VStream windscreen?

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For those of you that already have a V- Stream shield, does it look like the picture on the Nat'Cycle site, that the sides roll back/down or is it a just a gradual curve-not as much as the picture makes it look like?

Looks kinda wide at the top,don't want it if it looks like a big ol'barn door.

:) PIX! PLEASE! :)

:) PIX! PLEASE! :)

:) PIX! PLEASE! :)

:) PIX! PLEASE! :)

:) PIX! PLEASE! :)

:) PIX! PLEASE! :)

:) PIX! PLEASE! :)

If you have the new windshield, could you please post a couple pix: Full down from front, full up from front, both positions from side too... please? :D

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When mine arrives midweek, I'll measure it same method I did the Givi now in play. On the centerstand I'll measure from top lip of the screen to the underside of my garage roll up door. This is a quick way to see net height change (without factoring effect of compound curves). The Givi ended up prox 1" taller than '04 stock. Curious to see how the VStream "measures up". I'll post those numbers later this week, then a follow up report after riding the bike some distance next Saturday.

We're doing Foxen Canyon/Tepusquet/166/33 on Saturday if you what a 200 mile test... Plus, I'd like a gander at that puppy. :)

:) PIX! PLEASE! :) :) PIX! PLEASE! :)

:) PIX! PLEASE! :)

:) PIX! PLEASE! :)

:) PIX! PLEASE! :)

:) PIX! PLEASE! :)

:) PIX! PLEASE! :)

If you have the new windshield, could you please post a couple pix: Full down from front, full up from front, both positions from side too... please? :D

Mine just came in the mail today and I just finished installing it. I have not ridden behind it yet. I took a couple pics and will take the ones you requested and post them along with an initial riding impression - just give me an hour or so. It is raining here, but I will take it out anyway and see what I think.

Before I make any comments you should keep the following in mind and how it might pertain to you:

1. I am a small, short rider. I am 5’5” with a 29”-30” inseam.

2. I like the stock shield in the completely down position, but nowhere else.

3. I have been using a Standard Rifle shield with my own “tuning block” for the past 8,000 miles. The Rifle block gave me a headache.

4. I hate to look through windshields – if I had wanted a Gold Wing, I would have bought one!

5. The perfect shield for me would be the size of the stock one – only it would work!

6. The Rifle worked pretty well for me but I kept it just barely above the lowest position. I just finished riding 3,000 miles behind the Rifle, 1,150 of it in one day. I find it to be rather noisy, somewhat tiresome and it occasionally gives me a headache.

My first impression when I took this shield out of the box is “Wow, it is big!” I did not like that. I did not measure, but it appears to be about 2” taller than the Rifle. I knew it would be taller but since I will not be using the tuning blocks to change the angle,I hoped it would not seem as tall. When I sat behind it in the garage it was just below my line of sight in the completely down position.

Okay, enough suppostition…here are a few initial pics…I am going for a short ride.

VStream & Stock shield


VStream & Rifle - VStream is the larger of the two


Bad shot of Vstream on bike



Shep,You rock... I'll look for your review later tonight... and more pix!

Okay, it may take a little longer than an hour...it is a downpour outside right now. I do not mind getting in the rain, but it may distract from my impressions of the screen. If it does not slow down in a little while, I will go out anyway.

In the mean time, I had my wife come out into the garage and shoot the photos you requested. Having the screen all the way up makes me feel like I am behind the wheel of a Mazda Miata!

Screen down


Screen all the way up


Screen down from side


Screen all the way up from side



I'm going to wait for them to come out with the +12 model. Twelve inches taller and 12 inches wider.

Not really. I wish one of these vendors would come out with a good winshield that was one inch shorter and spilled smooth air. Riding on my '05 on a nice day, I find myself pressing the windshield down button just to be sure I'm getting the full flow. I hate hiding behind that thing unless it's cold or I'm just enduring freeway travel.

From all of the FJR barndoor drivers I see, I know I'm in the minority. :ph34r:

Let there be air (when I want it).

Please do post on how this new tallboy works in the lowered postion.

Mr. Barn... meet Mrs. Door... 9 months later, they had a bouncing baby Vstream... :lol:

Coyote... I'm with you... I'm taking my stocker down an inch or so veddy veddy soon, and saving the Cal Sci for the winter months.

