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Well, I would have to say that most police I've met, both on the job, and in their professional capacity, are regular folk doing what the city/county/state pays them to do. As I said before, I carefully pick the time and place to explore Franks outer limits, a straight, empty stretch of freeway or back country 2 lane are generally safe all around, I don't stay stratospheric for long, and I don't do it if anything or anyone is present and would constitute any kind of hazard. This is not an absolute, the line is fuzzy at times, but I tend to err on the side of caution. Doing 90 on a freeway with an average left lane speed of 80 to 85, in my estimation, does not constitute a hazard. Crossing a double yellow at any time does, I don't do it and I frown on any one who does. I see it as more than crossing the double yellow-but also crossing into the edge of ignoring all sorts of seemingly small traffic laws, until one is soon the hooligan that internet films are famous for documenting. The more one gets away with, the more one pushes it, and may not even realize he is doing it, until bango, the game takes on a whole new aura. I often wonder, when a biker has been busted after a high speed chase, if he even can remember why he took off to begin with, the feeling of invincibility is my guess. From what I've seen, cops will give a 5 over ticket because thats all they could dig up, in recognition of the fact they know there was a whole lot more being done, but were unable to verify, or what have you-you know what I mean. Enough rambling.
Concur on the warp speed run scenario. Also, on a crowded freeway, faster than the cages while on the bike is safer for the rider, IMO. Double yellow is a different issue here... While you may have more passing opportunities in the Mid West, out here in canyon land there are stretches of road where passing opportunities are tens of miles apart. Following a Winnebago slower than snail through a river of molasses simply ain't an option for those kinds of distances. It is illegal here to impede the flow of traffic and the butt plug causing a back-up must pull over, but rarely, if ever, does this happen. Completely illegal to cross the double for sure, but I'll take the ticket happily if I don't have to suck diesel fumes for 20 miles.

By the way, if you're gonna break the traffic laws, it's best to do it with the bags on. For some reason, Johnny Law looks kinder on 'em for some reason (as personally experienced :blink: ).

In the great state of Missouri... a double yellow line is only a suggestion.
He may be right.

The Missouri Driver's Handbook -- Chapter 6, Page 1
It matters not what a driver's handbook says, it matters what the Highway traffic act or whatever you have says.

Same in my area, a solid single or double yellow is only a suggestion to not pass. My driver's handbook says not to pass on solid lines. The Highway traffic act allows passing on solid yellow.

There are areas near me where you can see for 2 miles with solid yellow and is totally safe and legal to pass.

Of course if it is illegal for you to do something, and you get caught doing it, accept the consequences.

Don't care if this sounds like sucking up but all the cops I know are good guys doing a damn tough job with little support from the judicial process ( and much of the citizenry at times) in many cases. They are out on the street dealing with the bottom of the gene pool regularly so the rest of us can live and ride and work and play. Try anarchy if you don't like this system. I cannot believe the whining about paying the price for breaking the law. Some years ago I drove way too fast for a bunch of years and got ticketed fairly often and even lost my license for 30 days once. The only person I ever blamed was the one I looked at in mirror. Hope this doesn't sound preachy but it is the way I see it.

Don't care if this sounds like sucking up but all the cops I know are good guys doing a damn tough job with little support from the judicial process ( and much of the citizenry at times) in many cases. They are out on the street dealing with the bottom of the gene pool regularly so the rest of us can live and ride and work and play. Try anarchy if you don't like this system. I cannot believe the whining about paying the price for breaking the law. Some years ago I drove way too fast for a bunch of years and got ticketed fairly often and even lost my license for 30 days once. The only person I ever blamed was the one I looked at in mirror. Hope this doesn't sound preachy but it is the way I see it.
Ahh, you're just sucking up... :D :p

What the **** are you doing passing on a double yellow anyway?
In the great state of Missouri... a double yellow line is only a suggestion. Such as those yellow signs found near curves... if you can go through the curve faster than the posted speed and do it safely, then it's okay. Same thing with a double yellow line... if you can pass safely, then it's okay.
The Missouri Driver's Handbook -- Chapter 6, Page 1 -- says you're talkin' out yer butt. :)

See below...

In the great state of Missouri... a double yellow line is only a suggestion.
He may be right.

The Missouri Driver's Handbook -- Chapter 6, Page 1
It matters not what a driver's handbook says, it matters what the Highway traffic act or whatever you have says.

Same in my area, a solid single or double yellow is only a suggestion to not pass. My driver's handbook says not to pass on solid lines. The Highway traffic act allows passing on solid yellow.

There are areas near me where you can see for 2 miles with solid yellow and is totally safe and legal to pass.

Of course if it is illegal for you to do something, and you get caught doing it, accept the consequences.
FJRottie... you are so correct!

I almost put in my original post the fact that I was a traffic cop for a number of years... but I didn't. Even if I did... someone will still want to argue about what I posted.


So, you're all for giving someone a citation for doing 22 in 20 mph school zone huh? How someone going 21 or 20.5 for instance? I guess it would depend then on how subservient or obedient they were...,,,,well you get my point as this is what the police are doing down here in Texas....and a little beep of the radar detector would not only slow you down thus protecting the children but prevent the whole confrontation in the first place.....And you know,,,the fuzz will do a computer check on the City's New NEW BIG BROTHER HAL COMPUTER that links all the police dept putes together and it's very likely he's gonna find a new arrest warrant has recently been downloaded into the putes resulting from warrent from across the nation for a unpaid parking ticket you got back in College in 1975 .....Makes for a convenient arrest and some good dinero for the city coffers...a tax collector I wouldn't call it, but close... Oh by the way, the Chief of Police in Dallas has advised the police on the DWI task force here not to drive their Mercedes or Porches to the court house as it pissing off the citizens to see how much money they're making....I don't know any tax collectors who make that kind of money....You see to city encouranges policeman to be on the DWI task force by paying overtime for them being in court and most make well in to the 6 digit figures...the more arrest, the more money you make...definatley not a tax collector...
Point again being.....do everything you can to avoid being stopped!!
starcruiser... so are you going to tell us how many times you've been arrested?

Too bad you don't live in Missouri, I'd love the chance to give you some nice silver bracelets!


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Reading this I feel a need to vent. Sorry in advance for any fine police officers I offend with the following. Recently I was stopped in Louisiana doing 86 in a 70. It was just north of New Orleans and there were 3 cops standing under a bridge. I thought they had to call in the National Guard to patrol NO. Then again they have murderers, rapists and drug dealers down there, may be a bit dangerous. Anyway I did not even notice they were cops till I got up to them and saw their cars on the other side of the bridge. They flag me over and I stop. I waited a little over a minute, we even got off the bike to stretch, and none of the cars were moving so I figured I stopped for no reason and left. A little further down the road they catch up to me and are all upset and rude. The way the cop handled himself it seemed he was trying to start a fight. He cited me for failure to obey a police officer and 86 in a 70. Cops are just tax collectors with badges. A real PITA and little more. They wonder why their reputations are bad. Many cops fled NO rather than help its citizens. They are no help with more serious crimes. In most major cities I can go just blocks from where you may get a ticket and find a drug dealer on the corner. Once a couple of years ago I even pointed one out as the cop wrote me a ticket. Our brave boys in blue indeed.
I don't think I'll waist my time coming up with anything to say, other than to say have a nice day...


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starcruiser... so are you going to tell us how many times you've been arrested?

Too bad you don't live in Missouri, I'd love the chance to give you some nice silver bracelets!


I've never been arrested.....I don't get tickets as I follow my own advice (see above)....and don't hold your breath on coming across me as I have no use for Missouri or the fuzz and if I did happen to take a wrong turn and end up passsing thru your state, you'll know it's me for sure, cause I'll be on a silver FJR and when you look down to get the reading off your laser gun and it reads F--K Off instead of the MPH, you'll know it's Starcruiser jamming your arse (no it's not illegal), but then again, you couldn't catch me even if you wanted too.

Well, I brought beer. This'll be fun to watch unfold.....as I'm getting drunk on cheap beer I won from some gay quiz I took....got a schwinn out of the deal, too....have to farkle it with a horn supposedly.

I wonder if there will be any NHP on the new FJR with ray guns facing our way? I know some departments are retro fitting FJR's, any truth to that in other states?

I won from some gay quiz I took....got a schwinn out of the deal, too....have to farkle it with a horn supposedly.
Here you go... I did some farkling for you.


And too carry that beer from the store.


And watch out for those gay bikers.


....as I'm getting drunk on cheap beer I won from some gay quiz I took....got a schwinn out of the deal, too....
O.K., looks like we have our own resident gay expert. Me thinks I'll have much more use for Jestal's wisdom though...
... and when you look down to get the reading off your laser gun and it reads F--K Off instead of the MPH, you'll know it's Starcruiser jamming your arse (no it's not illegal), but then again, you couldn't catch me even if you wanted too.
I think somebody needs their Lithium prescription renewed....

:dribble: WHOA, you guys can cut pretty deep.

Remind me not to get into a disagreement with some of you.

As for me, I think the majority of us can be thankful we just haven't been caught doing something we shouldn't be doing, i.e. speeding/going over the speed limit in a particular place or passing in an inappropriate area or fashion.

As far as who is to determine what is sufficiently over the limit to obtain a performance award from the local Police is a moot point, ask 100 people and you will get 100 answers. Bottom line is; over the posted limit is over the posted limit.

I know that in real life there are areas where you all can regale me upon speed traps where without warning you go from a posted 70 mph to 35 mph and bang the local cop has you dead to sights. We could go on ad naseum about how chicken**** that is or not.

As for cop bashing, just as in life, everything is a bell curve, you have your super cops, physicians, EMT's, pilots, and f/a's who do everything right all the time, then you have the majority of people who just do the best they can but are human and make mistakes, then you have people that you wonder how they survived this far in life as they don't seem to have any intelligence, common sense, social skills or redeeming qualities.

I have had numerous interactions with law enforcement from Germany, Austria, Italy, Israel, Canada, and U.S; from Wyoming to California and Texas to Illinois and aboard my aircraft and have found them all to be professional and courteous.

When I have been pulled over for doing something I shouldn't of been doing, I was courteous to them and they treated me likewise. Whether or not that had something to do with the fact that I haven't had a performance award since 1986 could again be debated ad nauseum.

They are generally doing a thankless job.....as most of us are doing.

I think the only people who get kudos or continual thanks from their clients are people in the medical profession or maybe fire personnel...and they all deserve every bit of it.


Who brought the popcorn for this one?
Here you go, Odot..have some of mine.. :jerry:

Geezus, this thread has been bloody...allow me:

SO, uh, what kinda oil do ya'll like? :lol2:

But seriously folks..I hate speeding tickets too...what no one likes to admit though is that we could all (yeah okay, most of us) be busted for speeding every day if we actually got caught...getting pulled over once in a while is just the nature of the beast. Is it fair? All depends on your perspective, I guess. Sometimes common sense seems to elude us at the exact moment we need it the most...ain't that a bitch!

On a recent vacation I was in my cage with the family on the main drag (forget the highway number) into the Grand Canyon; 2 lane, 2 way, 98% of it double yellow lines. We're stuck behind an RV, but he was actually doing the speed limit (surprise, eh?). Here come 3 Harleys, all riding 2 up, sans any protective gear (another surprise, right?) they fly up my ass, loud pipes screaming, their 72.5 HP demanding attention :D and wait for an opportunity to pass. Well, Spike and Axle see a chance, whip into the oncoming lane BRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPP...do-rags flapping...leap frog ahead of me and the RV, cut back into traffic...we're approaching a blind hill now...still double yellow lines.

Spider, not wanting to be left behind, now does his thing..rolls on the throttle, pipes getting bluer by the second...cuts over...now we're going uphill. With his 72.5 HP maxed out and his skank proudly displayed, he fights gravity and the headwind in the oncoming lane...

Spider? Where ya going buddy? A quick glance would tell you there's no way you can get back into traffic before the top of the hill at your rate of acceleration that is rivaled only by a 1978 Ford Granada with a Straight Six ....(now if you had 145 HP to play with....oh no, I'm having impure thoughts again...)

Spider didn't have to worry about such things long, however, because an AZ state trooper crested the hill coming down straight at him...

Now, most motorcyclists I know would have *instantly* dropped back to their previous position or cut in to the closest slot...given the officer a sheepish grin and conciliatory wave as he went by. Not Spider.

Spider decides he's gonna play chicken with the officer. Spider holds his line as I study the officer's now rapidly approaching, disbelieving face...looked similar to :eek:

The officer has to get on the shoulder to give Spider enough clearance...and.... he whips back into traffic ahead of the RV..

But not for long

The officer flips a U-turn that would have made Burt Reynolds proud...lighting the rear tires momentarily on his Crown Vic, he charges ahead, light bars and siren on overdrive with all the cages pulling over in unison. A short distance down the road, we cruise by to see Spider and his skank pulled over, dismounted, appearing less-than-content. The officer appeared rather, um, perturbed shall we say. I must admit I felt a sense of morbid satisfaction seeing this dumbass busted, and wondered, what the f*ck were you thinking, man?...but I digress.........

Who brought the popcorn for this one?
Here you go, Odot..have some of mine.. :jerry:

Geezus, this thread has been bloody...allow me:

SO, uh, what kinda oil do ya'll like? :lol2:

Great story. 100% believe it happened exactly the way you told it, Harley bashing included. :)

But ya know what gets me? From the attitudes of some on this forum, the person at fault is NOT the biker running uphill illegally...some would place blame on the RVer for being a rolling roadblock, then they'd dis the cop for "harassing" a fellow biker.


Who brought the popcorn for this one?
Here you go, Odot..have some of mine.. :jerry:

Geezus, this thread has been bloody...allow me:

SO, uh, what kinda oil do ya'll like? :lol2:

But seriously folks..I hate speeding tickets too...what no one likes to admit though is that we could all (yeah okay, most of us) be busted for speeding every day if we actually got caught...getting pulled over once in a while is just the nature of the beast. Is it fair? All depends on your perspective, I guess. Sometimes common sense seems to elude us at the exact moment we need it the most...ain't that a bitch!

On a recent vacation I was in my cage with the family on the main drag (forget the highway number) into the Grand Canyon; 2 lane, 2 way, 98% of it double yellow lines. We're stuck behind an RV, but he was actually doing the speed limit (surprise, eh?). Here come 3 Harleys, all riding 2 up, sans any protective gear (another surprise, right?) they fly up my ass, loud pipes screaming, their 72.5 HP demanding attention :D and wait for an opportunity to pass. Well, Spike and Axle see a chance, whip into the oncoming lane BRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPP...do-rags flapping...leap frog ahead of me and the RV, cut back into traffic...we're approaching a blind hill now...still double yellow lines.

Spider, not wanting to be left behind, now does his thing..rolls on the throttle, pipes getting bluer by the second...cuts over...now we're going uphill. With his 72.5 HP maxed out and his skank proudly displayed, he fights gravity and the headwind in the oncoming lane...

Spider? Where ya going buddy? A quick glance would tell you there's no way you can get back into traffic before the top of the hill at your rate of acceleration that is rivaled only by a 1978 Ford Granada with a Straight Six ....(now if you had 145 HP to play with....oh no, I'm having impure thoughts again...)

Spider didn't have to worry about such things long, however, because an AZ state trooper crested the hill coming down straight at him...

Now, most motorcyclists I know would have *instantly* dropped back to their previous position or cut in to the closest slot...given the officer a sheepish grin and conciliatory wave as he went by. Not Spider.

Spider decides he's gonna play chicken with the officer. Spider holds his line as I study the officer's now rapidly approaching, disbelieving face...looked similar to :eek:

The officer has to get on the shoulder to give Spider enough clearance...and.... he whips back into traffic ahead of the RV..

But not for long

The officer flips a U-turn that would have made Burt Reynolds proud...lighting the rear tires momentarily on his Crown Vic, he charges ahead, light bars and siren on overdrive with all the cages pulling over in unison. A short distance down the road, we cruise by to see Spider and his skank pulled over, dismounted, appearing less-than-content. The officer appeared rather, um, perturbed shall we say. I must admit I felt a sense of morbid satisfaction seeing this dumbass busted, and wondered, what the f*ck were you thinking, man?...but I digress.........
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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