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Top quality HID kits for the FJR

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I realized you were measuring both lights, hence my assumption that two Solteks should draw approx 70 watts while running. I realize there are probably a few extra watts to go to the ballast, but it is more than I expected based on you numbers.

You're right, 14.0 volts is too much with Solteks on, however in my experiences idle speed vs more rpm is not much of a difference. But using your 13.2 volts, X 7.3A, that's still 96-97 watts. Still more than I would have guessed based on two 35 watt bulbs. I guess those ballast use a lot more watts than I had figured?

Also intersting were your findings compared to stock halogens.

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Your calculations are close enough Skootie. And it appears that the measurement techniques that James has used are accurate enough for these conclusions:

HIDs that are rated at 35W consume approximately 50W each. (7.5A * 13.2V / 2) = 49.5W (at least his did)

Halogen bulbs rated at 55W consume approximately 55W each (8.5A * 13.2V / 2) = 56.1W (makes complete sense and validates the measurements)

So, there is very little savings in power demand to be realized by switching to HID lights (10W total), which is what many folks have been saying all along, but without the empirical data to prove it. However, direct experience has (almost) always shown that the HID light output is greater than halogen.

Following the same reasoning, I suspect that the 55W HIDs will actually consume more power than the stock 55W halogens (at least 40 more watts than the 35's, but quite likely even more)

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Just a quick update - A big batch of 5K is on the way. Should be here any day. Thanks for your patience. It always takes a while to negotiate these large block buys since they always start at a minimum of 1,000 units per order :eek:


Any word on the next batch of 5k's?



Hi Todd,I apologize if you've already answered these questions before, I've just read so many posts on the subject that things are getting a little blurred.

If you can, would mind just quickly comparing/contrasting these two "locally" offered HID kits with yours, TIA?


ApexCone with detailed pics of the kit

DDM HID Kit for Motorcycles


I notice that the DDM kit does not seem to have a shield, at least not a metal shield so i'm not sure if the clear one is UV resistant and how well the Hi/Lo function is likely to work...

I've been running a set of Soltek HIDs for a few years, and really think the white color their 4,200K 35W bulbs put out is just the right kind of while for me to actually see well at night. So can/have you obtained the 4,300-4,500K bulbs you were planning on ordering before?

Also a quick question for the 55W HID owners, do you have any problems with these kits being too bright for use at night in populated areas or when riding with others at night?

And I know this is not typically a problem but do you sometimes feel they put out a little too much light, thus throwing off your night vision? I ride at night as much as I can, I love riding the twisties at night, hence my question about too much light and effects on your night vision.
JamesK - The ApexCone kit looks similar though I don't see brand names on the components so I can't be sure. I'm also not clear on if those are ASIC ballasts or not.

One thing's certain - we're not trying to compete on price with anyone and we'll never be the least expensive. There's a lot of junk out there on eBay and other places. The components being used in this kit are the best we've personally been able to get our hands on for a reasonable price. This was after 6 months of sourcing samples from all over creation and evaluating them. Doing the burn in and shortening the kits takes time too.

UPDATE - 15-FEB-10

Ok. Sorry for taking so long to update this thread. 12.5" of snow wiped out power/internet for a while here (Dallas ain't used to that!)

Our supplier agreed (we think) to send us a few sets of 4300K along with the shipment of 5000K we ordered (which is expected any day). I can't promise we'll have 4300K on a regular basis as many manufactures have stopped making those in favor of 5000K. First pair we get (if any show in the shipment) goes to SkooterG for him to compare color with what he's got now.

Those that have paid - Once again I'm sorry for the delay. HIDs should be winging their way to you very shortly.



Bad news/good news deal. Some did arrive but they weren't correct. That's the bad news. The good news is they have agreed to produce 4300k to our spec in quantity. However, it will be another 2-3 weeks before I have anything to ship.

Because of this very frustrating delay, I can not in good faith sit on anyones money any longer. If you have paid already, check your PMs later this evening for refund details. Unless you specifically tell me otherwise, I'm refunding in full all unshipped orders until I can clear this inventory snafu.

Sorry about this. I'm just not going to ship something I'm not dead certain about. This supplier has always come through so I'm sure this will be corrected but it is frustrating.

Those that got 5000k in the first go round - I'll work with you on a 4300k swap at terms we can both live with. PM me.


Supplier has responded favorably and may in fact have product to us sooner rather than later. When it arrives, I'll post side by side of the 4300K and 5000K and get shipping ASAP.

While we wait, here's some pics I took of my R80 sporting an older 6000K lamp, my 2000 BMW 323ci with its OEM 4300K lamps and my FJR with 5000K. The quality of the photos sucks but what you can see if you look closely is that the FJR is the 'whiter' of the three. By that I mean it has the least amount of blue light.

I'll be very keen to see how these new 4300K that we're getting compare to the ones we tested initially.


This photo of just the BMW and the FJR has been 'tweaked' to try and pull out the differences. Note the blue fringe/glare around the BMW lamp:



DHL indicates the shipment is indeed winding its way to us. This was a very large order (something like 300 bulbs) and we lost some time due to Chinese New Year but things are finally moving. Should arrive mid week but please remember US Customs is always a wild card. Sometimes zero hassle, sometimes not.

Those that have been so patient on this will have theirs overnighted as soon as possible. Ditto for SkooterG to test a 4300K set vs. the ones he has now.

I'll post and PM as soon as things are moving.

More info

DHL indicates the shipment could be here as early as Monday March 8th! Finally! Should have all these things anyone could want very soon.

UPDATE - DHL shows the bulbs have cleared customs in Cin. OH! We're close now!

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Bulbs are in the house! DHL came through in flying colors and we now have literally several dozens pairs of every color temp and configuration.

We're working hard to get things organized and shipped as soon as possible. PMs to individuals that have already paid will be sent with tracking info as soon as possible. Thanks for everyone's patience.

I'll try to get one of these new 4300K bulbs side-by-side in my FJR for a photo op as soon as I can.

FWIW - This round of working with the manufacturer was enlightening B) Getting them to make us 4300K took extra time as demand for those has fallen way off. It's like a lot of things in life, what becomes the defacto standard gets that way sometimes more by happenstance than by intention. 4300K bulbs were originally the 'best' the industry could do. If they could have made 4600K or 4800K they would have and we'd all be swearing by those now.

Given the strong sentiment, I'll continue to offer 4300K but if what you're looking for is the most lumens for the buck with a color temp as close to natural sunlight as possible, 5000K is the way to go. But it makes no never mind to me. They cost the same and I've got boxes of both.


Bulbs and complete kits are shipping again. The first couple of sets of 4300K bulbs should reach their owners today or tomorrow and we'll hope for install pics from them soon.

As for me, my plan is to install one of the new 4300K bulbs tomorrow along side one of my existing 5000K and shoot some photos. I'll try to do the same with a 6000K just for grins.

PHOTOS! 4300K 5000K 6000K

Ok. Finally had time to pull one of my bulbs and get some side-by-side of 4300K 5000K and 6000K.

First pic is of 5000K on the LEFT as viewed from head on. 4300K on the RIGHT. Note that the color temp is very similar but there is a slight blue tint to the 4300K:


Now the really telling photo. The 4300K is the TOP beam in this photo. 5000K on the BOTTOM. Garage door is white.


As during our original investigations, the quality and quantity of the light from the 5000K is superior.

Now the 5000K and 6000K. Again, the 5000K is on the LEFT as viewed head on in this photo. 6000K on the RIGHT:


And finally, on the garage door again. 6000K is on TOP, 5000K on the BOTTOM in this image:


So, my original supposition holds for me anyway. If you want the most and the best light you can get from a simple HID retrofit, 5000K is the gold standard. However, as stated above, I've got plenty of all types and colors now.

Something is wrong. 5000k is supposed to be bluer than 4300k. :blink:
Perhaps there is some sort of QA/QC problem with your supplier?
Well, of course that's possible. However, these are Philips and have been consistent across lots of 200 and more.

While 5000K is obviously closer to the blue end of the spectrum, it's also the color temp that is considered true natural sunlight at noon. That has always been the goal as far as I'm concerned.

The effect in the first two photos above may be nothing more than the result of the 4300K putting out slightly fewer lumens and thus doing a poorer job of illuminating the black plastic surface directly in front of the headlight housing and garage door. When observed with my eyes, they appear very similar with the 5000K being just slightly brighter and more sun-like.

Something IS wrong.

My 5000k you supplied is not white. And the 4300k vectervp1 had (differnt vendor) was most definitely white, and not blue. As Fred said, 4300k is not blue on the color spectrum, and if anything should be towards 'yellow'.

Perhaps the 'violet' of the 5000k makes the 4300k look falsely blue when a photo is taken with both on at the same time?

I will say, all this is quite frustrating.

From my thread, HERE.

I linked to this website, HERE.

From it, there is a color chart which clearly shows 4300k as no shade of blue. Clicky, clicky.

And from the website's many examples of bulb colors, here are the 4300K and 5000K which clearly show the 4300K as more 'yellow' (like the sun to me) than the 5000K, NOT blue. And the 5000K seems to even have a little hint of blue.





And the 6000K which looks a lot more like the supposed 5000K bulbs I have:


It's all so freaking confusing. Seems it shouldn't be.

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