Wayne (ExtremeMarine) and Annette Update

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Talk about taking a thread off topic? :angry: Come on guys...

I rode up and visited Wayne and Annette yesterday. They both looked better than expected. It's obvious that both of them are ready to get out of a hospital bed and get home.

Annette had a cast put on her left wrist yesterday that will be on there for 4-6 weeks. At that time they will take a couple of the pins out that are holding her wrist in place to heal. While I was there she got a fancy new brace for her left leg to protect the bone fracture in her heal.

Wayne is going to have surgery on his back Monday. They are going to fuse L4 and L5 in his lower back. Now that they went in and took care of the issue with his spleen he is feeling a lot better and is eating good. He was in good spirits and is already talking about either fixing or replacing his FJR. The best news of all is it looks like he will make a full recovery with limited permanent effects.

I have told both of them that if they need anything to let us know or we will come up there and kick his butt!!

Keep praying for their recovery!


Talk about taking a thread off topic? :angry: Come on guys...
But ... but ... Fencer started it!

I rode up and visited Wayne and Annette yesterday. They both looked better than expected. It's obvious that both of them are ready to get out of a hospital bed and get home.
Thanks for the update. Good to hear Wayne is feeling better (all things considered) and Annette doesn't have any other undiagnosed injuries.

I have told both of them that if they need anything to let us know or we will come up there and kick his butt!!
Keep praying for their recovery!


Does anyone know how they are getting home? Do they need help making arraingements. I am hoping it will be by something fast so they do not have to spend hours on the road. :unsure:

Does anyone know how they are getting home? Do they need help making arraingements. I am hoping it will be by something fast so they do not have to spend hours on the road. :unsure:
They are working on those arrangements. It sounds like it will be in a van back to Michigan.


Does anyone know how they are getting home? Do they need help making arraingements. I am hoping it will be by something fast so they do not have to spend hours on the road. :unsure:
Just as Jwilly sid, they are working on it, but Annette did comment that they had to go through P.T. first so they could get into and out of a vehicle essentially on their own. Wayne could fly at any time, but since Annette had a chest tube, she cannot.


Thanks for the update and driving all the way up from Georgia.

Heidi and I visited them yesterday and today where we heard that you had been there the day before.

Apparently you didn't get a chance to ride some of the twisties while you were here. That's too bad. We sure did.

When we got there yesterday, Charlie was there as well visiting them.

He made his way up from Georgia. Btw, is was great to see you again Charlie.

Here are a few things that were discussed when we visited them today.

Currently Wayne's parents are in and they are going to stay until Wednesday.

It looks like Annette will be released on Wednesday. She's starting PT tomorrow and they are going to show her a few tricks on how to get around (going up steps, etc.) with this weird looking contraption that helps her move. This thing look s like a major PITA.

Then on Wednesday, if everything goes well, she will be picked up by a friend that they know from Michigan. She will take Annette back home. She can't get into the truck that Wayne's dad is driving otherwise they probably would have taken her back.

Heidi printed out all the posts and gave them to him. He was happy about that and also overwhelmed by the people visiting, calling, sending flowers, cards and all the help everybody is offering. They both really appreciate it and they want you to know that.

As Jason already mentioned, Wayne is going to have back surgery on Monday. If I understood Wayne correctly they are going to fuse the broken vertebrae in his back. It's about a 2 hour procedure according to Wayne.

After surgery, Wayne will have to go to PT as soon as possible. They really want to get him moving. If all the PT is going according to plan they will release him as well. As of right now and after talking with his dad, if appears that his family will take care of getting Wayne back up to Michigan.


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Good news that they are on their way to a better recovery.

If someone is going to rent a van to get him home let us know so we can chip in for the rental, gas or whatever.

They are working on those arrangements. It sounds like it will be in a van back to Michigan.
Wow, I had forgotten that Wayne and Annette were going through all of this so far from home. That makes those visits from you folks who have been there even more valuable.

JWilly, I got by there on Friday also. Which if I read your post correctly, we must have just missed each other. I got there a bit after noon, and left about 2 or so. Had to get another few hours up the road before dusk. What time were you there?

Was great to see Wayne's spirits were reasonably good. Laying there all banged up, but when the subject of motorcycles or gear came up, he would just go into a mode like we were standing in the parking lot at Lewisburg. He has a tough recovery ahead, but his head is right for sure. CCook

I really just missed you. I arrived at about 2:30-3pm and left at 7pm. Sorry I missed you, I would have been there sooner if I didn't go to the wrong hospital. :angry:


OMG - I'm just finding out about this! They're in my thoughts & prayers.

I remember riding with Wayne. He's such a dynamic guy, I'm sure his personality will help pull them through.

Cool Jason. I planned to call him later today (I promised him that I wouldn't call Monday) but this is better. I don't need to wait to hear how it went.

Any word on how Wayne's surgery went?
Sounds like the surgery went as planned and Wayne is recovering. Annette is going to hobble over there and check on him and then give me a call.

Cool. I wonder if she's gonna wear her Hooters shirt to cheer him up... (Not trying to divert the thread... Just wonderin...)

Any word on how Wayne's surgery went?
Sounds like the surgery went as planned and Wayne is recovering. Annette is going to hobble over there and check on him and then give me a call.

Excellent, thanks for the good news!

Still praying for them. The long road to recovery must be depressing, at times.

Thanks for the updates guys.

Everyday i see this thread bumped up, I am hoping that Wayne and Annette made it home finally...

heal fast guys!


Definitely thinking of you guys (Wayne and Annette) right now. I sincerely hope the the recovery is both quick and effective. I'm constantly amazed by how the body can heal itself and recover, especially with the help of modern medicine.

Heal up quickly!!!!

