reading a forum, but winter will just not leave! I do feel pretty good that I have managed almost 300 miles since the first of the year, but that is not nearly enough therapy.

Keep in mind though, that images and opinions like "HD riders are jerks" are born from somewhere. Like every other stereotype, it does not apply to everyone, but it certainly applies to enough of them. This belief also seems to be pretty widespread as every forum, (other than HD forums) all have the same "HD Rider" discussions.

Now if the rain I am now having would wash away the sand from the last snow all might be right in the world.


The way I look at's us against them...with the "us" being anyone on two wheels and the "them" being anyone in a cage. I will ride with anyone who is taking the same risk that I am.

This Hog vs. sportbike vs. scooter stuff is ******** IMHO. Reminds me of why I left organize religion years ago. Let them have thier issue and just be above it all.

When I think of posers, the first thing that comes to mind is these guys that I ran into while doing a great extended ride after WFO last year ...after many thousand miles I came across these guys at gas station at the top of hwy12 in Utah. They said some smart remark as I walked near .....that I could have elected to let rub me the wrong way, but when I saw the canadian plates I wasn't too worried. Hockey sticks at a gun fight don't work well.

Instead of ignoring, I walked into the circle and asked them where they had come from and where they were going. It turned into some good dialogue and they couldn't believe the miles I had put on in the last days. I gave them some motel recomendations where they would find what they were looking for: Bunk beds, space for a circle jerk and mirrors to pimp before the next day's ride.

I wish I would have wished them luck at the Village People impersonation gig they were headed to, but I didn't think of it.

I still had my rally towel and told them I was taking pictures of odd things on my travels and they qualified. ..hence the pic.

We were even on the ******** insults at this point and then it turned into some good conversation.

Bikes are not the same, same true about people. Good and bad in each category.

Life would be boring if we were all the same.


(and yes, as toecutter pointed out on the initial posting, i couldn't help but cop a feel) of my new ghey poser friends from another country.

When my riding buddy (and his wife on the pillion) and I pulled in for gas at the Exon gas station in Monroe yesterday, this group of HOG riders (also included a side car) thought it was very funny to blurt from their un-trained mouths "power rangers" upon seeing us arrive at the pumps!

When my riding buddy (and his wife on the pillion) and I pulled in for gas at the Exon gas station in Monroe yesterday, this group of HOG riders (also included a side car) thought it was very funny to blurt from their un-trained mouths "power rangers" upon seeing us arrive at the pumps!
Ooo, need to change my uniform funny :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

We're all outcasts/blacksheep here.....from an EZ board apparently. From which a member I was not.

as for ellwood.......I've got every studio album from them on my ipod. Can't say that for any other set of artists.

Funny, can't tell you how many times I've told somebody I ride a motorcycle and they've said "Oh, do you have a Harley?" I just say no, I like to go FAST. Let's face it, Harley means motorcycles and vice-versa to a lot of people. And most of them are fine, like most people in general. Although I DO have a problem with the dipwads you see riding along in freaking Nazi-style helmets (and yes, they're pretty much ALL on HDs). Don't these buttheads know what the Nazis were? Shows a level of ignorance pretty much beyond salvaging. But the rest of them, mostly, are just folks who bought into the "motorcycles equals Harleys" idea and when they could afford to, bought into the brotherhood and dress accordingly. I exclude the outlaw club types, of course. Also beyond salvaging. Frankly, on the road I have more problem with the young guys on crotch rockets who blow past you (or between you and whatever's next to you) at about 110 on the highway.

Funny, can't tell you how many times I've told somebody I ride a motorcycle and they've said "Oh, do you have a Harley?" I just say no, I like to go FAST. Let's face it, Harley means motorcycles and vice-versa to a lot of people. And most of them are fine, like most people in general. Although I DO have a problem with the dipwads you see riding along in freaking Nazi-style helmets (and yes, they're pretty much ALL on HDs). Don't these buttheads know what the Nazis were? Shows a level of ignorance pretty much beyond salvaging. But the rest of them, mostly, are just folks who bought into the "motorcycles equals Harleys" idea and when they could afford to, bought into the brotherhood and dress accordingly. I exclude the outlaw club types, of course. Also beyond salvaging. Frankly, on the road I have more problem with the young guys on crotch rockets who blow past you (or between you and whatever's next to you) at about 110 on the highway.
actually, mike, i think you're being a bit judgmental. i think most of them just want to be like dudes in "every which way but loose".

( :



yellow, blue, or black power ranger, depending on how fat i am at a given ride

I saw a black guy on a hog wearing one of those nazi-style helmets the other day. Trying just a little too hard to be inconspicuous.

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It really amazes me to see the sport tourers riding around with HD's these days. Its almost like they like eachother, can you imagine? And I've even seen some..gulp...FJR's riding with them. Oh my could that be?
This subject really tires me. It has been beaten to death and whats the real point? I say just go for a good ride and get rid of some of that pent up anger you have there.....really, who cares about how or what or who is riding what. PM. <>< :drag: Boooooooooooring. Get a life and join the real world.....ya yankers.....
Strange as it sounds-a couple of years ago on the FJR Boards it seemed the FJR was the bike most likely to get a decent comment from the HD crowd. Haven't heard any accounts lately and don't know what accounts for it, but interesting nonetheless.

We were even on the ******** insults at this point and then it turned into some good conversation.
Amen brother! Any day I'm not about my wits enough to figure out how to turn a comment or conversation around is a day I don't need to be riding... for the latter certainly requires more skill!!

Oh Boy, what a can of worms any Harley discussion opens up. You've got to hand it to The Motor Company, they have done a first rate job of getting brand recognition. Madison Avenue is jelous. I like my FJR, but I'm not going to get a set of tuning forks tattooed on my arm. The "Harley lifestyle" is a dream that a lot of people buy into. Just like all the SUVs that never go off road. It's just unfortunate for the rest of us serious riders (i.e. those that don't drive to the bar to show off the latest chrome gee-gaw) that part of the bad-boy image includes making a lot of obnoxious noise. The number one cause of bike discrimination is coming from people that want to be able to hear themselves think when a motorcycle drives by. When I was working as a police officer, guys with straight pipes were incredulous that someone would write them a ticket for waking up a neighborhood late at night. As though it should be a God given right to piss people off because they bought a bike. (Not always Harleys, but mostly). Like most have said in this discussion, there are bad people in all groups. The Village People response is good if it's a good natured chiding. But when it's not, we should try to take the high road and educate the noisy ones that other people have rights too. Of course those are usually the guys with a smaller IQ than their shoe size. My 75 year old Dad, who still rides a Nighthawk 750, pointed out to me years ago: The Harley crowd wears a uniform and conforms to their pack, just like the rest of society. It won't make you many friends, but point that out to any you know and watch the wheels in their heads turn. My only real beef with the posers is that some of their actions could cause my right to ride to be imposed on. Of course, basic manners are sorely lacking in our society today. Jusy my 2 cents worth.

I saw a news story the other day about catalytic converter theft. One lady, who recently lost hers to the thieves, said she started her car and it sounded "Real loud, like a Harley Davidson. It sounded scary."


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