Speaking of "Playing with parts" but on a more serious note: Does anyone have pictures or a good description of where the major components of the CC mount. The main thing I am concerned about is the controler and the vacuum canister. As I have a few goodies on the bike already, I would like to move anything that may be "in the way" at my leisure and NOT hold up the process on the day of install. Do I need to free up space under the seat? As I recal, the control cable runs under the tank from the rear and loops back down to the engine from the front to the throttle body pully. I don't see any issues there, but it leads me to believe I may have something under the seat area that would be in the way. If it mounts elsewhere, I'm probably fine.
Just checking!
Oh, and I'll resist the urge to remove all packing from box, remove all parts from all packing removed from box, remove all tags and labels from all parts removed from all packing removed from box and remove screws from all parts removed from all packing removed from said box... just to reverse engineer the thing and figure out how it works! :dribble: