Wabs Responds[/SIZE]
wheatonFJR: Help me out, Bro! Doesn't it say "Who wants to ride Alaska" in the thread title. Where are dates and routes??
I'm wid you...where are they?
2010, unless I get a complete and wild hair and just go, damn the planning, screw the reservations, to hell with organization..
uhOh, this is sounding better by the second..[/SIZE]
As far as the blocky tires goes.. Geesh, so much has gone on since my last post..[/SIZE]
I now have over 2,100 miles on them tires, and rear is 2/3 gone.
In those miles, I rode into not one, but two freaking downhill canyons I NEVER should have explored without knowing, for fact, there was a way out..
ended up having to remove saddle and top cases, hike them to the top, then BANZAI the hill. 3 attempts later, whew.. Hey, didn't I do the same exact thing in 1979 on a TT500?[/SIZE]
Made a trip to California City from Creston and back in one day - I know, I know, only 1 tank each way but I've NEVER ridden such challenging conditions - cold, rain, fog, black ice, Emergency signals on, hauling phooking ASS at 12 mph.. for miles and miles and miles on end. [/SIZE]
thinking while riding - **** dude, you sport an IBA plate that proudly proclaims 'Worlds Toughest Riders' - so buck up or shut up. To which I replied [/SIZE]
Where is the nearest hotel room? Oh, Bakersfield? Forget that, don't need no stinkin bed lice or other diseases; just keep riding.[/SIZE]
Cold, wet, finally, some sunshine. Temps up to 45F. Woohee!
Then the Tehachapi pass came into view.. for about 10 feet. Then was back to cooold, wet fog, no visibility, and here we go again.[/SIZE]
Finally, past them stoopid bird killing too expensive wind generators and into Mohave where
Clear skies appeared! Did my property inspection, earned my 100 bucks for the trip, and headed home.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Did you know you can buy a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2,300 square foot house built in 2003 for 50k in CA?[/SIZE]
And what a glorious late afternoon / night ride it was. Seriously - the sky was clear and bright, I chased Orion, a big rig truck, dodged a CHP, had 2 coffees as MickeyD's, met an off duty copy (how did you know I'm a cop he asked; by your body posture I replied, and the answer blew him away, visibly shocked he replied, well, 'Yes, I am' to which I replied 'I knew it all the time'... LOL.
Some ride observations:
1. Wabs headlights ROCK. Much better light dispersion than on the FJR; the low beam has a wonderful cut-off point that illuminates the majority of the road ahead and side; high beams just fill in a greater long distance.
2. Gas mileage is not better than the FJR - 38 mpg on the way there, 35 on the way back. Kinda surprising it's not better to me.
3. Wabs ain't no true off-roader. Too little ground clearance. Hell, I can hit the center stand bracketry SOLID on the street - and off road it's even worse. Wabs, while she CAN go offroad, slowly, sure can't do the off-road thing at a clip. Then again, I've already had her on two rides where FJR's do not dare tread and she kept up with 20k BMW's (one of which carried a complete final rear drive for the ride, lol)
4. I installed the new TKC's what, a week ago last Thursday? The rear is now half gone. They wear fast on pavement. Ps, don't give me no **** about my lack of chicken strips.... The only time you wear down them side knobs is during a serious rut or crashing.... :dribble:
5. The plastic Givi saddlebags and top trunk are solid units, vibration wise at least. Not yet crash tested. Went on a 120 mile ride with a solid 80 of it dirt, some rough stuff, most of it fire-road quality and the bags did great. Guess I need to crash test them before the AK run..
6. Wabs burns a bit of oil. At approx 2,100 she was down by 1/3 quart. I've read this normal, just means I need to carry some like the KTM riders do. At least Wabs oil doesn't cost a trillion per quart..
7. ABS in the dirt, true dirt, SUCKS. I have to make the mod to disable ABS on the fly. Scared the **** outta me on the one big TV Tower Downhill trail. Brakes on full, not slowing down, 10" boulders all around, hard right corner in a rut at the bottom. Head for the berm, drag the undercarriage (uggghh, that hurt) and not go off the edge. Gotta kill ABS for the dirt.
8. Wab's ABS on the street is BETTER than the FJR. The lock and slip pluses are more tightly joined, e.g. higher frequency than the FJR. On the street, it feels really good.
Well, that's it for now, except for some pix of WABS in her current fighting trim. I'm sure by the time AK trip arrives she'll be much more dinged, ugly, and with, uhhh,
I really like this pix.. Looks like an Adventure waiting to happen...
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]All in all, I am thoroughly enjoying the WABs ride. Sure, she ain't as fast as FJR, but she sure can go places an FJR fears to tread, is much lighter, and can apparently handle a 475 mile day with no problem what so ever. Of course, every time I ride Crzy8, the FJR, I remember what power and life beyond 120 is all about..
Next time I'll report on my buddies AT&T underground bunker he bought..