VStream windscreen?

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I thought it would be smaller.....Hoped it would have been about the same size as the Stock one but shaped different. I guess I will soon find out. Mine should be here on Thursday.
Do you guys like it though?

I "think" I will like it, but my brief ride in the rain was just not enough time to give a fair appraisal. As soon as I can take a ride of some length I will report back.

A couple other facts you should now about my riding that may effect screen position and results:

I ride on the stock seat, no bar risers and I ride close to the tank.


" can easily see over the top while riding raised fully up with plenty of room to spare, i.e., top of shield is well below my normal line of sight."

Wow! Now I feel really short!


Oh, geeeeeeeez. I hate all of you with your little whinny arses. snif, snif "I need a new screen" "The stock sucks" snif, snif "It makes too much noise" snif "And all that buffeting..." snif

And then, get a new one, and you brag. "Oh, lookie, lookie! My new shield is soooo quiet and the buffeting and back pressure are gone." Whatever. Crybabies.

Oh, just ordered mine. ;)

edit: This screen is supposed to be in Tuesday, with a Bama to Missouri road trip coming on Thursday. Hopefully it will arrive as planned and by Tuesday the 23rd I should be able to give a 1500+ mile critique.

edit,edit: In light of the recent outbreak of beotch-slapping going on in several threads, let me clarify the intent of the first part of this post. It is an attempt at humor in reference to my well-stated cheapness and everyones success at convincing me to spend $$.

Perhaps a poor attempt, but an attempt nonetheless.

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I received my new windshield, have yet to install it as I want to do some comparison of the stock screen to the new V Stream in the same conditions, except for what we have currently-it's raining like heck with 40-60mph winds.

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Oh, geeeeeeeez. I hate all of you with your little whinny arses. snif, snif "I need a new screen" "The stock sucks" snif, snif "It makes too much noise" snif "And all that buffeting..." snifAnd then, get a new one, and you brag. "Oh, lookie, lookie! My new shield is soooo quiet and the buffeting and back pressure are gone." Whatever. Crybabies.

Oh, just ordered mine. ;)

edit: This screen is supposed to be in Tuesday, with a Bama to Missouri road trip coming on Thursday. Hopefully it will arrive as planned and by Tuesday the 23rd I should be able to give a 1500+ mile critique.

edit,edit: In light of the recent outbreak of beotch-slapping going on in several threads, let me clarify the intent of the first part of this post. It is an attempt at humor in reference to my well-stated cheapness and everyones success at convincing me to spend $$.

Perhaps a poor attempt, but an attempt nonetheless.

I was just getting ready to accuse you of getting a free bootleg one from a Chinese source.

Okay, it may take a little longer than an hour...it is a downpour outside right now. I do not mind getting in the rain, but it may distract from my impressions of the screen. If it does not slow down in a little while, I will go out anyway.
In the mean time, I had my wife come out into the garage and shoot the photos you requested. Having the screen all the way up makes me feel like I am behind the wheel of a Mazda Miata!

Screen down


Screen all the way up


Screen down from side


Screen all the way up from side


Thanks again for the review and the pictures. I'll have to think about this for a while... maybe even see it in person. It's bigger than I thought. I agree with others, I wish there was a shorter-than-stock windshield that actually worked, but I like keeping the bugs off my visor too. I'm running a +2/+2 Cee Bailey right now and I just hate the back pressure. This windshield looks to be about 1.5-2" taller than my CB and I don't think I want that. Again, thanks for the pix!

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The reported size does not concern me much. From the pics, it is acceptable. My reasons for diving in this thing are the member reports of significantly less noise, less (or no) buffeting, and less (or no) back pressure. While early in the game, the reports are sounding favorable for everything except the size. But, another MAJOR consideration with this screen and the current member reports is the condition of my neck. With a trashed-out third, fourth, fifth, and sixth vertibrae, the doctor was actually suggesting that I give up riding. Yeah, right.

In truth, the shortcomings of the stock screen do keep the neck condition in an aggravated state. I have been keeping up with the screen debate of late due to this development and this screen has offered the most promise thusfar. (Yes, that statement is completely subjective)

So, once received and installed and tested, another aspect of my report will also include neck relief. Currently, I ride 100 miles daily (comute), with the screen down as weather is now favorable. My neck ALWAYS feels as if it has a "crick" in it and pain when rotating left or right. (not good with cagers on either side) There is no real difference in neck condition with the stock screen up.

While realizing this screen will not cure my neck, previous bikes with more wind protection for the head did not aggravte my neck to this extent. If it works, great. Either way, I will report what I find. We'll see.

<SNIP>If it works, great. Either way, I will report what I find. We'll see.

I understand completely and have had many of the same feelings. I was on a 650 mile ride last Saturday and my neck and shoulders were what got tired... not my arse. They were tired due to the constant back pressure from the windshield. This is more tolerable than the constant bugs and wind blast without it though.

Still, I have to admit that I am rather vain when it comes to my FJR and I like it to look a certain way. Probably why I won't put as many farkles on it as some and the reason for hesitating on the V-Stream. I want to see it in person and sit behind it. At worsed, I expect I'll have a chance at WFO. I can always order one after that.

The flip-side to this is how patient I can be and whether or not the windshield turns in to enough pain-in-the-neck (PUN intended) to cause me to get one anyway... I mean, it "ONLY" $200. What's $200 on a farkle? :huh:

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I shared my VStream pics with TWN, but don't having a photobucket kinda thing to share here. If you want some compressed pics, shoot me an email.

Well, I just returned from a 20-minute test run in the rain. I will try to be clear and not ramble, but I have to warn you that I love to write and tend to be lengthy.
Keep these things in mind as you read:

1. It is about 65 degrees outside with a steady rain coming down.

2. I have a bad habit of riding almost all the time with my face shield up and glasses on.

3. I often listen to an iPod through Autocom helmet speakers.

4. I was not wearing earplugs.

5. I want to like this shield because I just paid $200 for it!

The first thing I noticed is that once you are underway the shield does not seem nearly as big as it does when you are looking at it from the front. I could easily see over it in the down position. Because of the rain, I had to ride with my face shield down, so that throws a kink into the objectivity of the test for me.

With the Vshield all the way down:

The wind stream hits me right in the eyes. It wasn’t bad though and I did not find it uncomfortable, nor did my helmet “bob” in the wind.

I ran as fast as 80 and did a steady 70 with the shield all the way down. You could definitely hear the wind blowing by, although I did not consider it obnoxiously loud. I could easily hear my iPod…better than normal actually... I had to turn it down!

I could feel some air around my sides and chest, just below the armpits.

As I raised the shield:

I could immediately sense the noise lessening as the screen went up. The higher it went, the quieter it got. With a rise of as little as, say, an inch or two, it was much quieter.

I would say that I will be using the shield in this position almost all the time, that is, 1-3 inches from the down position.

All the way up:

Very quiet. For a minute I thought I was in my living room, sitting on the couch and looking out the window at the rain! This would be good for the cold weather.

Initial impression:

I think I am going to like it. I have no idea what it will be like in the heat. I did not notice any backpressure at all. It has been a while since I rode behind the stock screen but I can remember it being rather unbearable with buffeting and backpressure as I raised the shield. I do not think that will be the case here.

I believe it is quieter and smoother than the Rifle I have been riding behind. $200 smoother? I don’t know yet.

I will take it on a real test ride just as soon as the weather lets me. It is really not possible to make an objective decision after a few minutes.

I will also make the offer to any of you that live within a reasonable distance of Bloomington, Indiana to check out my shield in person. I ride just about every Saturday and some Sundays and would gladly meet up with some of you and even let you take a turn behind it if you would like.

I do live in Prospect Ky, so if I receive and get my new tires on I would very my appreciate trying it out.

thx Mike

Ack! Don't email Effjay. I post 'em for him...








The only one that's missing is the view from the back of the bike - Effjay's plate is clearly visable and I'm too lazy to chop it...

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TNW, thanks for posting the pix for everyone to see... and remind me never to piss you off! (Re: another post by an fng) :p

One thing I notice about this windshield is the lack of a lip at the top. My Cee Baileys has the "flip" or "lip" at the top and I think it contributes greatly to the wind deflection. However, it may also be a large contributer to the back pressure. The more I see of this, the more interested I get... may soon be time to pull the trigger. :dribble:

...it's only money...

I think that it looks good in the down position but a little strange in the full up position. B)

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I think that it looks good in the down position but a little strange in the full up position. B)
I think my Cee Baileys looks "Less-than-attractive" in the full-up position too, but I'm not too worried. I'm mostly a blur when it is up anyway! :yahoo:

I am going to try to get some real time behind mine this weekend, even though the weather forecast looks rather bleak.

I am starting to get used to the looks. My Rifle was not particularly flattering on the bike either. When it is all said and done the only thing that really matters to me is that it works...and I will know that very soon.


I would be glad to meet up and let you check it out. I can be emailed at [email protected] if you or anyone else wants to work a time and place out.


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TNW, thanks for posting the pix for everyone to see... and remind me never to piss you off! (Re: another post by an fng) :p
One thing I notice about this windshield is the lack of a lip at the top. My Cee Baileys has the "flip" or "lip" at the top and I think it contributes greatly to the wind deflection. However, it may also be a large contributer to the back pressure. The more I see of this, the more interested I get... may soon be time to pull the trigger. :dribble:

...it's only money...
Welcome, bro. I'll be riding with Effjay tomorrow and try to click some more pics of this screen. Maybe I can tape little streamers all over his helmet and click while underway! :lol: As I said, I've been looking to get some 'quiet' behind the screen and the coke bottle shape of this set-up is making more sense to me.

I don't know how I stumbled across it, but I found a place on the internet that traced the development of the Vstream windshield...

From initial concept...


To concept modelling...


To early prototypes...


To the final product...


:rofl: Sorry... couldn't resist...

I don't know how I stumbled across it, but I found a place on the internet that traced the development of the :rofl: Sorry... couldn't resist...
Yeah, well maybe EFFAY gone "BARNYARD", but clearly your Momma dresses you funny! :yahoo:
