Unlucky day today

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I'm sure it varies from location to location, but I have had several performance awards since I started riding the FJR and I plead not guilty to each of them. Went to court and negotiated with the officer before we got to the judge. In each case I agreed to a charge that required me to pay a fine but no points on my license. That way there is no change in insurance rates. You may be able to do that in your case. They get the revenue and you don't get screwed on insurance for years.

Since I got my Passport X50 for the FJR I have been able to avoid any further awards. Radar detectors are not a flawless solution, you still need to pay attention and try not to be the only target for the radar gun. Apparently, most radar guns fix on whatever is the largest vehicle nearby., so if you are in traffic you are less likely to be targeted.

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So, if you knew the trooper was coming, you wouldn't have broken the law?

A radar detector isn't gonna increase your IQ. You'll still do stupid things like cross a double-yellow with OR without a detector.

Oh, and for those of you who are justifying breaking the law, I need some new tools, so I'm headed over to your garages to do a little "shopping" while you're out riding.

And this statement --

A ticket for passing is preferable.... better yet, why should bikes be held to the passing standards set for the slowest dimmest vehicles?
-- may be the dumbest thing I've read on the forum in a couple of months. Sounds like the "dimmest vehicle" is the FJR piloted by the originator of this quote.
Passing standards aren't based on speed, Einstein...it's a visibility, safety issue. Remember, the OP was in a limited visibility situation. I quote

Just then came the N.C. State Trooper over the hill the other way.
(my emphasis).
So not only did he endager HIS life, which we don't really give a shit about -- it's his choice -- but anyone else approaching on the hill is also being put at risk.

It never ceases to amaze me how people do stupid shit...get caught for it...and blame the people who caught them, calling them "tax collectors" and other not-so-kind descriptions.

Okay, rant is over. Now all you room-temperature-IQ scofflaws can flame away. Take your best shots. You'll only make yourselfs look MORE stupid.

Cops are just tax collectors with badges. A real PITA and little more. They wonder why their reputations are bad. Many cops fled NO rather than help its citizens. They are no help with more serious crimes.
I realize you apologized in advance, but your comments still pissed me off. You're generalizing pretty badly. I may as well say everyone in Mansfield, TX is a moron now, based on my opinion of only one of its citizen's comments. Give me a break, man.

I am not a tax collector. In fact, when I worked the road, the bail on every citation I wrote didn't even go to the State Police. That's another story altogether. I still did my job and I wrote a lot of citations - the job of being a motor officer, assigned to work traffic and traffic only. Now, I work those "serious crimes" you mentioned no one helps with. In the last 4 weeks, I've averaged over 60 hours a week, juggling the supervision of two homicide investigations and several more violent crimes where no one happened to die. Oh, did I mention I'm not even assigned to our Major Crimes Section anymore. I supervise in-state domestic terrorism investigations. I'm wearing two hats because we're so damn short-handed in this state, we're over run with the caseload. Once in awhile I get to see my wife and 4 year old little girl.

But, anyways, sorry we're all such a big disappointment to you. I'll work on being braver as you put it.

Cops are just tax collectors with badges. A real PITA and little more. They wonder why their reputations are bad. Many cops fled NO rather than help its citizens. They are no help with more serious crimes.
I realize you apologized in advance, but your comments still pissed me off. You're generalizing pretty badly. I may as well say everyone in Mansfield, TX is a moron now, based on my opinion of only one of its citizen's comments. Give me a break, man.

I am not a tax collector. In fact, when I worked the road, the bail on every citation I wrote didn't even go to the State Police. That's another story altogether. I still did my job and I wrote a lot of citations - the job of being a motor officer, assigned to work traffic and traffic only. Now, I work those "serious crimes" you mentioned no one helps with. In the last 4 weeks, I've averaged over 60 hours a week, juggling the supervision of two homicide investigations and several more violent crimes where no one happened to die. Oh, did I mention I'm not even assigned to our Major Crimes Section anymore. I supervise in-state domestic terrorism investigations. I'm wearing two hats because we're so damn short-handed in this state, we're over run with the caseload. Once in awhile I get to see my wife and 4 year old little girl.

But, anyways, sorry we're all such a big disappointment to you. I'll work on being braver as you put it.
Dude, God bless you for your service to America. I wonder if the person you replied to has ever needed LEO protection. Or did he just call the tax collector's office for help. Remember, Non illigitamus carborundum. Wish I knew what the Latin word is for "ignorant" so I could add it to the quote. :)

Oh, as to his "apology in advance" -- it was like a road sign "Stupidity Up Ahead - Proceed with Caution!"