Frankly, I would rather have a small screen myself, as long as it would work properly. And, yes, it does seem huge! I hope I have not wasted my money...but, alas, it would not be the first time, nor the last! I had a BMW GS before the FJR, so I never really cared much about how things looked as long as they worked. However, the FJR is such a nice looking bike that I hate to ruin those looks with a "barn door!"

Okay, we are supposed to have severe storms all night, but it looks like a lul in the action right now so here I go!


Well, I just returned from a 20-minute test run in the rain. I will try to be clear and not ramble, but I have to warn you that I love to write and tend to be lengthy.

Keep these things in mind as you read:

1. It is about 65 degrees outside with a steady rain coming down.

2. I have a bad habit of riding almost all the time with my face shield up and glasses on.

3. I often listen to an iPod through Autocom helmet speakers.

4. I was not wearing earplugs.

5. I want to like this shield because I just paid $200 for it!

The first thing I noticed is that once you are underway the shield does not seem nearly as big as it does when you are looking at it from the front. I could easily see over it in the down position. Because of the rain, I had to ride with my face shield down, so that throws a kink into the objectivity of the test for me.

With the Vshield all the way down:

The wind stream hits me right in the eyes. It wasn’t bad though and I did not find it uncomfortable, nor did my helmet “bob” in the wind.

I ran as fast as 80 and did a steady 70 with the shield all the way down. You could definitely hear the wind blowing by, although I did not consider it obnoxiously loud. I could easily hear my iPod…better than normal actually... I had to turn it down!

I could feel some air around my sides and chest, just below the armpits.

As I raised the shield:

I could immediately sense the noise lessening as the screen went up. The higher it went, the quieter it got. With a rise of as little as, say, an inch or two, it was much quieter.

I would say that I will be using the shield in this position almost all the time, that is, 1-3 inches from the down position.

All the way up:

Very quiet. For a minute I thought I was in my living room, sitting on the couch and looking out the window at the rain! This would be good for the cold weather.

Initial impression:

I think I am going to like it. I have no idea what it will be like in the heat. I did not notice any backpressure at all. It has been a while since I rode behind the stock screen but I can remember it being rather unbearable with buffeting and backpressure as I raised the shield. I do not think that will be the case here.

I believe it is quieter and smoother than the Rifle I have been riding behind. $200 smoother? I don’t know yet.

I will take it on a real test ride just as soon as the weather lets me. It is really not possible to make an objective decision after a few minutes.

I will also make the offer to any of you that live within a reasonable distance of Bloomington, Indiana to check out my shield in person. I ride just about every Saturday and some Sundays and would gladly meet up with some of you and even let you take a turn behind it if you would like.


Well, I just returned from a 20-minute test run in the rain. I will try to be clear and not ramble, but I have to warn you that I love to write and tend to be lengthy.
Keep these things in mind as you read:

1. It is about 65 degrees outside with a steady rain coming down.

2. I have a bad habit of riding almost all the time with my face shield up and glasses on.

3. I often listen to an iPod through Autocom helmet speakers.

4. I was not wearing earplugs.

5. I want to like this shield because I just paid $200 for it!

The first thing I noticed is that once you are underway the shield does not seem nearly as big as it does when you are looking at it from the front. I could easily see over it in the down position. Because of the rain, I had to ride with my face shield down, so that throws a kink into the objectivity of the test for me.

With the Vshield all the way down:

The wind stream hits me right in the eyes. It wasn’t bad though and I did not find it uncomfortable, nor did my helmet “bob” in the wind.

I ran as fast as 80 and did a steady 70 with the shield all the way down. You could definitely hear the wind blowing by, although I did not consider it obnoxiously loud. I could easily hear my iPod…better than normal actually... I had to turn it down!

I could feel some air around my sides and chest, just below the armpits.

As I raised the shield:

I could immediately sense the noise lessening as the screen went up. The higher it went, the quieter it got. With a rise of as little as, say, an inch or two, it was much quieter.

I would say that I will be using the shield in this position almost all the time, that is, 1-3 inches from the down position.

All the way up:

Very quiet. For a minute I thought I was in my living room, sitting on the couch and looking out the window at the rain! This would be good for the cold weather.

Initial impression:

I think I am going to like it. I have no idea what it will be like in the heat. I did not notice any backpressure at all. It has been a while since I rode behind the stock screen but I can remember it being rather unbearable with buffeting and backpressure as I raised the shield. I do not think that will be the case here.

I believe it is quieter and smoother than the Rifle I have been riding behind. $200 smoother? I don’t know yet.

