WFO Big Dog ride route

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I sure like the makeup of the group as it is, but in the interest of team play, I'd be willing to drop back and lead the second group if that's what's needed due to the amount of riders interested.

Good man TC ! and with over 300 peeps registered, I think more than a few team leaders will be wise.

What if 100 riders decided to do Ebbets that day? !! OMG !!!

BTW folks, this is not a ride for someone that just got back into riding, or from the flats of the midwest and you never seen a twistie before, or ya just came off of a HD from Florida, or you old lady don't like steep dropoff edges of the road... just a friendly warning so no-one bites off to much. B) We just don't want any "incidents "in the middle of nowhere! :D
The last few posts are exactly what I tried to stress back on May 26 and got a couple PM's that weren't to happy about my " bluntnes". It's about safety folks, if it's like most group rides they start of in a controlled form, but 3/4 of the way into it , the pace picks up but the road conditions don't change folks, these are two of the most technical rides in the Sierras. Hydrate and ride " your pace".

And to be honest, I don't know what's the attraction of everyone wanting to do this route on the same day ?????????

Yeppers, this should be really interesting for old 'i don't ride in groups' dcarver.. This will be my first group ride where a group is defined as more than 3 bikes for, well, over 15 years. So, I'll be the noobie and the dumb questions..

1. Anything special about riding in groups?

2. Staggered formation or single line or both? When for each?

3. ToeCutters post earlier, something to effect of 'keep the bike ahead of me in sight, minimum 2 seconds ahead but don't push my own comfort zone to do so and go slow enough to keep the bike in back in sight too sounded good.

4. Once the group pecking order is set, does it change? Is it considered bad form to pass / drop back?

5. This is going to be good!

I bail outta here Friday evening... :lol: :yahoo: :yahoo:

1. Anything special about riding in groups?2. Staggered formation or single line or both? When for each?

3. ToeCutters post earlier, something to effect of 'keep the bike ahead of me in sight, minimum 2 seconds ahead but don't push my own comfort zone to do so and go slow enough to keep the bike in back in sight too sounded good.

4. Once the group pecking order is set, does it change? Is it considered bad form to pass / drop back?
1. Keep an eye on the people directly in front of you and behind you. Signal early. If, God forbid, something happens to the rider in front or behind you while you're in a turn, complete the corner before you make any attempt to go back/stop and give help. No reason to target fixate and have 2 people go down.

2. Space yourself back from the person in front to give you breathing room if you are in anything repetitively twisty. Staggered riding is fine for highway and straight line droning, but not for taking corners at any speed. If you are leading, stop whenever you change roads till everyone is there, or can see you make the turn.

4. I'm amenable to changes in the starting order... if someone is behind me and going faster through corners, they are more than welcome to pass me on the next straight opportunity and I won't care one bit, or hold that against them in any way. I have no "pride of position" when riding with a group.

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A list of recommended stops would be nice. It might be back there in the dreggs of this thread?
Nice to get the comment about the reducing radius curves and lack of pain on the roads. Any other hazards that come to mind? Gotchas?
Yes, they were posted back in the thread. Toecutter pasted them and perhaps he'll make copies for everyone. IIRC, Someplace around Lake Tahoe, Markleeville General Store (Hwy 89), Topaz Lake Lodge Hwy 395), Dardenelles General Store (Hwy 108), Sonora for lunch?, Alpine Lake Genreal Store (once climbing Hwy 4),Markleeville (again), back to Reno.

Plus anytime you feel the least bit "whoozy" or "confused"(Well, more than usual :wacko: )...symptoms of dehydration or heat stroke.

Gravel in the apexes of turns. Fairly common on both of these passes...RVs, SUVs and pick-up trucks will cut the corner using the shoulder, spewing gravel on the apex. Using good sight lines should alleviate any problem with this phenomenon.

Okie Doke. I have every intention of making it back for the dinner. This thing is estimated at 7+hours in the mapping software. Leaving at 7:45 leaves us 11.25 hours to get back.

That would be at least 3 hours of break time en route.

Assuming congestion in restraunts, 1.5 hours for lunch leaves another 1.5 hours of break.

So, are 3 30 minute breaks in order, or 6 15 minute breaks, or do we play this more by ear. I will will watching the clock and 'inspiring' people to focus on riding to get back for dinner, which means keeping breaks reasonable rather than speeding. Am I asking too much?

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Let me do the real math.

11 hours 15 minutes Between 7:45 am - 7:00 pm = Available Time

Estimated Duration = 7 hours 42 Minutes

Available Time - Estimated Duration = 3 hours 32 minutes = Alloted Break Time

Okay, my math was okay.