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Reading this I feel a need to vent. Sorry in advance for any fine police officers I offend with the following. Recently I was stopped in Louisiana doing 86 in a 70. It was just north of New Orleans and there were 3 cops standing under a bridge. I thought they had to call in the National Guard to patrol NO. Then again they have murderers, rapists and drug dealers down there, may be a bit dangerous. Anyway I did not even notice they were cops till I got up to them and saw their cars on the other side of the bridge. They flag me over and I stop. I waited a little over a minute, we even got off the bike to stretch, and none of the cars were moving so I figured I stopped for no reason and left. A little further down the road they catch up to me and are all upset and rude. The way the cop handled himself it seemed he was trying to start a fight. He cited me for failure to obey a police officer and 86 in a 70. Cops are just tax collectors with badges. A real PITA and little more. They wonder why their reputations are bad. Many cops fled NO rather than help its citizens. They are no help with more serious crimes. In most major cities I can go just blocks from where you may get a ticket and find a drug dealer on the corner. Once a couple of years ago I even pointed one out as the cop wrote me a ticket. Our brave boys in blue indeed.
Now that's a good way to enter your 7th post!

Reading this I feel a need to vent. Sorry in advance for any fine police officers I offend with the following. Recently I was stopped in Louisiana doing 86 in a 70. It was just north of New Orleans and there were 3 cops standing under a bridge. I thought they had to call in the National Guard to patrol NO. Then again they have murderers, rapists and drug dealers down there, may be a bit dangerous. Anyway I did not even notice they were cops till I got up to them and saw their cars on the other side of the bridge. They flag me over and I stop. I waited a little over a minute, we even got off the bike to stretch, and none of the cars were moving so I figured I stopped for no reason and left. A little further down the road they catch up to me and are all upset and rude. The way the cop handled himself it seemed he was trying to start a fight. He cited me for failure to obey a police officer and 86 in a 70. Cops are just tax collectors with badges. A real PITA and little more. They wonder why their reputations are bad. Many cops fled NO rather than help its citizens. They are no help with more serious crimes. In most major cities I can go just blocks from where you may get a ticket and find a drug dealer on the corner. Once a couple of years ago I even pointed one out as the cop wrote me a ticket. Our brave boys in blue indeed.

I've gotten into this dicussion before on other boards. It's not worth it. You're too fucking stupid to get riled up over. Have a nice day. :asshat:

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>>Passing standards aren't based on speed, Einstein...it's a visibility, safety issue.<<

Yeah, that's the way it's supposed to be... everyone else agree that's they way things really are done?

>>I quote:Just then came the N.C. State Trooper over the hill the other way.<<

You have no way to tell how far away the top of the hill was. I give the guy the benefit of the doubt that he knows well enough what is safe... since I was not there. Nor were you.

>>Oh, and for those of you who are justifying breaking the law, I need some new tools, so I'm headed over to your garages to do a little "shopping" while you're out riding.<<

Like theft is akin to a traffic violation? And you toss epithets at me....?

The very worst thing about unbroken DY's and unrealisticly low speed zones is that it gives the passive agressive a stage to work their mischief.

Finally, if I had to resort to name calling and personal attacks, I'd shut the **** up.

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So, if you knew the trooper was coming, you wouldn't have broken the law?

Hell no i wouldn't have done it i knew he was coming. I'm not that dumb.

A radar detector isn't gonna increase your IQ. You'll still do stupid things like cross a double-yellow with OR without a detector.

To tell the truth i didn't even notice the double yellow

Passing standards aren't based on speed, Einstein...it's a visibility, safety issue. Remember, the OP was in a limited visibility situation. I quote

Just then came the N.C. State Trooper over the hill the other way.
(my emphasis).
So not only did he endager HIS life, which we don't really give a shit about -- it's his choice -- but anyone else approaching on the hill is also being put at risk.

Actually i wasn't in limited visibility . There was a 1/4 mile flat straight stretch ahead. The hill was at the other end of it. There was no danger to anyone else.

As i look back on yesterday i guess i was riding kind of stupid through that area. I was in a hurry to get home, not really thinking about how i was riding. Now i have been riding constantly since 1968 so i pretty much know what i'm doing but sometimes we all get lax in our judgement. I sure was having fun using all that 143 hp down through there. I guess it just goes to show you should never relax too much and quit paying attention. Ride SAFE ,Bob
>>Passing standards aren't based on speed, Einstein...it's a visibility, safety issue.<<
Yeah, that's the way it's supposed to be... everyone else agree that's they way things really are done?
What? You looking for help to support your ignorant stance?

>>I quote:Just then came the N.C. State Trooper over the hill the other way.<<
You have no way to tell how far away the top of the hill was. I give the guy the benefit of the doubt that he knows well enough what is safe... since I was not there. Nor were you.
You're showing your ignorance again. I didn't have to be there. A traffic engineer who determined the hill presented an unsafe condition and ordered a double-yellow line be painted was all the "benefit of the doubt" I need.

>>Oh, and for those of you who are justifying breaking the law, I need some new tools, so I'm headed over to your garages to do a little "shopping" while you're out riding.<<
Like theft is akin to a traffic violation? And you toss epithets at me....?
I'd rather have someone steal some tools out of my garage than kill my wife and kids because he thought it was "okay" to cross a double-yellow line. God, you're a jackhole.

