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I don't run a detector any more, did for years and years (owned one of the first issue Escorts, circa 1979-80). Found they helped develop a false confidence that eventually led to not paying attention, to the point where a cop busted me the old fashioned way-I drove up his ass at 90 plus at night, secure in my electronic armor. That, and instant on pretty much did it for me. The lessons learned from using them, though, serve me well to this day. As a result, I tear around pretty good, but know where not to, and when not to. No tickets, not even pulled over, in 10 years. Smart beats lucky, or armed, every time it would seem. Now quit givin' Howie palpitations, he ain't that young anymore............ :D

OK, OK, OK, this is just too juicy to pass up.
i usually get along with cops - 22 years as a professional firefighter. cops develop an "us and them" attitude to greater or lesser extent because you can't believe how many dirtbags live all around you. truly. and who's happy to see a cop? that's why i went the other way. but it is a crap job and most who do it are great folks, and just like FJR owners, they got a few turds. oh well. i just learned that the staters where i live are very very tough on speeding. i'm over it.

be nice. if you wouldn't bluster and sucker-punch in person, don't do it because you are sitting at a keyboard. and remember, even people with a foot or two in their mouth need a way out that allows dignity, otherwise they got no choice but to continue defending their position. most of us would still rather get along than go to the ER. i don't care how tough you are, your hands still get all messed up.

the price of speeding most of the time is we're gonna catch a few tickets. now i gotta go slow for a couple years until they drop off. do i think a radar detector is the way to go? i dunno. i know they LOVE to see em on the dash while they write you. not EVER gonna talk your way out of a ticket once they see the toy.

sun's out. i must need to go SOMEWHERE! screw the lawn. it'll just grow back.


I don't run a detector any more, did for years and years (owned one of the first issue Escorts, circa 1979-80). Found they helped develop a false confidence that eventually led to not paying attention, to the point where a cop busted me the old fashioned way-I drove up his ass at 90 plus at night, secure in my electronic armor. That, and instant on pretty much did it for me. The lessons learned from using them, though, serve me well to this day. As a result, I tear around pretty good, but know where not to, and when not to. No tickets, not even pulled over, in 10 years. Smart beats lucky, or armed, every time it would seem. Now quit givin' Howie palpitations, he ain't that young anymore............ :D
+1 to both posts!!

I had a passport for years while I traveled w/my job. Your hauling ass, top a hill, there's the LEO sitting there w/radar off waiting on your ass and pow!! the detector starts screaming, all bar lights are lit and your toast. Mine is in a drawer somewhere in the house collecting dust. Absolutely a false sense of security--IMHO, they may work for a while till you think your sharp, that's when you end up cutting yourself.

Radar detector opinions are like


Think of it like a game. You took a chance, got caught -- he won. Maybe next time you take the chance you don't get caught or killed -- you win. It's not personal til you post it. You remember the ticket -- the cop doesn't (hardly -- only enough to convict you).

Radar Detectors -- make you "feel safe" that's about it. Usually too late when they detect.

Hire an attorney. Yea; good idea -- then you can pay him a K and also pay the fine after your trial. What is the defense for passing over a double yellow????? and radar has been proven accurate.

Oh well who you gonna call when you get robbed at gun-point?

Radar detector opinions are like
Opinions on radar detector opinions are like


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Wish I knew what the Latin word is for "ignorant" so I could add it to the quote. :)


ignarus: ignorant, not knowing.

ignoro: to be ignorant of, not know; (rarely - neglect, overlook)

ignotus: unknown, obscure, ignorant, ignoble.

insciens: unknowing, unaware, ignorant.

nescio: to be ignorant, be unaware, not know, be unknowing.

Tu an acceptus,

duorotabalanus, The Great

PS I thought the double yellow meant that it was okay for motorcycles to pass? :dntknw:

If you know how radar detectors work and the how the legal system operates you can speed your butt off.....I'm not talking doing a 100mph man! I'm talking about cops giving tickets for 22 in 20 in a school zones or tickets for 71 in a 65....Yea, that's what's happening and the reason is traffic fines are now how the cities, the counties and the states are funding themselves now that the Federal Government is bankrupt, thus cut em off....

When you hit by radar, if you apply full brakes it distorts the radar thus they cannot get a reading......and if you do get a ticket, any lawyer worth 1/2 his salt can get the ticket dismissed in lieu a fine....You Money is all the court’s after anyway!!!

Your up next Howie.
Nah...ain't worth it no more.

I wasn't pounding on RoadHazard...he phuqued up and admitted his mistake.

It was an assertion from another forum member that the ticket was just some cop measuring his dick at the expense of some poor motorcycle driver is just plain ******** and should be described as such.