I will take it on a real test ride just as soon as the weather lets me. It is really not possible to make an objective decision after a few minutes.

I will also make the offer to any of you that live within a reasonable distance of Bloomington, Indiana to check out my shield in person. I ride just about every Saturday and some Sundays and would gladly meet up with some of you and even let you take a turn behind it if you would like.

Shep- thanks for your test and pics! Great write up! I have to reiterate one thing though, You stated that your 5'5", so guys, take that into account when looking at the pics too. I'm still very interested in it. Shep, do you think you could ride to Fla. so I can see it in person? lol :D

You are right about the height ( or lack thereof) issue. I am much shorter than the average guy. Taller riders will probably like it even more.

I may be back to Naples the last week of June, but I think I'll fly this time. The last time I rode a bike in Southwest Florida in the summer I nearly melted!


The wind stream hits me right in the eyes. It wasn’t bad though and I did not find it uncomfortable, nor did my helmet “bob” in the wind.

Huh, how strange... This is where my stocker hits me when down (I'm 6' and my seat has been raised 1-1/2").

Thanks for the write-up!

The wind stream hits me right in the eyes. It wasn’t bad though and I did not find it uncomfortable, nor did my helmet “bob” in the wind.

Huh, how strange... This is where my stocker hits me when down (I'm 6' and my seat has been raised 1-1/2").

Thanks for the write-up!
That is odd. Now, keep in mind that I have not ridden behind the stock screen since last summer, but the best I remember, the stock screen gave me a nice lift in the chest when all the way down. I am not known for having a good memory though! :D


I'm thinking that the coke bottle shape is involved more than the height here... Dunno. I don't mind the force of the wind, just the noise, which is why I have interest in this piece. 'Course, I'm wearing the RF1000, not the quietest lid out there...

OK, mine arrived and it's now installed. I agree with much of what Shep wrote. I took pics but they sorta replica Shep's and mine are without seated rider.

I'm just a tad short of 6' tall. My very brief test ride up to about 50 mph gave me these initial impressions:

> Wind noise evident at full down, but is a soft rustling at the top of my Schuberth. Little to no buffeting at ear or eye level. Unsure whether ear plugs still needed, but pretty certain I'll use 'em for longer rides at highway speeds.

> It does get quieter yet raised another inch or so -and- I hear more motorcycle sounds which I like.

> I can easily see over the top while riding raised fully up with plenty of room to spare, i.e., top of shield is well below my normal line of sight.

> I too prefer the look of stock or in my case, the look of the 1" taller Givi than stock '04.

> VStream styling (while not "sporty") quite acceptably fits the FJR styling -and- sport touring genre.

> I too think I will like it - we'll see next Saturday! B)

Here are some comparison measurements: (sorry, text doesn't format well)

Full-Down Full-Up Max-Width Center-hole-to-Top

GIVI: (baseline) (baseline) 19 5/8"@bottom 16 3/4"

VStream: +3" +3" 19 1/2@"V"/21 1/4"@top 19 5/8"

OK, mine arrived and it's now installed. I agree with much of what Shep wrote. I took pics but they sorta replica Shep's and mine are without seated rider.
I'm just a tad short of 6' tall. My very brief test ride up to about 50 mph gave me these initial impressions:

> Wind noise evident at full down, but is a soft rustling at the top of my Schuberth. Little to no buffeting at ear or eye level. Unsure whether ear plugs still needed, but pretty certain I'll use 'em for longer rides at highway speeds.

> It does get quieter yet raised another inch or so -and- I hear more motorcycle sounds which I like.

> I can easily see over the top while riding raised fully up with plenty of room to spare, i.e., top of shield is well below my normal line of sight.

> I too prefer the look of stock or in my case, the look of the 1" taller Givi than stock '04.

> VStream styling (while not "sporty") quite acceptably fits the FJR styling -and- sport touring genre.

> I too think I will like it - we'll see next Saturday! B)

Here are some comparison measurements: (sorry, text doesn't format well)

Full-Down Full-Up Max-Width Center-hole-to-Top

GIVI: (baseline) (baseline) 19 5/8"@bottom 16 3/4"

VStream: +3" +3" 19 1/2@"V"/21 1/4"@top 19 5/8"
You coming on the ride then? Pretty please? :)

I thought it would be smaller.....Hoped it would have been about the same size as the Stock one but shaped different. I guess I will soon find out. Mine should be here on Thursday.

Do you guys like it though?
