[SIZE=12pt]The times, they are a changin'[/SIZE]
An interesting and bizarre turn of events the last 3 months have forced me to consider canceling the 2010 AK trip. :angry2: Right when you think you've got it all dialed in, **** happens and you realize how very little influence your have on your happenstance.
Unless, of course, you are willing to take major risk. As in change of job, roll the dice. The economy sucks, my investments are now worth the paper I wiped my ass with, and to make it worse, the uhhh, 'waste-water' system at the Hondarosa needs be sucked clean. To bad I built the back deck over the damn access holes, eh?
My hands now are suffering from RA, the left hand, first two fingers, are pretty much useless now. Another reminder that time, my friend, is not on my side any more.
So, what to do? I say :****: , plan for the AK 2010 trip as if there are no worries, do NOT admit defeat against the economy, health, and personal issues.
Roll the dice is my answer, ever since I've been 16 I've wanted to make a run like this, and now, at 52, I appreciate the shortness of breath that soon awaits me.
I've been reading many AK reports on AdvRider.com, and BeemerDon's sent me a MilePost. Some other local buds are interested, and BeemerDon's may be on the 2010 agenda too. A concern is that the group not get too big. Perhaps Highlander had it right, ride alone. Then again, it's great fun to share an adventure with like-minded folks.
One thing for sure - I AM going. Alone or with small group. I need plan to ride alone, be self-sufficient and not reliant upon others.
This should be good, :lol:
... more later