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Funny, no back pressure while wearing my RF-1000 (or my Nolan N-100) behind the VStream. Must not be trying hard enough..........Any other theories?

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Has anyone that has already installed the VStream also have a trunk? This could be the air spoiler.



Well, I have it tuned and have slight back pressure, nothing like the stock or cb4+4 I was using.

I do have a givi52 top case on, I might try to test with out it. will have to wait for the weather reports or just give it a nice rain test as well.

also I did not have the top case very long, so the back pressure that I found unbearable with the stock and cb I can live witht this shield.

went for a nice long ride in browncounty and a very nice ride on 421 here in Kentucky north from Frankfort. Lots of sweepers.

I do not have an issue with the bike falling/ falling to fall nicely into the turns, might be the pirellies assisting withthat. I did ride it witht he top case only the last feel days.

So, I'll put the cases back on and remove the top case for the next test ride. so far this is the bomb as far as shield are concerned for me.

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I see the problem. Shoei has a recall on all RF1000's with the model designation "374". I believe they solved the problem starting with model #375. :p
In case you missed it, #374 is the late Larry Winters' FJRForum membership number.
Well I called Gary today and put my name on the list for a VStream. At 6'5" I guess I will be the guinea pig for this shield for tall riders........now to do something about that seat....hmmmmm

In case you missed it, #374 is the late Larry Winters' FJRForum membership number.


Sorry about that. I had no idea what that # was related to. My apologies. I don't screw around with stuff like that.

OK, went out last night with the Vstream.

First impression........no backpressure? HELL yeah. Just not as much as the other screens. I believe there's no way around this, considering how freakin' WIDE this thing is at the top.

I now feel new airflow under the arms. I assume this is because of the indent on the sides.

No noise? Oh there's still noise. But it's kind of a steady, what I'd call, "filtered" air noise. Also, I'm wearing a Schuberth Concept 1 helmet. Not the quietest one around I'm sure.

Buffeting or tubulence? HELL NO!! This is abosolutey (IMHO) THE most important thing about this screen. I did approx 80 miles last night on backroads, highways behind cars trucks buses, etc., did every speed from 20 to 120 with the shield up, down, middle, every position possible, and no more tossing of the helmet!

There was also no funny turning issue with the V-stream as some others had reported. Didn't matter which position the screen was, nothing noticeable while turning at any speed.

I think this shield appears higher than it is because of how straight it is from bottom to top. my CB +7" curved in toward your head from bottom to top just like all the other non-flip screens. So in the downmost position, this screen is sitting approx. 2-3" higher than the 2" LONGER screen I just removed. And this is with my homemade tuning block installed! I will say though, that the CB sat WAAAY down...right onto the fairing. Nice in the warm weather, almost like there was no shield at all.

I'm using 2" of bar risers, and have long torso , so I sit up higher equal in total to a 6' + rider. (I'm 5'10") I have a decently quiet pocket of air with the shield high enough to see over easily.

Also, it really IS crystal clear to look through when neccessary. This thing is like a glass pane window just cleaned with Windex. (BTW....do NOT use Windex on this screen!!)

Bottom line...I'm sold. It's staying on. But it still hasn't gotten any better looking yet. :rolleyes: I guess sometimes ugly is good.

So there ya go. Just one more review to use as a deciding factor in your purchase.....or non-purchase.

How in the hell can so many VStream owners come up with such different answers for the same criteria. Backpresure yes I mean no. Noise, yes I mean no. Is there one set of true answer evaluations. I guess this is subjective just like the heat.

How in the hell can so many VStream owners come up with such different answers for the same criteria. Backpresure yes I mean no. Noise, yes I mean no. Is there one set of true answer evaluations. I guess this is subjective just like the heat.

I don't think it is so much subjective opinion, but subjective aerodynamics. Since on a cycle, the rider becomes an integral part of the final equation, then everything is subject to change according to the individual rider and his/her individual physical characteristics as well as riding style such as riding position.

Damn, that almost sounded like I knew what the hell I was talking about.

Don't get used to it, though. It won't last. :dribble:

How in the hell can so many VStream owners come up with such different answers for the same criteria. Backpresure yes I mean no. Noise, yes I mean no. Is there one set of true answer evaluations. I guess this is subjective just like the heat.

I guess you haven't read any oil threads. The review I gave is what I PERSONALLY experienced so far with the new screen. I kinda hoped people reading the evaluations combined the info to make an informed decision. Like was just said, every rider is different, and uses the screen differently. The combined info will surely help someone looking for info specific to them.

Plus, I don't recall ANYONE here contradicting themselves on any of the issues. Yes, opinions vary and are very helpful to someone looking for info on a product used by mamy different people.

OK, went out last night with the Vstream. First impression........no backpressure? HELL yeah. Just not as much as the other screens.


And this is with my homemade tuning block installed!
So, are you running the V-Stream with the tuning block?
That's what I'm planning to do with mine. I mean, the Rifle is a very popular screen and they saw the need for the tuning block. Must be a good idea for all screens.

I think if Yamaha designed the screen to track straight back instead of levering away from the fairing, we wouldn't be having all these issues.

I've wondered about that too, Toe. It looks as if it was just easier to make it raise this way instead of in a straight line. I don't understand the logic. (but, I prolly wouldn't even if yammy 'splained it.)


This is crystal clear, I do look through this in the full up position, if I change my seating angle I can look over it. 5'9'', do not ask me how that is possible.

WIth the stock, back pressure 10 out of 10 and buffeting 10 out of 10 could only be elimainated by removing helmet. noise 7 out of 10 ear plugs needed

cb4+4 ice blue, full up had buffeting 5 out of 10and back pressure 10 out of 10 as well. Noise 5 out of 10

ear plugs needed

V stream, clean air no buffeting 0 out of 10 what ever position it is in. back presure 3 out of 10, that may be because I only rode with a top case 52l givi. noise 1 out of 10 ear plugs not needed, probably should still wear.

I did not have a turning issue with any of the shields.

I like the V stream, I have the same heat issue no matter what shield I have used. My bike just feels hotter than anything else I have had. I am sure it is just that with this bike I'm on top of the heat instead of behind lounging on a cruiser.

OK, went out last night with the Vstream. First impression........no backpressure? HELL yeah. Just not as much as the other screens.


And this is with my homemade tuning block installed!
So, are you running the V-Stream with the tuning block?
That's what I'm planning to do with mine. I mean, the Rifle is a very popular screen and they saw the need for the tuning block. Must be a good idea for all screens.

I think if Yamaha designed the screen to track straight back instead of levering away from the fairing, we wouldn't be having all these issues.

I had 1/4 inch rubber washers as tuning blocks, when I removed them this evening they were compressed a little.

So to answer your question yes, :rolleyes:

I have the front fairing removed for horns/ lights aditions so I guess you could try with and with out and post the differences. It is suppose to rain for the next few days so when I re install the shield I'll do with out the spacers, I think I will run it with out a shield also before putting the V stream back on.

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I'd have to agree with PerfectBlueRide on the backpressure rating. I'd say it'a about a 3 out of 10. But you CAN feel it, that was my only point. It's not eliminated by any means, it's just less...and seems to hit more in your upper back this time. I feel more of a draft on my neck and less push on my lower back.

Again.....in full down with the tuning block it pushes the air away from your shoulders. I guess because it's so wide at the top. Very nice at high speed. ;)

Toecutter, yes I'm using my copy of the tuning block, which I believe is a hair thicker than the Rifle piece.

In 2 weeks I'll be doing a 1200 mile ride, so I'll know more after I use it in every possible position.

Hey Randy, Glad to hear that it works w/ a tuning block. I have one of the Rifles and was going to try the new screen w/ the block as well. Just got it but going away to training then vacation so it will be a while.

When you take varables such as size of rider, different helmets and riding in different areas, you'll always have such varaitions in results. Hence this is why car companies use such things as test tracks. I had the opportunity to do a bit of testing for Chevrolet on the 2wd Tahoe police suv. In reading the test book ledger that came w/ the truck when it was delivered to me, it was evident that they go to great pains to have similar conditions with which to test. We really don't have that luxury as a group.

Toecutter, yes I'm using my copy of the tuning block, which I believe is a hair thicker than the Rifle piece.
Randy are those tuning block copies available to FJR owners, or is this just something you made for your own bike?

rf1000 helmet, I just went nad changed my pos nitro hemlet back in for this and It is quiet, however i notice some serious back pressure with the v stream up.

What type of helmet are you using with it???

No back pressure? I will test it again on the way home. After work today.

Is th rf older than their tamahawk? or oblikz I think it was the other.

450 miles with the V-Stream Saturday. It was all two-up so no backpressure for me anyway. The best testimonial to its effectiveness was while we were tooling along 395 having some problems with wind noise opening Eve's mic. Raised the shield, problem went away.

About halfway into the ride, I farkled in a set of Skyway's awesome windscreen spacers. Couldn't tell much difference, until today when I took a solo hop.

:thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

NOW this windscreen is awesome! No detectable backpressure. Along with changing the angle, the spacers allow more air to flow under the screen, not unlike the Cal-Sci, but without the holes to pass water and bees my direction. Thank you Skyway!

I smell a group buy ;)

As an aside, I just got 41 mpg with the new screen (+spacers) two-up and spirited pace. However, that was on Nevada gas which was also only $3.09.9/Gallon. The Calif stuff where we started the ride was $3.37.9

<snip> What type of helmet are you using with it??? <snip>
On our SoCal FJR ride Saturday, I wore my HJC Symax knowing it would be hot (it hit 104* :eek: ) and thinking Symax would flow more air. Well it did, but I wished I'd brought my Schuberth S1 instead. Why? With VStream/Schuberth combo, I find I can ride comfortably with the helmet visor fully up and deploy the integral helmet's sun visor to control sun glare and protect my eyes (Symax shield won't stay in up position very long). I didn't notice turbulence with either helmet, but the Schuberth is a more aerodynamic shape.

Is anyone using the RF1000, with this shield?

I just picked one up and might be having an issue with the back Pressure
