Wabs is a Dirty Gurl![/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Wow - so many miles since last post and the Alaska 2010 quest... [/SIZE]
Given that it *may* rain on my normally sunny (Alaska) parade , I decided it would be good to ride WABS every rain chance occurring on the central Kali koast.. e.g. not often. But Feb of 09 has been good to us, wet-weather duck-wise, and like a good quacker I left the safe n' dry Hondarosa for a 70 mile, 6 hour long ride.
Why 6 hours for 70 miles? Because 1) I'm the Candy Butt Association prezident and like to sniff posies, and 2) it was freaking muddy and slow going!
So, to start, here is WABS in her current fighting trim; tires are Cont TKC80's with about 3k on them. I did not take the digie camera for the ride cause it was raining and the camera is new. I'll get over that **** real soon I imagine.
The HippoHands are working out well - they really help in keeping hands warm. Harley-D-Dawg yawns 'yeah right, whatever'.
Current cockpit shots, I guess I should start keeping track of miles for the 2 million challenge, WABS now has +4k on her.
And here is my road, from the Hondarosa, to safety of pavement; an Alaska primer perhaps?
BTW, this **** is really slippery. 3 to 4 inches of 'goop' on top of hard pack.. I got out of the 4wd Ford F250 (ol Blue) to take this pix and promptly fell on my ass..
Note: hubs locked, going sideways... Any FJR pilots wanna come play? LOL.
I am happy the dry central Kali coast has been getting some rain - we are in a 3 year drought, and so far, even with the Feb 09 rains, the resevoirs are not filling up due to the dry earth simply soaking up all rain; so far no run off has filled our lakes and streams, but as you can see, the ground now is saturated.. one or two more good storms and we might be ok this summer to keep the lawns green, take showers and baths and generally have fun with water.
And, of course, it's been great motobike fun (trademark, RJ, all dues paid) to learn what works and doesn't work while riding in rain, mud, slop and glop.
Loving Life, living to ride, and really enjoying this short go-round called life..
[SIZE=8pt](Thank You TWN) :****: [/SIZE]