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I got nothin' here...
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
Heflin, AL
Well, just got home. VStream waiting in my chair. 10 minutes later, on the road.

First, some background.

Old screen - stock

Me - 5'11", sit CLOSE to tank

Bike - set-back risers, stock seat

When riding with the stock screen down, the air hits me in the chin and shoulder area. There is a lot of wind noise, but the air is clean and just sounds like high-speed blowing. The air stream removes most any pressure off the hands and wrists. At about 90-100, the helmet starts generating lift and actually tries to raise off my head, adding pressure to the chin strap. The ride is comfortable in this configuration but is noisy. And of course, temperature sensitive. As soon as I start to raise, beginning with only an inch, air turns dirty, lots of turbulence. This turbulence builds as the screen rises and back pressure also builds pushing me towards the screen, putting more pressure on hands and wrists. Completely raised, wind is blocked from body, huge amounts of noise, popping, buffeting. Somewhere around half up to completely raised, head starts to get pitched side to side. When full up, side to side motion is more steady and rhythmic.

Now for the VStream.

I started out with the screen in the full down position. I first noticed that I was looking for 6th gear. Then I checked my speed. I have become accustomed to relating speed to sound. No more. At full down, highway speed, slight noise. I mean very slight. A little puff, puff. But it should be noted it is a windy day today. I start to raise the screen, just an inch at first. Silence. Or, so I thought. I raise some more. STONE DEAD SILENCE. I'm thinking, "Gee, is my bike supposed to sound like this? This thing sounds gooood."

Pick up ahead. I fall in behind the truck which is running normal highway speed. Usually, this would mean my air turns very dirty and turbulent. But no, just the slight puff, puff comes back. Bike is very stable in the air stream.

Turn around, time to twist it. Screen is still full up at this point. So I twist. One interesting point here, as I lean to the right in a sweeping curve running about a 100. The bike seemed to have a little resistance to lean. Nothing drastic, nothing dangerous, it just didn't fall sideways as easy as it did before this screen. This could be nothing, this was my only high-speed curve on this test so I can't say if there were other forces contributing or not. I will pay attention to this as the testing continues.

At high speed, still NO noise. Bike is extremely stable. I feel LESS side to side variance from wind than I did before this screen. Hell, I can HEAR the front tire contact with the road! The silence is extremely deceptive regarding perceived speed!

There is NO back pressure that I can detect. External body forces are similar to sitting on the bike in your garage.

I could feel air around my ribcage, but it did not make noise. I placed my hand to my helmet, palm forward, thumb against helmet, fingers spread wide. NO wind. I started to move my hand outward and found the air stream about 8 inches away from my helmet. Identical on both sides.

I can't comment on temp yet. I didn't ride far and we are having a cool spell this week.

HOWEVER! If you do not wish to look through the screen, this is not the screen for you. At full down, I am looking over the screen by about 2 inches. At full up, I am looking through the screen 3 or 4 inches down from the lip.

Quality - Top Notch, and this thing is THICK!

Fit - Perfect!

That is pretty much it for now. I will see 100 miles tomorrow (work commute) and then I am leaving Thursday morning for a 1300 - 1500 mile camping trip to MO. That should be a good test for the screen and my neck.

edit: My bike is an '05

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Glad to hear your initial impressions were favorable! You'll probably know for sure after a 100 mile commute.

I just re-read my post of 10-May and see that I did mislead, i.e., I stated:

I can easily see over the top while riding raised fully up with plenty of room to spare, i.e., top of shield is well below my normal line of sight.
You are correct, I should have stated I can easily see over the top in lowest position with several inches to spare. About halfway up, it does hit my line of sight and beyond that I too am looking through it. Funny, I didn't even notice that on last Saturday's extended ride. Maybe because I doubt I'll often raise it fully up. In any case, I remain pleased with my VStream. Sorry if I significantly misled anyone in this regard!
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Sorry to neglect that information, but you are correct. My bike is an '05.

Thanks Scab. You just sold me. Now to find out of Gary McCoy IS getting these for the $120-130 as previously stated somewhere.

Thanks Scab. You just sold me. Now to find out of Gary McCoy IS getting these for the $120-130 as previously stated somewhere.
Hi, Randy! Gary sent me this note last weekend: "I ordered 10 of these windshields for starters, I'm thinking I can sell them for 125.00 + 8.00 shipping via ups, I waiting for the exact pricing but I should be within a 1.00 or 2.00, I'll hang on to your e/m & let you know next week when I touch them here. Gary McCoy 866-551-6478"Cheers!

Follow up - Wednesday, 50 miles in to work:

I had the opportunity this morning to 'mix it up a little' at various speeds and riding with some traffic through town, 2 lanes, 3 lanes, same direction. I am still impressed. SUV's probably disturb your air the most when you are following. This is at normal 50-60 mph speeds. But this is slight. Just a very slight buffet. Out on the 4-lane, running with the pack in the 60-75 mph ranges, everything is indeed still good. I found you can hear a lot more environmental noises and sounds such as from other vehicles, business, etc. Before, it was very noticeable when you entered the wake of a slower moving (same direction) vehicle. With the VStream, it is hardly noticeable except for SUV's and 18-wheelers, and even then is significantly less than before. With the stock screen, my head was affected by the wake of a bike.

So far, I have discovered one negative. I had to travel through some heavy fog this morning. This screen will collect moisture in a strip down the center, about 3 inches wide at the top and gradually increasing in width down to the "W" bracket. It keeps this moisture. It just sits there. I don't know what this will mean when you are riding in the rain. It did not present a problem, I just lowered the screen a tad and peeked over. The change in angle helped clear about the top 1 inch of the screen, but that's about it.

more to come later

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Talked to Gary McCoy this evening and put my name on list for the Vstream...I might have been the 10th person ordering - will drive it to Americade for a 3000 mile test. :p

Think I'll be calling Gary as well. I'll also give it a try w/ the Rifle tuning block installed as thats what I'm running now (Rifle sport w/ tuning block).

I have a question for anyone that is 6'3" or better and using the VStream. I am concerned that it isn't that much taller than stock and I just can't wrap my mind around not getting beaten by air like I do with the stovk shield on my 06. Does the air go around your head as well even though you are above the shield?

Enquiring minds want to know

I have a question for anyone that is 6'3" or better and using the VStream. I am concerned that it isn't that much taller than stock and I just can't wrap my mind around not getting beaten by air like I do with the stovk shield on my 06. Does the air go around your head as well even though you are above the shield?
Enquiring minds want to know
Can't tell you yet since mine isn't even on it's way yet but.....

Judging by the shape of the screen I'd have to say it DOES kick the air up higher over your head. My +7 Ceebaileys I'm running right now is curved from bottom to top, while the Vsream looks much straighter.

Of course the curve from side to side is completely different than any other screen. But I did notice how straight (flat) it was from the "W" to the top.

I DO know it's taller than stock. How much more than the '06 stocker, we'll see.

When someone took a measurement on theirs, it came out to only 1.5" shorter than my +7' screen for the '03.

Got mine this afternoon. Nice piece of "plastic". Fit and finish are first rate. Not much taller than my Givi, but it's shape suggests that they are going about windscreen design in a different way. Going on an 800 mi. romp thru Colorado this weekend and will post my impressions when I get back.

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I have an 06 VStream on order. I can't wait! I'm 6'2" and rode 620 miles today with the stock 06 screen - it was horrible. In the full-up position I look over the windsheild by 6-8" and the wind at 80mph was very strong against my helmet. I'll let you know how the VStream works for my height as soon as it arrives. Can't figure out why they put such a small stock screen on a sport-touring bike.