So 1.5 hour lunch, 3 30min breaks, or 2 30 and 2 15 or whatever...basically 1.5 hours additional break time beyond the lunch break.

That leaves us with 32 minutes of fudge time for road delays. At White Pine speed, that's at least 46 miles to play with!

Sheesh, I though I was the one getting hyper and itchy.... :hyper:

Well, advice to group five then, The 'nut never stops but for gas. We'll be back at the pool by 3, totties in hand! ;) (Dammit, Groo! Put that stick down!)

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Well, advice to group five then, The 'nut never stops but for gas. We'll be back at the pool by 3, totties in hand! ;) (Dammit, Groo! Put that stick down!)
"Totties in hand" sounds like pedophile talk. You sure you ain't talkin' about a drink, TWN?

Okie Doke. I have every intention of making it back for the dinner. This thing is estimated at 7+hours in the mapping software. Leaving at 7:45 leaves us 11.25 hours to get back.
Not sure what map software you are using, but Streets and trips has it at 8:57 and mapsource has it at 9:00

Maybe you are using the software that uses dirt roads for shortcuts :p

When I ride alone I can often run faster than the software says. Riding in groups is a different story. Most of the people on this ride I have never ridden with before. They may want to ride fast or they may want to ride at a slower pace. How many stops for hydration will we have to make? Will any one have a problem with their bike or whatever? 15 minute breaks often turn into 30 minutes. 1 hour lunch often turn into 1.5 to 2 hour lunch. Also It would be nice to get back in time to clean up before dinner.

My bike will be fueled up the night before and I will be leaving not later than 7:00

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Well, advice to group five then, The 'nut never stops but for gas. We'll be back at the pool by 3, totties in hand! ;) (Dammit, Groo! Put that stick down!)
"Totties in hand" sounds like pedophile talk. You sure you ain't talkin' about a drink, TWN?

'Toddies' is correct, but 'totties' is how they say it in (native speak) Barbados and elsewhere, which is where I first heard the term. Either that or I really do live too close to Neverland! :blink:

Well, advice to group five then, The 'nut never stops but for gas. We'll be back at the pool by 3, totties in hand! ;) (Dammit, Groo! Put that stick down!)
"Totties in hand" sounds like pedophile talk. You sure you ain't talkin' about a drink, TWN?

'Toddies' is correct, but 'totties' is how they say it in (native speak) Barbados and elsewhere, which is where I first heard the term. Either that or I really do live too close to Neverland! :blink:
Now yer REALLY scarin' me! :eek:

Heck, you guys worried about getting back for dinner? Those things NEVER start on time. Donworryboudit. Have fun. Take all the time you want. You can eat anytime, and sleep when you're dead.

Remember too, a couple of pages ago ( :rolleyes: ) we got word that showing up a few minutes late (maybe as much as an hour, so 8:00 PM) would allow us to still be fed.

Remember too, a couple of pages ago ( :rolleyes: ) we got word that showing up a few minutes late (maybe as much as an hour, so 8:00 PM) would allow us to still be fed.
Groo... I got a great deal on Golden Gate Bridge stock for you. Beautiful historic bridge at only $100 per share. How many shares do want?? B)

Not sure what map software you are using, but Streets and trips has it at 8:57 and mapsource has it at 9:00Maybe you are using the software that uses dirt roads for shortcuts :p

When I ride alone I can often run faster than the software says. Riding in groups is a different story. Most of the people on this ride I have never ridden with before. They may want to ride fast or they may want to ride at a slower pace. How many stops for hydration will we have to make? Will any one have a problem with their bike or whatever? 15 minute breaks often turn into 30 minutes. 1 hour lunch often turn into 1.5 to 2 hour lunch. Also It would be nice to get back in time to clean up before dinner.

My bike will be fueled up the night before and I will be leaving not later than 7:00
I wasn't using the dual sport mapping software :blink: , I was using the time that was published on the first page of this post by someone's map software...I'd go look who posted it, but I'm too lazy.

Yah, I will not be pushing the pace on this. I will be mellow in terms of speed as I recently received a performance award (ticket) and I have to be good for 18 months. Oh well. On top of that, these roads ain't made for racing anyway. Not all of em...well, not some of em...just kidding.

I think I might drop from this ride if we can't get back in time for the dinner. That would be a bummer. Can people scheduled in my group chime in with their thoughts? I don't want to pressure anyone at all, we're here for enjoyment! But dang, I spent $40 a plate x 2 and I'd be pissed if all I got was leftovers!

It's a buffet. Iggy mentioned that he could talk to the Hilton folks and have some food set aside for the SS1K and Big Dog folks who might be rolling in late. Sheesh, you people worry too much. If you win a door prize, chances are you've basically won your ticket cost back anyway, so quit 'cher bitchin.