I don't have to be at the scene of a crime to determine if it truly WAS a crime when the perp clearly admits his wrongdoing. And it's not an issue of whether it's a good law or not, if motorcycles should be exempt or not. RoadHazard fessed up and I salute him. Mark06fjr got popped for speeding and bashes an entire career field. He should be dogpiled for his sweeping generalization.

Hell, I got no problem with anyone passing on a double-yellow, doing a wheelie in a hospital parking lot, mooning a State Trooper at 100mph, or firing up a bong at a Billy Graham crusade. But don't come up with some ******** logic how your actions, admittedly illegal, result in your getting a "bogus" ticket from a "tax collector" just because YOU thought it was okay, or YOU didn't like the law you just broke.

When you hit by radar, if you apply full brakes it distorts the radar thus they cannot get a reading......and if you do get a ticket, any lawyer worth 1/2 his salt can get the ticket dismissed in lieu a fine....You Money is all the court’s after anyway!!!
Gee...I guess all that stuff about Doppler pulse and visual identification was a bunch of B.S. Thanks for the education. Still have not ever written a ticket for less than 15 mph over th speed limit. School zone is a different matter in my opinion. There are usually volunteers that are working crosswalks and of course the kids who do unexpected things. If the school zone is active; you should be caring and responsible enough to slow down. If you don't like the posted limits; run for office.

Why the hell do I even respond to this stuff. I know better.

Oh yeah... I usually give bikers the benefit of the doubt. I may stop them, but, they have to be really assing up for me to write a citation. I guess I'm ruining your opinion huh?

Hey Groo,

put up your picture again, will ya?


When you hit by radar, if you apply full brakes it distorts the radar thus they cannot get a reading......and if you do get a ticket, any lawyer worth 1/2 his salt can get the ticket dismissed in lieu a fine....You Money is all the court’s after anyway!!!
Gee...I guess all that stuff about Doppler pulse and visual identification was a bunch of B.S. Thanks for the education. Still have not ever written a ticket for less than 15 mph over th speed limit. School zone is a different matter in my opinion. There are usually volunteers that are working crosswalks and of course the kids who do unexpected things. If the school zone is active; you should be caring and responsible enough to slow down. If you don't like the posted limits; run for office.

Why the hell do I even respond to this stuff. I know better.

Oh yeah... I usually give bikers the benefit of the doubt. I may stop them, but, they have to be really assing up for me to write a citation. I guess I'm ruining your opinion huh?

So, you're all for giving someone a citation for doing 22 in 20 mph school zone huh? How someone going 21 or 20.5 for instance? I guess it would depend then on how subservient or obedient they were...,,,,well you get my point as this is what the police are doing down here in Texas....and a little beep of the radar detector would not only slow you down thus protecting the children but prevent the whole confrontation in the first place.....And you know,,,the fuzz will do a computer check on the City's New NEW BIG BROTHER HAL COMPUTER that links all the police dept putes together and it's very likely he's gonna find a new arrest warrant has recently been downloaded into the putes resulting from warrent from across the nation for a unpaid parking ticket you got back in College in 1975 .....Makes for a convenient arrest and some good dinero for the city coffers...a tax collector I wouldn't call it, but close... Oh by the way, the Chief of Police in Dallas has advised the police on the DWI task force here not to drive their Mercedes or Porches to the court house as it pissing off the citizens to see how much money they're making....I don't know any tax collectors who make that kind of money....You see to city encouranges policeman to be on the DWI task force by paying overtime for them being in court and most make well in to the 6 digit figures...the more arrest, the more money you make...definatley not a tax collector...

Point again being.....do everything you can to avoid being stopped!!

When you hit by radar, if you apply full brakes it distorts the radar thus they cannot get a reading......and if you do get a ticket, any lawyer worth 1/2 his salt can get the ticket dismissed in lieu a fine....You Money is all the court’s after anyway!!!
Gee...I guess all that stuff about Doppler pulse and visual identification was a bunch of B.S. Thanks for the education. Still have not ever written a ticket for less than 15 mph over th speed limit. School zone is a different matter in my opinion. There are usually volunteers that are working crosswalks and of course the kids who do unexpected things. If the school zone is active; you should be caring and responsible enough to slow down. If you don't like the posted limits; run for office.

Why the hell do I even respond to this stuff. I know better.

Oh yeah... I usually give bikers the benefit of the doubt. I may stop them, but, they have to be really assing up for me to write a citation. I guess I'm ruining your opinion huh?