The very worst thing about unbroken DY's and unrealisticly low speed zones is that it gives the passive agressive a stage to work their mischief.
Finally, if I had to resort to name calling and personal attacks, I'd shut the **** up.
Then why the hell don't you shut the **** up? You've already shone the spotlight of ignorance on yourself with your first post, now you're just bathing in the afterglow of stupidity. You can try to justify it all you want, but passing on a double-yellow is illegal...period. Plus it's probably unsafe and more than likely stupid. But go ahead...give us some more reasons why it's okay.

Hey, dude.....RADIO...PUT THE GUN DOWN. IT'S OVER NOW. Let's relax a bit, ok? If I were a cop...I'd just start shootin' bullets. If I were the scooter?....I'd twist my throttle. Ease up, buddy......

Okay, rant is over. Now all you room-temperature-IQ scofflaws can flame away. Take your best shots. You'll only make yourselfs look MORE stupid.
When I first read this my reaction was to point out just how wrong you are on every point. Then I thought about it again. The way I see it, someone with this degree of flawed logic would never understand why they are wrong, no matter how you try to explain it to them. It reminds me of the old saying, "Never wrestle with a pig in the mud. You both get dirty and the pig likes it."

You obviously THINK your smarter than everyone else. Trust me, you're not.

Easy...remember the motto. "fish heads.....fish heads.......fish heads.."

Geez, I don't quite get it. :(

How do we go from getting busted for breaking the law...

(yeah it happens. yeah, too bad. yeah, suck it up and pay the ticket.)

...to cop bashing??!!

Is not that I am one, or one is family, or I salute every time I see one

(in fact, somebody oughta tell the cops they need to smile at citizens

once in a while when they wave...we're not the enemy) BUT, I sure as hell

don't forget they put their f**ing asses on the line for us every day.

Whew! someone's got some serious issues. (Hey!, I was THERE getting gassed,

and pushed by "Dailey's goons" in Chicago during the DNC -I was a U of Wisc

student at the time...and I still respect the badge!)

These guys could be our friends, don't make them our enemies...

Not kissing ass here, but I feel like this thread went to shit for no reason... :unsure:


I think cops (the overwhelming majority of them) are incredible... they do a generally thankless job and for the most parts help keep this thing we call a civilization in control... :thumbsup:

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Wha? Now yer wantin' usn's tuh aktin sivilized wen ridin' er FJRs? Whatch'ya sum Kommie er sumpin'? Everbuddy noes them laws'er fer thuh uther guys en knot fer usn's.

Sorry for your misfortune,,,I suggest the immediate appropriate action.

1. You need to get a lawyer to fight the ticket for ya..If you don't know one in that area, look on the back of the ticket for a phone # for the Judges Court...Call up the Judge's Assistant and ask her if she could give you a name of lawyer in her area that does a lot of tickets, call the lawyer up and send him however much money he want's to get you out of this ticket!!!!! Or look on the Internet, just get one!!!.... Good Luck

2. Then Check out www.legalspeeding.com They have a H.A.R.D. (Helmet Assisted Radar Detection) System. This consist of instead of an earplug wire or a faint light, the H.A.R.D. system provides a wireless visual alert: a flashing LED light inside the helmet that is illuminated within your field of vision allowing immediate recognition of a radar threat....If you buy this in conjunction with the Passport 8500 X50 and put Laser jamers on the bike THERE IS NO BETTER PROTECTION!!

with the exception of

3. Anti Laser Stealth Coating for your headlight


Now your freaking invisible!!!!!!!!

I still don't understand why you stopped in the first place as no one can catch a FJR!!!!

OK, OK, OK, this is just too juicy to pass up.

i usually get along with cops - 22 years as a professional firefighter. cops develop an "us and them" attitude to greater or lesser extent because you can't believe how many dirtbags live all around you. truly. and who's happy to see a cop? that's why i went the other way. but it is a crap job and most who do it are great folks, and just like FJR owners, they got a few turds. oh well. i just learned that the staters where i live are very very tough on speeding. i'm over it.

be nice. if you wouldn't bluster and sucker-punch in person, don't do it because you are sitting at a keyboard. and remember, even people with a foot or two in their mouth need a way out that allows dignity, otherwise they got no choice but to continue defending their position. most of us would still rather get along than go to the ER. i don't care how tough you are, your hands still get all messed up.

the price of speeding most of the time is we're gonna catch a few tickets. now i gotta go slow for a couple years until they drop off. do i think a radar detector is the way to go? i dunno. i know they LOVE to see em on the dash while they write you. not EVER gonna talk your way out of a ticket once they see the toy.

sun's out. i must need to go SOMEWHERE! screw the lawn. it'll just grow back.


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