Tyler down in serious condition in Idaho!

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Tylerbabe, please get well soon, I am just stunned at

the news of your incident, fighting tears as I have

read every well wish from our wide spread and very

close motorcycle family. You have more friends

and loved ones than you can imagine, please be

strong, we are praying for you.


I am pretty new to the forum and although I dont know Tyler It always sux a dirty old sweat sock to hear of anybody having an accident and it always makes my tummy drop when I hear it happened on 2 wheels, Because you are exposed to the possibility of much greater injury. I am happy to hear that she is doing better and hope she continues on her road of healing and recovery. I also hope that her path of recovery is speedy and as painless as they can make it for her. It is nice to know that she has so many wonderfull people by her side to support her thru her time of need. I look forward to actually trading thoughts and ideas with her in the future. GET WELL SOON TYLER from Carmine and Kerri in NY

I'm also new to the Forum but there long enough to read many a posting from Tyler. Saw the announcement for her trip with departure times and thought "hey, what a great trip. Wish I could ride with them". And now this.

I can only say that my best wishes go with her and her family. I'm not good at praying and probably never will be but I send my firm wishes for a quick and full recovery.

Keep it up Tyler.

Very glad that things are progressing in a positive way for Tyler. Hang in there girl, prayers and good vibes are coming your way.

I do not know this person as I'm new to the motorcycle forums. I truely hate to hear something like this happen to anybody! Thoughts and prayers to her and the family!

I'm not new to the forum, and we've had a few of these situations in the past.

This place is always amazing in how all these virtual people come together to help a virtual friend in need. So here's a BIG :yahoo: for all you good people.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 9:50 AM, MDT
More good news, I'm glad to report. Tyler is still showing improvement, to the point that her doctor thinks they'll be able to fly her out perhaps tomorrow or the day after.
Is this still the case, Jamie? :unsure:

'Cuz I was going to bust down I-84 and see our girl in Boise this Friday or Sat.... but it sounds like I may be too late, or...?

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009 9:50 AM, MDT
More good news, I'm glad to report. Tyler is still showing improvement, to the point that her doctor thinks they'll be able to fly her out perhaps tomorrow or the day after.
Is this still the case, Jamie? :unsure:

'Cuz I was going to bust down I-84 and see our girl in Boise this Friday or Sat.... but it sounds like I may be too late, or...?

I would think that you would need to contact them at the hospital if you need a timely response to your question...as they may not see this post in time to respond adequately for you.

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Didn't the last update mention something about folks planning on visiting, go into a holding pattern because they were not sure if Ty'd be leaving for home today?

Help two peeps with one purchase.

I'm selling a bagster, TWN's bagster to be exact: Link

A bagster complete with straps and tank bag is worth $150.00 it just is.

So I'll split the proceeds.

The first $150 takes it (plus shipping) and I'll drop 50% of the proceeds ($75) into the Tyler fund. How sweet is that?

Tyler Fund: Link

Tyler Thread: Link

Help (2) peeps with one purchase and net a super sweet bagster in the process. What's not to like?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 8:14 AM, MDT

What a big morning for Ty (and for us)! Cynthia flew in late last night & we made a quick drive-by on Ty just so Cyn could see her & hold her hand. She was pretty gorked out & not very around.

Totallly different story this morning! As soon as we walked in, eyes open...moving hands, legs & toes...nodding in response to conversation in her room (i.e., when doc talked about taking out her breathing tube - big shock - she *hates* that thing, justifiably). She even gave up an irreverent eye roll & head shrug when she set off the beeper on her ventilator by trying to breathe on her time rather than the timing of the ventilator. (SO glad to see that ... that's my girl.) She's definitely more alert, tracked us when we talked to her, nodded when asked questions, etc.

It is a HUGE blessing to have Cyn here - she's a veterinarian, so has much more comprehension of everything that's going on & can explain it to Ty which is so wonderful now that Ty is really much more lucid & aware. Also, today's going to be a tough day for Ty as the push her a little bit to facilitate her recovery & get her to clear her lungs so she can get rid of that tube. That means decreasing her drugs and increasing the aggressiveness of the respiratory treatments to get the gunk out of her lungs. They're doing a treatment with her right now & Cyn is a great source of reassurance while she's enduring it. (I'm afraid I don't have the stomach to see her in the discomfort that's necessary for the treatment to be effective - that's why I'm not the doctor in the family. I'll just keep journaling ;-) Best part for you bawdy riders out there: part of the treatment involves vibrating her bed! No quarters required! She nodded when I ran that joke past her, so we know she's on the mend.

Highlight of the morning: before the treatment, Tyler squeezed Cyn's hand, pulled it up towards her heart, and mouthed "I love you." around her breathing tube. Of course, Cyn & I both lost it. It is SO good to see that she knows we're here for her. We told her about Shannon, and Mom & Ed, and where they are and why they can't be here right now & she nodded. I also let her know all her riding & theater & work buddies were 100% behind her & loving her up from afar & pulling for her. When she's a little more rested after her big morning, I'll read more of the guest book entries to her.

Doc now says there are three possibilities for her California transfer: VMC, Davis or Stanford, and he has calls into all of them and we'll see where she winds up. It's looking like Friday or Saturday will be lift off. I understand many in the biking community wish to escort/follow her ambulance to the hospital, an offering that brought tears to my eyes. She would love that (even if she may not be aware of it at the time) so I will do everything I can to work with you to make it happen. Check the forums for intel.

Ty's resting now after a pretty tough treatment. She knows this is all necessary, thanks to Cyn's explanations & walking her through it, but it doesn't make it any easier on her. She's a tough girl & muscling through, but please send extra good juju to her as she works through today. (Not that you're not already, but...you know what I mean. :) More later...


Here's hoping she lands in Stanford. Some of the best doctors in the nation B)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 9:50 AM, MDT
More good news, I'm glad to report. Tyler is still showing improvement, to the point that her doctor thinks they'll be able to fly her out perhaps tomorrow or the day after.
Is this still the case, Jamie? :unsure:

'Cuz I was going to bust down I-84 and see our girl in Boise this Friday or Sat.... but it sounds like I may be too late, or...?

Old Michael was going to head up Saturday morning if she's still there. I was planning to re-route my trip home through Boise. Hopefully she's able to be closer to home. My plans won't change much if she's there or if she's not since I'll be riding home anyway.

I'm following the CaringBridge journal for updates. Probably the best source?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 3:17 PM, MDT


Came back from lunch & first noticed that they had taken her out of restraints, then we clued in & realized the tube was out too!!! She just sat there w/a little smile. :) Those are some gooooood drugs, I'm sure. (As her doc said, "Better living through chemistry.")

Her spirits are even better now that that thing is outta there. Her first words were to ask about Shannon (we had told her earlier today, but she didn't remember - see above re: good drugs) and we reassured her that Shan was okay, had been up for a visit and was now back home, and she nodded and smiled and quietly said, "Kay." We told her about her following, and all the people pulling for her and she got that happy little smile again. She was joking around w/us a little, and making some of her classic Ty faces, and really seems to have "crawled out of the hole" as her doc put it. SO RELIEVED to have our Ty back. Whew!

It's gonna be a very, very long road of recovery, but her spirit and your prayers are really moving her along well.

She's running a little fever, which the doctor said is to be expected given the severity of her skin trauma (they call it "degloved"). That is what is behind the urgent push to get her to CA - to a hospital well-equipped to handle the massive skin damage she's going to have to deal with. Cyn looked at her wounds during dressing change, and told me the damage is very extensive and really will need quite a lot of attention and medical treatment (wound management, extensive skin grafting, etc.) Even aside from all that, her orthopedic surgeon said no weight on the right leg for three months while her pelvis heals.

This afternoon, they're addressing the blood clot potential of her condition by inserting a little "basket" in a major blood vessel near her heart to catch any clots that may be wandering around in there. They can't put her on blood thinners b/c of her skin wounds.

So......she's resting much more comfortably now, thankfully. Keep the good juju coming, and as soon as I know more re: the when & where of her return to CA I'll post it here.


Sounds like our girl Tyler is coming around....but now the reality of the severe skin trauma has to be dealt with. :(

We wuv you Tyler...Keep your head up girl! :clapping:

An amazing job Jaime is doing with these updates. Wow!And my gawd, it's good hearing our girl is coming around. It'll be good to have her back in CA,

where the hugs won't have to be virtual.
I couldn't agree more Michael. I can't imagine not getting those updates.

Give her a hug for me. ;)