So, you're all for giving someone a citation for doing 22 in 20 mph school zone huh? How someone going 21 or 20.5 for instance? I guess it would depend then on how subservient or obedient they were...,,,,well you get my point as this is what the police are doing down here in Texas....and a little beep of the radar detector would not only slow you down thus protecting the children but prevent the whole confrontation in the first place.....And you know,,,the fuzz will do a computer check on the City's New NEW BIG BROTHER HAL COMPUTER that links all the police dept putes together and it's very likely he's gonna find a new arrest warrant has recently been downloaded into the putes resulting from warrent from across the nation for a unpaid parking ticket you got back in College in 1975 .....Makes for a convenient arrest and some good dinero for the city coffers...a tax collector I wouldn't call it, but close... Oh by the way, the Chief of Police in Dallas has advised the police on the DWI task force here not to drive their Mercedes or Porches to the court house as it pissing off the citizens to see how much money they're making....I don't know any tax collectors who make that kind of money....You see to city encouranges policeman to be on the DWI task force by paying overtime for them being in court and most make well in to the 6 digit figures...the more arrest, the more money you make...definatley not a tax collector...

Point again being.....do everything you can to avoid being stopped!!
Man, what am I doing wrong that I don't get to drive a Mercedes or Porsche? :lol: I had to wait four years just to order my 06 last fall and my wife/I only have one car as it is. Maybe I should move to Dallas and start collecting taxes there for a living...


Oregon Fuzz

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So, you're all for giving someone a citation for doing 22 in 20 mph school zone huh? How someone going 21 or 20.5 for instance? I guess it would depend then on how subservient or obedient they were...,,,,well you get my point as this is what the police are doing down here in Texas....and a little beep of the radar detector would not only slow you down thus protecting the children but prevent the whole confrontation in the first place.....And you know,,,the fuzz will do a computer check on the City's New NEW BIG BROTHER HAL COMPUTER that links all the police dept putes together and it's very likely he's gonna find a new arrest warrant has recently been downloaded into the putes resulting from warrent from across the nation for a unpaid parking ticket you got back in College in 1975 .....Makes for a convenient arrest and some good dinero for the city coffers...a tax collector I wouldn't call it, but close... Oh by the way, the Chief of Police in Dallas has advised the police on the DWI task force here not to drive their Mercedes or Porches to the court house as it pissing off the citizens to see how much money they're making....I don't know any tax collectors who make that kind of money....You see to city encouranges policeman to be on the DWI task force by paying overtime for them being in court and most make well in to the 6 digit figures...the more arrest, the more money you make...definatley not a tax collector...
Point again being.....do everything you can to avoid being stopped!!
You make me laugh.

I bet you're fun at parties.

I'll wager that if we met face to face, I could make you cry.

Have a nice life Gomer.

Wallow in your rage to your heart's content.

At least you will always be warm.

Hugs and kisses from 5-0!

Oh yeah...slow down!





Lose the attitude. You speed - you get caught - buck up and take it like a man.

Don't be such a whiner...nobody likes a speeding ticket...but you aren't even lucid anymore. Geezz <_<

What the **** are you doing passing on a double yellow anyway?
In the great state of Missouri... a double yellow line is only a suggestion. Such as those yellow signs found near curves... if you can go through the curve faster than the posted speed and do it safely, then it's okay. Same thing with a double yellow line... if you can pass safely, then it's okay.

What the **** are you doing passing on a double yellow anyway?
In the great state of Missouri... a double yellow line is only a suggestion. Such as those yellow signs found near curves... if you can go through the curve faster than the posted speed and do it safely, then it's okay. Same thing with a double yellow line... if you can pass safely, then it's okay.

The Missouri Driver's Handbook -- Chapter 6, Page 1 -- says you're talkin' out yer butt. :)


Well, I would have to say that most police I've met, both on the job, and in their professional capacity, are regular folk doing what the city/county/state pays them to do. As I said before, I carefully pick the time and place to explore Franks outer limits, a straight, empty stretch of freeway or back country 2 lane are generally safe all around, I don't stay stratospheric for long, and I don't do it if anything or anyone is present and would constitute any kind of hazard. This is not an absolute, the line is fuzzy at times, but I tend to err on the side of caution. Doing 90 on a freeway with an average left lane speed of 80 to 85, in my estimation, does not constitute a hazard. Crossing a double yellow at any time does, I don't do it and I frown on any one who does. I see it as more than crossing the double yellow-but also crossing into the edge of ignoring all sorts of seemingly small traffic laws, until one is soon the hooligan that internet films are famous for documenting. The more one gets away with, the more one pushes it, and may not even realize he is doing it, until bango, the game takes on a whole new aura. I often wonder, when a biker has been busted after a high speed chase, if he even can remember why he took off to begin with, the feeling of invincibility is my guess. From what I've seen, cops will give a 5 over ticket because thats all they could dig up, in recognition of the fact they know there was a whole lot more being done, but were unable to verify, or what have you-you know what I mean. Enough rambling.

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